Chapter 449: You are not a human being

Disciple “? I have no disciple, Shifang? I have never heard of it!”

Listening to Lou Hang’s inquiry, Zen Master Bai Yun looked at him in a daze, and didn’t quite understand what he meant!

“I’m sorry, I confessed to the wrong person!” Lou Hang replied after listening to Zen Master Baiyun’s words.

I understand in my heart, it seems that this world is not the world of Lover’s Ghost 3!

“I think Zen Master, you just walked over in the wind and rain, but there was no rain on your body. You must have achieved success in your cultivation, right?” After the conversation turned, Lou Hang asked Zen Master Baiyun!

“Success in cultivation is not counted, it can only be regarded as gaining some Buddha’s shadow. I have barely practiced for two hundred years, and finally it is the first time to see the way. In front of the donor, I dare not laugh generously!” Listening to Lou Hang’s words, the old Zen master replied. !

“Two hundred years of cultivation, amazing!” Listening to the words of the old Zen master, Lou Hang muttered in his heart!

Needless to say, Shushan Jianxiu, it seems that the value of force is higher, but in fact, there is not much effect in prolonging life.

In the world of Zhuxian, although the value of force is low, it is more prominent in terms of prolonging life.

Even the disciples of Qingyunmen, there are many who have practiced for more than a hundred years, and they seem to be very young!

“Brother Hang, is this speculation wrong?”

“Hahaha, did Brother Hang secretly calculate “One Zero Three” and think that Zen Master Baiyun has an apprentice named Shifang?”

“Hey Dapu Ben, I don’t know how many times Hang Ge’s calculation ability has been used, and finally there was an error?”

“Hmph, I don’t believe that Hang Ge made a wrong calculation. Maybe, this old and yet to come will accept a young apprentice named Shifang?”

“Yes, yes, I also think that, relatively speaking, it is less likely that Hang Ge guessed something wrong!”

“Damn, this old monk, has he practiced for two hundred years? Isn’t he a top powerhouse in this world!?”

“Compare the previous two fairy tale worlds. If you have practiced for two hundred years, you should be almost at the level of the first seat of Qingyunmen!”

“The Sword Saint of Shushan has only cultivated for a hundred years!”

“Needless to say, this old monk should be one of the top monks in this world, yes!”

Watching Lou Hang’s instant noodles and glasses in the Long Guo live broadcast room can arouse the amazement of the old monks. These audiences found it quite interesting.

Now, after hearing this old Zen master say that he has been cultivating for two hundred years, everyone feels that this old Zen master should be the top monk in the world!

It’s not just these audiences who think that way, Lou Hang’s thinking is actually the same!

After that, I talked about some things about spiritual practice.

Perhaps it was because of the knowledge of Buddhism and Buddhist precepts of Lou Hang that convinced the old monk.

Or maybe he mistaken Lou Hang for a god.

Therefore, the old monk was in front of Lou Hang, his posture was very low, and he couldn’t see the feeling of being the top monk in the world at all!

This makes the audience in the live broadcast room love to hear and see you again!

Hahaha, a top-notch big monk, was frightened like this by Hang Ge.

So, as expected, Brother Hang is the better one!?

Not to mention how the audience in the live room was discussing.

Lou Hang chatted with the old monk in the middle of the night, talking about everything from Dharma to practice.

But he didn’t hear useful news from the old monk’s mouth, and still didn’t know this world, which world it was!

Well, it seems that it is impossible to know this from the mouth of the old monk.

Looking at the night, Lou Hang and the old Zen master went to rest separately!

Lou Hang sat cross-legged and continued to practice his own scriptures.

After being optimized, the spiritual practice is more convenient and concise.

Moreover, the cultivation base has also grown very fast, and the speed of his cultivation and the soul of his own are also growing step by step.

It seems that if you want to, your soul can even be away from the body for thousands of miles.

This is a sign that he is getting closer and closer to the third floor of Taiqingjing!

In this way, with a blink of an eye, one night’s time has passed!

As the golden rooster announced the dawn, when the sky was just getting dark, the old Zen master had already got up, then opened the door of the spacecraft and went out.

Lou Hang could feel it, but he didn’t say much!

It’s just that Lou Hang can feel that the old Zen master seems to be in a good mood, and he didn’t go far, he seemed to be moving around the spaceship, and occasionally sang and sang!

So, after about half an hour, Lou Hang suddenly heard a loud drink.

“Monster, I can tell at a glance that you are not a human being!”

After that, Lou Hang felt the movement of the battle coming!

“Huh? Is this a coincidence!?”

Hearing the explosion outside, Lou Hang immediately opened his eyes, and an idea emerged in his heart!

Originally, Lou Hang had no idea which world he was in now.

However, because of this sentence, Lou Hang has an idea in his heart!

Of course, if you have an idea, you still need to verify it!

Lou Hang stood up and walked out of the spaceship to look!

Sure enough, I saw the old Zen master rushing for his life in a panic, and behind him, a young monk who appeared to be in his 20s or 30s was chasing and killing him!

That’s right!

The words just now, and the young monk, are in line with his own memory.

Lou Hang also understands which world he is in!

The movie about the green snake tells the story of the white snake Xu Xianhe.

Among them, the most impressive is this young Fahai!

And last night, the old Zen master who stayed in his spaceship all night, turned out to be the spider spirit suppressed by Fahai at the beginning of the Green Snake movie?

It seems that in the original work of the film, this spider spirit has indeed said that he has practiced for two hundred years?

But Fahai said he was ashamed, he had only practiced for more than 20 years?

Just as Lou Hang’s mind fell into the memory for such a moment, Fahai took his bowl and took it away, and has taken the old Zen master into Zhong Meng!

“Damn, what, what’s going on? That old Zen master, was he defeated so easily?”

“He, didn’t he have practiced for more than two hundred years, is he the top monk in the world?”

“Slapped your face? Isn’t the old Zen master’s cultivation level really good? It was crushed all the way, right?”

The audience in the live broadcast room originally thought that the old Zen master was the top monk in the world.

Now, following Lou Hang’s perspective, seeing him so easily was subdued by Fahai, everyone is dumbfounded!

After two hundred years of cultivation, is the strength of this old Zen master too weak?

It’s still that young monk, who is a bit strong pervert!?

“Mage, I have never done anything evil, please forgive me!

“If you beat me back to my original form, my two hundred years of cultivation will be a stumbling block!”

“Help, Lou Hang fairy friend, help!”

The old Zen master who was admitted to Meng by Fahai begged Fahai.

But Fahai looked like a stone-hearted heart, and in the end, he had to shout loudly, begging Lou Hang for help!

Lou Hang is a god, and this place is not far from his fairy mansion. He should know what happened here. Now, only he can save himself!


Listening to the voice of the old Zen Master Zhong Mengzhong asking for help, Lou Hang came back to his senses and sighed silently in his heart.

It’s not that I don’t want to make a move, but I just knew which world I am in, so I was a little distracted!

At the moment he was distracted, he was already subdued by Fahai, and he was defeated too fast!

In retrospect, Lou Hang didn’t mean to waste time. After all, discussing the Dharma last night, it can be regarded as an acquaintance more or less.

Moreover, this old Zen master is indeed a kind demon.

When Hang’s ability was activated, his body disappeared out of thin air, and when he reappeared, he was already standing in front of Fahai!

“Hmph, are you the companion of this demon?” Fahai grunted while looking at Lou Hang!

As he spoke, a pair of wise eyes looked at Lou Hang carefully, and immediately frowned, and said: “I think you are a human being. Why do you associate with evildoers?

“What’s the matter, let this old Zen master go first?” Lou Hang didn’t mean to argue with Fahai too much, just said to Fahai!

“Impossible, people, gods, ghosts, and demon, in order!” Fahai flatly refused to say it!

“Alright, that’s all there is to do!” Lou Hang sighed slightly in his heart after hearing this.

At the same time, I also want to take a good look at the strength comparison between myself and Fa Hai!

When the voice fell, Lou Hang raised his hand, and a shocking sword aura appeared and shot towards Fahai!

Although “I’m a human being, but you are so associated with evildoers, I will defeat you and take you back to Jinshan Temple, and I will make you regret it!”

With a wave of his hand, Lou Hang’s sword spirit was defeated by Fahai, and immediately, Fahai said to Lou Hang calmly!

“Dawei Tianlong, Blessed Earth-Zang, Prajna Buddhas, Prajna Ba!”

With one hand turned into a Buddhist Tantric mudra, the power of Fahai 3.2 surged, and Haoran pressed towards Lou Hang like a scorching sun!

Lou Hang murmured secretly in his heart, this Fahai really deserves to be the ceiling level of mortal strength in this world.

Mind moved slightly, raised his hand again, and pointed it like a sword. At the same time, the state of entering the Dao opened! Reached out and clicked towards Fahai!

This finger seems to be an understatement, but this finger has mobilized the power of heaven and earth for their own use.

When they collided with Fahai’s handprints, Lou Hang only felt a strong surge, and he couldn’t help but step back two steps!

However, Fahai also looked very uncomfortable. He stepped back three steps.

Looking at Lou Hang again, his eyes became extremely solemn!

The collision of this magic magical power turned out to be a disadvantage!?

“This Fahai, the cultivation base has reached the pinnacle of the mortal world, right? Only the last step is to become an immortal and a Buddha, right?”

In the state of entering the Tao, he just barely overwhelmed him, which made Lou Hang’s heart secretly marveled at the power of Fahai!

“Unexpectedly, if you are such a successful existence in cultivation, you actually associate with evildoers. So, the crime will add one more!”

Although he was shaken back, Fahai seemed to be even more angry.

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