Chapter 454: The Unsolvable Mystery, Why Does Hang Ge admire Xu Xian?

“What? Xiongtai, do you know me?” Seeing Lou Hang’s expression, Xu Xian asked strangely!

“It’s more than acquaintance!”

Hearing this, Lou Hang personally poured Xu Xian a glass of wine and said, “I toast you!”

“Huh? Thank you, Xiongtai!”

Seeing Lou Hang’s excitement, Xu Xian was stunned, with a dazed expression, but still picked up Glass, filled him with the wine Lou Hang filled him, and drank it all in one go!

Later, Xu Xian couldn’t help the difference in his heart, and looked at Lou Hang: “Xiongtai, you, why do you want to toast me?”

“Because you are one of the three people I admire the most!” Lou Hang said seriously!

“Admiration? Me!?” This made Xu Xian even more puzzled.

For no reason, why admire yourself!?

I am just a poor teacher, what is there to admire the other party!?

The reason is “not important, you may know it later! Lou Hang did not say why he admired Xu Xian.

“Then, who are the other two people who are worthy of Xiongtai’s admiration?” Xu Xian then looked at Lou Hang strangely and asked.

“The other two? One is Dong Yong and the other is Ning Caichen!” Lou Hang replied, “One Zero Three”!

Don’t you remember that there was a very popular sentence in your previous life?

I have admired three men in my entire life, Dong Yong, Xu Xian and Ning Caichen, one dared to sleep with a fairy, one played with a snake, and the last one was even more ruthless, even ghosts!

Now, I can be regarded as seeing one of them, Xu Xian!

“Yeah? My Brother Hang deliberately lost a pile of gold lichen?”

“This person who looks like a book student actually picked up the gold and sent it to Brother Hang?”

“Brother Hang, did you take the initiative to contact the other party!?”

“Damn? Is this the real super boss?”

“After all, Zen Master Baiyun, Fahai, and Brother Hang didn’t have such an active contact with them!”

“It’s weird, this person really looks like an ordinary sour celebrity, is it really a hidden boss?”

“You can trust no one, but you absolutely can’t trust Brother Hang!”

“Right, right, right, when did my Brother Hang make a mistake?”

“As long as the people that my Hang brother attaches more importance to, which one will not have unlimited future? For example, Duan Yu, such as Duanlang, such as Li Xiaoyao, Zhang Xiaofan, etc.,

“Damn, Brother Hang actually took the initiative to pour the other party, and even toasted him a glass? This, this treatment, is the first time I saw Brother Hang pose such a low posture!”

“It’s a real hammer, this Xu Xian must be a super boss, if something goes wrong, I will live broadcast and eat, three catties!”

“Listen, listen, what did Brother Hang say? This Xu Xian is one of the three people he admires most!”

“Attention, in addition to Xu Xian, there is another named Dong Yong and another named Ning Caichen. Circle them for the test!”

“Did Daoxuan make Hang Ge admire? Did Sword Saint make Hang Ge admire? Did the Beast God admire Hang Ge? None, but this Xu Xian is!”

“Damn, I have appeared. Brother Hang has traveled around Otherworld eight times, and there has been a person who admires him the most!”

“In other words, what is it that makes him admire!

After the dialogue between Lou Hang and Xu Xian in the Long Guo live broadcast room, the Long Guo live broadcast room was blown up!

After all, throughout history, every time Lou Hang has deep contact with people, they are either very good now or very good in the future!

Therefore, everyone feels very curious about this Xu Xian!

Now, after listening to Lou Hang say that Xu Xian is most admired, the audience in the entire live broadcast room is even more exploded!

This seems to be the first time Lou Hang commented on someone so highly!

So, why does Lou Hang admire Xu Xian?

The whole Longguo live broadcast room, and even many crooked nuts are being discussed, and why is Xu Xian worthy of Lou Hang’s admiration.

This incident has also caused a lot of discussion in the real world!

In terms of strength, the beast god, sword saint, Whitebeard, or even Fahai, which one is not so good?

But Lou Hang doesn’t have such a high evaluation!

From the perspective of talent, geniuses like Li Xiaoyao and Liu Jinyuan are the ceiling of talent, right?

However, I still haven’t been able to get such a high evaluation from Lou Hang!

Even in terms of xinxing, Liu Jinyuan, Little Spider, Captain United States, who can pick up Xuanyuan Sword or Thor’s Hammer, which one is not self-sacrificing, full of dedication?

But the same, Lou Hang still didn’t give them such a high evaluation!

So, why is Xu Xian able to get such a high evaluation?

Suddenly, this discussion became more and more intense!

After all, the arguments on this matter are too strong, and it is easy to arouse the curiosity of others!

Let’s leave aside how the real world reacts.

At this time, the chatting between the restaurant, Lou Hang and Xu Xian continued.

After chatting with Xu Xian, Lou Hang also has a general understanding of his current situation!

Xu Xian is now a scholar, even a teacher!

Now this world is in chaos and evildoers are rampant. I remember that when Fahai saw all the sentient beings at the beginning of the original work, they were all hideous and terrifying like evil spirits.

In such a world, Xu Xian can still study so awe-inspiring?

It really gives people a feeling of being out of silt and not stained!

“Xiongtai, how about you!?

He didn’t have any precautions. After explaining his own situation, Xu Xian asked Lou Hang again, “Brother Tai, look at your appearance, you are rich and powerful, what do you do?

“Me? I am a cultivator!” Lou Hang replied!

“A cultivator? I didn’t see it!” Looking at Lou Hang’s dress carefully, he didn’t look like a Taoist priest. Xu Xian shook his head and said!

“In addition to the methods of conquering demons and demons, I also know physiognomy and can calculate the past and the future!” No matter whether Xu Xian believes it or not, Lou Hang said with a slight smile!

“Look at your face, I think that soon after you come, you will have to be lucky!” Lou Hang continued!

“The son is joking, I’m just a poor teacher, how can anyone like me?”

“Furthermore, in my whole life, I have been studying enough, and beauty is not what I want!” Hearing this, Xu Xian shook his head and said!

“Indeed, no one can see you!” Lou Hang said with a smile after hearing Xu Xian’s words!

Xu Xian: “”

Lou Hang’s words made Xu Xian’s mouth twitched…

I laughed at myself that I was okay, but you also said the same, isn’t it a bit inappropriate!?

More importantly, you just said that I was going to be lucky, and in the blink of an eye, you said that no one can see me?

Didn’t this slap yourself in the face?

However, what Xu Xian didn’t know was that in Lou Hang’s heart, there was actually the second half of the sentence that he didn’t say.

That is, no one can see you, it doesn’t mean that no snakes can see you!

“Okay, it’s not too early, I also want to go back to meditate and practice, goodbye if you are lucky!”

I have said everything that needs to be said, and I understand everything that needs to be understood. For Lou Hang, contact with Xu Xian like this, but with interest.

Soon, Lou Hang stood up and went back to the room to rest!

“What a weird person!” Looking at Lou Hang’s figure turning and leaving, Xu Xian was silent for a long time before shook his head secretly!

Without saying anything, Xu Xian turned and left the restaurant!

There are no surprises in the great world. Presumably, for Xu Xian, this is just a small episode, and it may be forgotten in a few days!

Back in his room, Lou Hang sat down cross-legged and continued to practice his own scripture!

When there is an important resource worth harvesting, Lou Hang is naturally willing to harvest it.

However, if there are no resources worthy of harvesting, it is also very important for Lou Hang to work hard to improve his strength!

Sink down, feel Goten is natural, and at the same time, the exercises of the heavenly script are working.

The vitality in the void is constantly pouring into Lou Hang’s Purple Mansion Lingtai.

This makes Lou Hang’s soul more condensed, and his cultivation level is also improving bit by bit!

In this way, if one enters into Dharma, half a month’s time has passed!

The audience in the live broadcast room has been boring for half a month. It takes half a month to meditate cross-legged?

Now Lou Hang, the cultivation time is getting longer and longer!

“Huh!?” However, on this day, when Lou Hang was still cross-legged, suddenly, he clearly felt his storage belt shook slightly!

Opening his eyes, Lou Hang stopped his practice, eagerly probed in, and quickly found the source of the shock.

Take the thing out, this is a piece of crystal clear as jade, on which is the spine with a strong and incomparable force of air transport!

Lou Hang certainly recognizes that this is the dragon vein he got from Lingyun Grotto in Fengyun’s world at the beginning!

Since I got this dragon vein, for many years, I didn’t have much use for it, I almost forgot it.

Unexpectedly, it shook by itself at this time?

Is this also going to jump out and brush a wave of existence?

Lou Hang’s heart was curious, and at the same time, the power of the soul was injected into this dragon vein, to feel the vibration of it!

Then, Lou Hang clearly felt why the dragon vein was shaking!

And this also made Lou Hang’s face show a strange look!

It turns out that this is the correct way to open the dragon veins?

After so many years, I actually covered such a treasure in dust?.

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