Chapter 452: The Secret

“Not at all!?” Lou Hang’s words caused Fahai to be stunned, looking at him strangely!

Co-author, why did I release that snake monster, I don’t know you yet?

Lou Hang can see what Fahai’s eyes mean.

With a light smile, he said: “Don’t believe it, let me ask you, what did you see in the rainy night?”


Listening to Lou Hang’s words, Fahai’s tone, for a moment, didn’t know how to answer.

At the same time, the picture of the pregnant woman when she gave birth came to mind.

The woman in the rainy night, this is a young monk with strong blood, a scene I have never seen before!

“Okay, just now, tell me, what is the picture in your mind? Is it the pregnant woman without clothes, or the snake demon!?”

Viewing Hai’s tone stagnated, and he didn’t answer his own questions in the first time, Lou Hang followed up!

Now, Fahai’s expression became even more embarrassing.

There is a sense of embarrassment of being known by others on the dark side of my heart that cannot be known.

This is simply the death of society, people can’t wait to find a seam to get in!

It’s like being caught secretly by someone else while watching the female neighbor next door changing clothes.

This is really embarrassing.

Not to mention, Fahai has always been an eminent monk, and even the abbot of Jinshan Temple!

“So, at that time, you were willing to put that snake monster, on the one hand, perhaps because it was really kind.

“But, on the other hand, the biggest reason is that you are facing the scene of a pregnant woman giving birth.

“The picture was too shocking for you at the time, so you don’t know how to face it.”

“So, in Subconsciousness 103 Consciousness, I found an excuse for myself and escaped from that place!” Lou Hang followed and said, his expression determined!

“It turns out that the situation at that time turned out to be like this!?”

Hearing Lou Hang’s words, Fahai himself was stunned, and at the same time, he thought carefully.

I actually found out that Lou Hang’s words don’t seem to make sense!?

So what? What kind of situation I was like at the time, I didn’t even figure it out.

However, do others know better than yourself?

Looking at Lou Hang again, Fahai’s expression has a touch of fear!

This kind of situation where I don’t have any secrets, and all are within the control of the other party, it really makes people feel scared and terrified!

“Okay, let’s continue talking!”

Ignoring Fahai’s stare at him, Luo Hang followed up and said: “In addition, in your mind, is there always a picture of a pregnant woman giving birth at that time?”

“And this picture, is it consistent in your mind, like a maggot on the bone?”

Lou Hang’s words made Fahai have the heart to refute.

If you admit this, what face will you have in the future, to face the people of the world!

However, before Fahai could speak, Lou Hang followed: “The monks do not slander. After one breaks the precepts, they break the precepts again and again. Until the end, it is not far to fall into the abyss of the devil’s path!

Lou Hang’s words made Fahai’s words that he wanted to deny came to his lips, and he swallowed it back again!

At the same time, my heart was sweating coldly.

He stood up solemnly, bowed and bowed to Lou Hang, saying: “Thank you for the benefactor’s reminder, otherwise, the little monk almost fell into the abyss of the magic way without realizing it!”

“Yes, yes, the master is able to face (bddc) his own heart. It is worthy of being a Taoist monk, this is still saved!”

Looking at the appearance of the sea, Lou Hang nodded in relief!

“Donor, you are practicing both Buddhism and Taoism. In a situation like the little monk, do you have any good suggestions for the donor?”

At this time, Fahai also realized that the original scene of a pregnant woman giving birth had indeed become a knot of his own heart.

If you continue to develop, you may become the demon in your heart.

Fahai looked humbly asking for advice, and asked Lou Hang!

Fahai at this time does not seem to be an eminent monk or the abbot of Jinshan Temple.

He is just like a little novice who is trapped by a heart demon and needs to find a way out!

“Master Fahai, do you know, what is the biggest shortcoming of your life?” Lou Hang still answered the wrong question, and in turn asked Fahai!

“I don’t know!” Fahai shook his head frankly.

Even the picture of a pregnant woman giving birth always appears in my mind, which is considered to be a default.Of course, there is nothing to deny!

“That’s because you have studied Buddhism for many years, and you have been dug too dead by the precepts and Dharma of Buddhism!” Lou Hang replied!

“Is this a bad thing?” Fahai didn’t quite understand it after hearing this!

It stands to reason that it is not a good thing to observe the precepts of Buddhism and deeply understand the Dharma.

“Dharma, not in the Buddhist scriptures, keeping the precepts, let alone above the precepts!” Lou Hang replied!

“That is!?

Faintly, from Lou Hang’s words, Fahai seemed to have some enlightenment, but it was not too clear!

“Dharma, in my heart, the young novice monk who has just entered the sand gate needs the introduction of the Dharma! But after getting started, you can no longer stick to the Buddhist scriptures, but need to comprehend it by yourself!”

“The precepts are only applicable to young novice monks who have just entered the sand gate to help them put away their impetuous hearts. However, how to keep their hearts in the future is not dependent on these precepts!”

“It’s like a scholar. In the beginning, I learned the words of the saint, the four books and the five classics, and read to recognize characters.”

“But what? If you want to make a beautiful article in the future, if you want to make a poem that has been passed down through the ages, can this be learned from books? You need your own insight!?”

Lou Hang spoke, and said to Fahai!

“What the donor said is extremely true, very reasonable! So, what do you think the little monk needs to do now?”

Fahai nodded, agreeing with Lou Hang’s words.

In front of Lou Hang, he felt like a little novice monk who just entered the sand gate!

“Now? Your best way is not to suppress the emotion in your heart, but to let it go!” Lou Hang said!

“Let it go?” Fahai looked at Lou Hang strangely, the answer he had never thought of!

It’s like a dyke has leaked, but his advice to himself is not how to plug it, but simply shovel it?

Is this correct?

“If you haven’t experienced it, how can you talk about being detached? If you haven’t picked it up, how can you talk about letting go?

“Like you, even if the Dharma is Grandmaster, it is nothing more than a paper talk. It is impossible to become a Buddha in a lifetime!” Lou Hang continued!

“I haven’t experienced it, how can I talk about detachment? Haven’t picked up? How can I let it go!?”

Lou Hang said, Fahai chewed the words in a low voice.

I just feel that these words really mean the infinite Zen machine!

“I don’t cultivate good fruits, I love killing people and arson, suddenly opening Jinjia, here to break the jade lock, hey, the tide of letters on the Qiantang River is coming, I only know that I am me today!”

“Becoming a Buddha” is never a futon sitting for long, let alone how many scriptures you read, and it’s not about how long you observe the rules and precepts.”

“It’s up to you, when will you be able to detach yourself, and when will you have an epiphany!”

Otherwise, “If you become a Buddha, don’t you just look at someone who has cultivated hard for long enough?”

“It’s like making money. It’s never to see who works harder. Otherwise, aren’t the farmers who work hard and diligently plant the land, aren’t they the wealthiest people in the world?”

Lou Hang said again!

“Amitabha Buddha, donor, little monk, thank you for your guidance, little monk understands!”

So, after being silent for a long time, Fahai folded his palms and bowed and said to Lou Hang!

“Well, I hope that the master’s Dharma will go to the next level, and he can go straight to Lingshan in the future!” Lou Hang nodded and said, looking at the sea.

“As for, why did I save the Zen Master Baiyun.”

Everything that should be said to Fahai was almost done. Lou Hang followed the conversation and brought the topic to the spider spirit.

“Actually, there are two reasons why I rescued him!

“One thing, last night, the Zen master came to me to take shelter from the rain. I discussed the Dharma with him and learned that he has a deep understanding of the Dharma.”

Enough to “see that he is Isshin to the Buddha, not a evil monster!”

“Second, on the surface, it seems that I am helping him, but in fact, it can be regarded as helping you!”

“help me?”

Hearing that, Fahai didn’t quite understand, he didn’t understand what Lou Hang meant to help himself!

“If you find out later, if you receive the wrong demon, this cause and effect will make you more trapped by the inner demon!” Lou Hang followed!

In this case, Lou Hang is telling the truth!

Originally, Fahai suppressed the spider spirits under the pavilion.

However, after realizing that he had collected the wrong thing and was trapped by the heart demon, Fahai also personally released the spider spirit under the pavilion!

Therefore, Lou Hang rescued the spider spirit, in fact, it did help Fahai indirectly!

“That’s it, thank you donor!” Fahai suddenly realized after hearing this!

After talking for a while, Lou Hang’s guidance has deeply convinced Fahai.

For Lou Hang’s words, Fahai folded his palms together, and thanked him seriously, then turned and left.

Now that he knew what he should do next, Fahai decided to do it.

“Master, you must remember that if you don’t break or stand, the most important thing is to cultivate the mind. As long as there is a Buddha in your heart, even if you are in hell, you are also the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva!”

Viewing Hai turned and left, looking very motivated, Lou Hang finally reminded him!

Stepping out of the Fahai outside the spacecraft, the footsteps paused slightly.

Then he turned around and bowed to the spaceship to salute, then the meteor left in a stride!

“Okay, to Fahai, I have formed a good destiny, right? I don’t know, what kind of good results will there be in the future?”

Thinking of Fahai’s departure, Lou Hang smiled in his heart!

In terms of cultivation, Fahai is indeed higher than himself, and his Dharma is indeed very high and profound.

However, in terms of mood, Lou Hang, who has already entered the Tao, has a higher mood than Fahai!

Therefore, when Fahai’s current mentality encountered a situation.

Lou Hang gave him some pointers in this regard, it is really not difficult!

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