Chapter 448: Lou Hang, are you a god?

“Huh?” Lou Hang was slightly startled when he heard the knock on the door, a little different.

It’s in the wilderness, and it’s stormy, who will knock on his door?

However, despite the difference in his heart, Lou Hang got up, walked over and opened the door!

Open the door of the Universe spacecraft, and on the stairs at the door, an old Zen master wearing a white cracked suit is standing at his door.

He wears a monk hat and a gray beard, but he feels serene and peaceful on his body!

“I have seen the donor, Lao Na rushes late at night, and encounters this strong wind and rain. I wonder if I can let Lao come in to shelter from the wind and rain? “The old Zen master with his hands folded and wearing white split clothes looks kind!

“Please come in!” Lou Hang thought, nodded, and invited the old monk in!

“What? It smells so good!”

Entering the living area of ​​this Universe spacecraft, the old monk moved his nose, and then asked in amazement!

That’s how instant noodles are. They are delicious or not, so I won’t talk about it for the time being.

But this scent is indeed rich!

“Old Zen Master, are you hungry? If you are hungry, I will make a bowl of noodles for you, right?”

Looking at the appearance of the old Zen master, Lou Hang said, hospitality is still necessary!

“So, thank the donor, Lao Na needs a bowl of plain noodles!” Looking at Lou Hang’s instant noodles with beef and abalone, the old monk emphasized!

“The old Zen master is looking forward to the three cleansing flesh, it doesn’t matter if you eat it!” Lou Hang said with a smile!

“Three pure meat?” The old monk said differently and looked at Lou Hang!

“The so-called three clean meat is that I didn’t see it die, I didn’t hear it die, and it didn’t die because of me. Of these three, meat is edible!” Lou Hang said to the old monk!

“Really? Old monk I have only heard that wine is sour, meat is stinky, and monks should be fortunate to be lucky!”

Hearing that, the old monk looked at Lou Hang strangely, with an expression that I read little, don’t lie to me!

“The so-called Xingxuan, at the beginning, it did not refer to meat, but refers to green onions, garlic, leeks, etc.!” Lou Hang followed!


The old Zen master lowered his head, obviously, he didn’t believe Lou Hang’s words!

Judging from his appearance, he is still idle anyway, Lou Hang doesn’t mind having a good discussion with him.

“Tigers, wolves, snakes and other carnivores, are they? Are they evil?”

“For example, if there were no wolves, the number of sheep would skyrocket, and then it would surely lead to all the Thousand Miles Grassland being gnawed clean.”

“Finally, when the grass is gone, the sheep will naturally starve to death!”

“So, wolves, sheep and grassland are in a trinity, this is a cycle, this is the food chain!”

“Under heaven, any existence is reasonable!”

“Since the existence of wolves is reasonable, eating meat is also reasonable, why is it that people can’t eat meat?” Lou Hang asked the old Zen master!

“Here, listening to these principles told by Lou Hang, the old Zen master is speechless!

Yes, how subtle is the Dharma?

If it goes against the nature of heaven and earth, then no matter how subtle the Dharma is, it is nothing more than a castle in the sky, just looking at the flowers in the fog!

“It’s just that, over the years, the Buddhadharma accepted by the old monk and the betrayal of the benefactor’s words are completely different!

After such a moment of silence, the old Zen master followed!

“So, what has been circulating for a long time, is it really true?”

“It doesn’t matter if you study Buddhism or other things, you must have a heart of questioning, instead of completely believing what the Buddhist scriptures say. Otherwise, you can only have your own opinions if you pick up the wisdom of the people’s teeth?”

“As the saying goes, believing in the book is not as good as having no book. For the same reason, if you want to become a Buddha, even if you turn all the scriptures in the world, you can’t do it by sitting on the futon!”

“You need to go through the mundane world and find the Dharma you have found in the rolling world, so that you can achieve Bodhi!”

Lou Hang spoke, and then spoke to the old elaboration.

“This, this, the old Zen master only feels that the concept of Buddhism he has established all the time seems to have been greatly impacted.

For a while, I didn’t know how to answer it!

Obviously, I think Lou Hang’s words are apostasy, completely contrary to the Dharma that I know.

However, it seems to me that his words seem to make sense!

“Hahaha, it feels like my Brother Hang is flickering, it’s really amazing!

“With my Hang brother’s eloquence, even if he is an improper explorer, if he goes to sell, he will definitely be a top seller!”

“Hahaha, all the time, it has been monks to fool others. This is the first time I have seen a monk being crippled by others. My brother Hang is really awesome!”

“My mother asked me why I was watching the live broadcast on my knees!

“Don’t talk nonsense about what you don’t understand. My Brother Hang didn’t deceive people. I just checked. The monk can actually eat three pure meats. It was only later that these so-called rules were not allowed to eat meat. That’s it!”

“Damn, I searched for three pure meats, it is indeed like this, what else is said about five pure meats and nine pure meats!”

“Furthermore, at the very beginning, Buddhism’s fishy was indeed only forbidden on scallions and garlic. It didn’t mean meat at all!”

“My Brother Hang is really awesome now! Unexpectedly, he is actually so familiar with Buddhism things?”

“I’m sorry, Brother Hang, I was wrong. Originally I thought you were fooling people, but I didn’t expect that you were doing science and Buddhism and Buddhism precepts with monks!”

“Hahaha, it’s okay to teach monks to popularize Buddhism and Buddhism!

In the Longguo live broadcast room, I saw Lou Hang chatting with the old Zen master. Originally, I thought Lou Hang was fooling people.

However, after I really checked and found that what Lou Hang said were facts, these audiences were all shocked!

Unexpectedly, Lou Hang is so clear about Buddhism’s precepts?

Let’s not say how shocked the people in the Longguo live broadcast room.

Lou Hang chatted with the old Zen master, and while talking, the same instant noodles were prepared and brought to the old Zen master!


Seeing this bowl of instant noodles with eggs, beef, and abalone, the old Zen master whispered the Buddha’s name in his mouth, but he still did not move his chopsticks!

“Bodhi does not have a tree, and a mirror is not a platform. There is nothing in it. Where can the dust be caused. If you really can’t get through this, the old Zen master, just pick out the beef!

Seeing that the old Zen master hasn’t used his chopsticks for a long time, and he almost finished eating, Lou Hang couldn’t help but speak.

“So, thank you donor!”

Seeing that Lou Hang didn’t force him to eat meat, the old Zen master said thanks.

Soon, the beef, eggs, and even ham were picked out!

Ask for flowers…

Then, I started to eat instant noodles!

“It’s delicious, Lao Na has eaten a lot of noodles for so many years, but it’s the first time to eat such delicious noodles!

Just after taking the first bite, the old Zen Master’s eyes lit up, and he said in amazement!

Listening to what the old Zen master said, Lou Hang smiled slightly.

So, the first bite of this instant noodle is always the most precious.

It’s like a bottle of Coke is three yuan, the first bite is worth two yuan, the truth is the same!

A bowl of instant noodles, not even the last drop of noodle soup, was eaten cleanly, the old Zen master put the bowl down!

In the rainy night, after eating such a bowl of noodles, I really feel that the delicacies of the mountains and the sea are not comparable!

“Here, this!” Seeing the old Zen master finished eating the instant noodles, Lou Hang poured him a glass of Coke!

Eating instant noodles without a sip of Coke is soulless!

“Well, is this cup made of glazed crystal? It’s so beautiful!”

Taking the glass, the old Zen master said in awe:

While talking, I also looked at the furnishings in this rest area!


The lighting is soft and bright, the sofa under the seat is comfortable and soft, and even the cups are all made of crystal.

In this way, after looking around, the old Zen master followed Lou Hang and said: “Donor, are you a god on the nine heavens?”

“Oh? Why does the old Zen master have such thoughts?” Lou Hang asked rhetorically!

“Because everything in this fairy mansion is not something the mortal can have!” the old Zen master replied.

Speaking of this, he paused slightly, and then said: “In addition, I have seen the entire fairy house outside. This fairy house seems to have wings. The whole is like a huge iron bird, so it should be Can fly?

“So, I think you, the donor, should be a god on the nine heavens, right!?”

Well, the style of everything in this Universe spaceship is incompatible with this world.

Coupled with the appearance of the Universe spacecraft, it is indeed like an airplane, more like a big bird, the old Zen master thinks it can fly, and that’s right!

Considering these things together, he feels that he is a god, which seems to be completely reasonable!

I believe in the things I make up myself.

Therefore, Lou Hang did not mean to explain.

After all, if you explain it, the other party won’t believe it!

“By the way, what do you call the old Zen master!?”

Without entanglement in this aspect, Lou Hang followed up and asked the old Zen master, which was a change of topic!

Seeing how Lou Hang deliberately changed the subject, the old Zen master only regarded him as a acquiescence, and he didn’t have the intention of creating root questions, and replied!

“Lao Na Dharma name, Bai Yun!” the old Zen master replied!

“Master Baiyun?” Lou Hang thought secretly in his heart.

This dharma name seems a bit strange!

Could it be the Zen Master Baiyun in A Chinese Ghost Story 3?

It seems that the old monk in Lover’s Ghost 3 is called Bai Yun?

It’s just that the dressing is a little different. This old Zen master is still wearing a cap, and the Zen Master Baiyun in a Chinese Girl’s Ghost is bare-headed.

Moreover, with his apprentice Shifang, carrying a big golden Buddha on his back!

“Old Zen Master, do you have a disciple named Shifang!?”

Although it didn’t seem to resemble it, Lou Hang still asked. Down

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