Chapter 451: It’s numb, Brother Hang has social bull X syndrome, right?

Fahai now is really pitiful!

As the top monk in this world, moreover, he has so many magic weapons in his hands.

To be honest, in this world, you really don’t have to be afraid of anyone in a single fight!

However, it happened that he met Lou Hang!

In terms of pure personal strength, Lou Hang’s strength is not weaker than Fahai!

In terms of magic weapons, Lou Hang’s Xuanyuan Sword and Zhenjin Gloves are not bad!

In terms of supernatural powers and spells, ninjutsu, magic, and even the heavenly book cover the three cultivation of Buddha, Taoism and Devil…

In terms of the width of the god channel method, Lou Hang is also not weak!

But what?

Lou Hang has four rounds of tombs, and it can also summon two powerful helpers, Kaido and Beast God, which is not comparable to Fahai!

Therefore, in terms of hard power, Fahai has it, supernatural powers, cultivation bases and magic weapons, Lou Hang has!

However, Lou Hang has the round tomb hell and Six Paths puppets, which are not what Fahai can have!

Therefore, this battle started, and it was naturally Lou Hang who had the upper hand!

Moreover, while the Beast God and the Beast God were fighting Fahai by the side of the tomb, Lou Hang was even more frantic and used the power of sealing!

A chain of seals entangled towards Fahai.

Being suppressed by the beast gods, where can Fahai free up to fight these chains?

Immediately, the figure was firmly bound by these chains, and it was difficult to move!

The cultivation level is almost the same, and it is tied up by Lou Hang’s sealing power. Naturally, it is not so easy for Fahai to break free!

The dense chains are tightly bound, no matter how hard he struggles, it is difficult to break away from the sealing power of these chains.

Finally, I realized that I was defeated, and stopped struggling!

The four prisons around the tomb, Kaido, and six beast gods all stood beside Fahai.

Fahai, which was firmly tied up by the seal and chain, is now completely reduced to fish on the chopping board!

Lou Hang was not in a hurry to deal with Fa Hai in the first place, but walked to the side and picked up Fa Hai’s Zhong Meng!

It can be seen that the spider spirit of Zen Master Baiyun is still pressed by Meng at this moment!

“Hmph, this bowl is my Buddhist holy artifact, without my Buddhist mana, you don’t want to use it!”

It can be seen that Lou Hang wants to release the spider spirit inside.Although he is bound by a seal and chain, he is a mighty and unyielding appearance, not like the spider spirit suppressed in Meng. Generally beg for mercy!

Not to mention, at least in terms of spine, Fahai and this spider spirit are completely different!

“Does it require the power of Buddhism to activate? Thank you for your reminder!”

Listening to Fahai’s words, Lou Hang didn’t feel embarrassed, on the contrary, he smiled at Fahai’s side and said!

After that, Lou Hang’s body was also filled with the magical power of Buddhism Zhigang that Zhiyang.

This mana was poured into Zhong Meng, and Zhong Meng flipped over.

Immediately, the spider spirit that was conquered in the bowl was released!

“Thank you fairy friend, thank you fairy friend!”

The released Zen Master Baiyun showed gratitude and hurriedly shouted to Lou Hang!

“Okay, let’s go, be careful in the future, don’t get caught!” Lou Hang waved his hand to Zen Master Bai Yun!

“Thank you fairy friend for reminding!” Upon hearing this, Zen Master Bai Yun nodded, and then turned and left!

“Why, how is this possible, you, how can you still understand the Buddhist techniques!?

At this time, Fahai’s eyes widened, staring at Lou Hang in disbelief, and exclaiming in his mouth!

Yes, just started, Fahai knew that he is a powerful cultivation base, and his cultivation method is mainly based on Taoism!

But now, he has resorted to Buddhism? Does it seem that his attainments are not low?

This made Fahai feel very shocked!

“Hahaha, are you stupid? My Brother Hang is the third master of Buddhism, Taoism and Devil!”

“Nonsense, only three repairs?

“Yes, what is ninjutsu? What is the power of the magic system!?”

“In short, the great Brahma Prajna of the Amane Temple is only a comprehension from one of the celestial scriptures. Now, the five celestial scriptures of my brother Hang are all merged into one, which will make the Buddhism practice. What is so strange? ?”

“Don’t say it, this young monk is really powerful, and he actually needs Brother Hang to show Kaido and the beast god to help him to defeat him!

“But, my Hang brother is the first person under the real Immortal Buddha, and he doesn’t accept any rebuttal!

In the Longguo live broadcast room, many viewers watched Lou Hang win, and then looked at the shocked look of Hai, all of them felt happy!

“I know a lot, you are so rare and weird!” Lou Hang looked at Fahai and said with a light smile!

The voice fell, Lou Hang followed and put away the Beast God and Kaido.

At the same time, he also put away his own round tomb edge!

Immediately afterwards, the seal chains tied to Fahai’s body also disappeared!

“You, what are you doing!?”

Feeling Lou Hang freed himself, and even the powerful helpers beside him were also put away, Fahai looked at Lou Hang again in astonishment.

After seeing Lou Hang today, Fahai felt that the surprise he faced in a day was much more than usual!

“What? I’m letting you be free, can’t you tell? Or you don’t want to?”

Judging from the horror of Yan Hai, Lou Hang dropped Zhong Meng back to Fa Hai!

Fahai hurriedly stretched out his hands and caught this Zhong Meng.

At this time, he really believed that Lou Hang had set him free!

But, what is going on?

Just after a big battle, I was defeated, and the other party let him free so easily?

“I was just trying to save people, and I didn’t think about killing you, the abbot of Jinshan Temple, Zen Master Fahai, you, besides a bit stubborn character, generally speaking, you are considered a good person!”

Looking at Hai’s astonished look, Lou Hang explained, and at the same time, he also revealed Fa Hai’s identity!

“You, you actually recognize me!? Who are you? Also, you don’t seem to be a bad person, why do you want to help the evildoer just now!?”

By this time, in fact, Fahai had also changed a lot of Lou Hang.

But it is precisely because of this that Fahai’s heart is even more different!

Yes, since Lou Hang is not a bad person, and has such a cultivation base, why should he help an evildoer?

It’s almost like a famous catcher who is going to help a prisoner escape.

No matter how you think about it, you don’t think you can understand it, right?

“How? Do you want to have a chat with me?” Lou Hang asked with a calm expression, looking at the appearance of the sea!

“If the donor is willing to explain to me, I don’t mind listening!” After a moment of silence, Fahai nodded and said!

“Well, then I’ll have a chat with you!” Lou Hang nodded and said.

Immediately, he invited Fahai to sit on his spaceship!

Hearing what Lou Hang said, his fairy mansion was not far away, Fahai nodded, and had no objection, followed Lou Hang and walked over!

Fahai was also stunned when he saw the Universe spacecraft. The look of the Universe spacecraft was completely different from all the mansions in his mind.

Even, it doesn’t look like a mansion at all!

However, he patiently followed Lou Hang and walked in!

Similarly, when he walked to the living area, Fahai looked a little dumbfounded when he looked at things like lights, sofas, and even glass cups!

It’s not just that it looks different on the surface, it’s completely different from the mansion in my impression!

Sit for a long time!” Lou Hang greeted Fahai and sat down, and also poured him a glass of Coke!

For people of this age, these drinks of Coke are obviously fresh things they have never tasted before.

Naturally, using these to entertain is more sincere!

After taking a sip, Fahai’s face also showed a look of wonder.

It’s sweet, but it has a completely different taste from sugar water, which makes Fahai feel very different, and I don’t understand what it is!

However, what Fahai cares more about is not these drinks and the like.

What he cares more about is actually what Lou Hang just said!

Why is he willing to help the evildoer?

Also, he knows himself, but says his character is stubborn?

What do these words mean?

Therefore, Fahai just stared at Lou Hang earnestly, without speaking, at the same time, waiting for Lou Hang to give himself an answer!

However, seeing Lou Hang invite Fahai into the spacecraft, at this time, the live broadcast room of Long Country, but the barrage was flying!

After all, I just had a hard time fighting Fahai, and even Kaido and Beast God were released.

Next, can you invite Fahai to the spaceship (good) and sit and chat with Coke?

It can only be said that Lou Hang’s social cow X syndrome is really admirable!

Yes, social cow X syndrome.

This is the consensus of the viewers in the Longguo live broadcast room now!

Not to mention the audiences in the live broadcast room, what kind of mind they are at this moment.

Lou Hang at this time did not answer Fahai’s answer positively.

Instead, he looked at Fahai and asked, “As far as I know, in fact, Fahai, you also let go of the snake monster last night, right?”

“You, how did you know! Watt?”

Hearing Lou Hang’s words, Fahai stared at Lou Hang with widened eyes, and even a panic that he hadn’t noticed flashed in his eyes!

“No matter what happened in the world, no matter what happened in the past or what is about to happen in the future, nothing can escape my magic eye!” Lou Hang said, and it was still set up by the world’s number one master. !

Speaking of this, he paused for a while, and then asked Fahai again: “Then, let’s continue the topic just now. Last night, you met the snake demon, why didn’t you kill him, but let the other party go?”

“Because the snake demon again sheltered the pregnant woman who gave birth, so I thought it had a kind heart, so I let it go!” Fahai replied truthfully.

“Really? I think it’s not just for this reason?” Lou Hang smiled softly when he heard the words.

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