Chapter 427: The big iron ship can actually float?

Thank you “for your inform, I don’t know how you call it?”

Villain(s) comes with swords and guns, and friends come with good wine!

Although the news has not been confirmed, Lou Hang believes that this explorer’s words should be true!

“My name is Ge Dan, an explorer from Mongolia!” Upon hearing this, Ge Dan immediately reported his name!

“Meeting is fate, I have an A-level ninjutsu, I hope you don’t dislike it!”

Since the other party deliberately spent so much thought to report the news, Lou Hang would naturally not let the other party return empty-handed.

While talking, Ge Dan was taught Rasengan’s ninjutsu on the spot!

Although Lou Hang has not studied this Rasengan, as the ninjutsu practice in Hokage’s original work is very detailed, it is similar to the previous Uzumaki Naruto practice Sage Mode, Lou Hang naturally knows what Rasengan’s practice is like!

Although this is the seventh world to be explored, the value of A-level ninjutsu is still very high.

After all, it’s not that someone like Lou Hang, in the world of ninjas, can be exposed to the levels of A-level ninjutsu!

Thank you “Lou Hang!”

Seeing that the ninjutsu given to him by Lou Hang is indeed an A-level power, the most important thing is that this is the first Muji ninjutsu developed by Fourth Hokage!

In short, it’s like a magic that can be cast instantly without singing.

This alone is worth a lot, and Ge Dan hurriedly said thanks!

Given Ge Dan, the A-level ninjutsu as a reward, Lou Hang didn’t intend to stay any more.With a move, he left Shushan and flew straight to the direction of Nanzhao Kingdom!

In other words, can I be the opponent of the Lord of the Moon Worship?

Lou Hang is not sure at all.

After all, as the ultimate BOSS, the strength of the Lord of the Moon, in the Legend of Sword and Fairy 1, is still the same as the Sword Saint, and belongs to the smallpox 070-level existence!

However, even if it is not the opponent of the moon worshiper?

The breadth of his strength, whether it is martial arts, ninjutsu, Taoism, magic, etc., many abilities emerge in an endless stream.

The effects of Xuanyuan Sword are also extraordinary, plus Kaido and beast god puppets.

Even if the cultivation base is a bit worse than the Moon Worship Sect, Lou Hang believes that he may not have the strength to fight the Moon Worship Sect Lord!

Therefore, after learning that Tongtian was worshipping the moon, Lou Hang was in the shape of electricity, flying with a sword, and went directly to the direction of Nanzhao!

When he came to Nanzhao State, Lou Hang flew high in the sky and was also attracted by a spectacle!

The fireworks were released in Nanzhao State, which was very festive and lively.

Thousands of people gathered in a big river in Nanzhao!

These people are all looking forward to it. On the shore, a large iron ship has been built. It seems that it is undergoing a launch test!

Perhaps in the real world, a steel ship, this seems nothing to be surprised!

However, in the world of Legend of Sword and Fairy, seeing such a big iron ship, visually, it was almost hundreds of meters long, which still surprised Lou Hang.

On the side of Nanzhao Kingdom, did such a huge iron ship actually be built? What is it for!?

“After spending so long, this Iron Overlord has finally recovered. I don’t know if it will sink today?”

“Isn’t it possible? How could it be possible that the big ship made by the leader himself opened his mouth and sank on the first day?

“But, this is iron. Iron will sink. Isn’t this common sense? Tell me, the weight of such a large ship must have reached a terrifying level, right? How can it not sink?”

“I don’t care, although I can’t say why, but I feel that the iron boat that the leader himself wants to make cannot sink in the first day!”

Nearby, many people were curiously watching the launching ceremony of the big iron ship, and they were all talking about it.

Some people think that when this iron ship is launched, it will sink.

After all, wood floats and iron sinks, this is the law!

However, some people think that this ship will not sink.

This is the blind trust of many people in the lunar worship leader!

Lou Hang secretly landed and stood among the people. Hearing these people’s comments, he was a little weird in his heart!

So, was this big iron ship built by the Lord of the Moon?

Is his purpose of doing this to verify the buoyancy situation?

If others do this, Lou Hang may not think it is a scientific attitude.

But the Lord of the Moon Worship is different!

To be honest, although the leader of the moon worship is a big villain, his yearning for science is still admirable!

To describe the Lord of Moon Worship with a sentence I heard more aptly in my previous life, that is, “I said that the ground under my feet is round, and they not only didn’t believe me, they beat me!”

Really speaking, this is one of the few villains whose three views are more upright than the protagonist!

Under the attention of Lou Hang and many audiences, this huge iron ship slowly moved towards the river under the eyes of everyone!

It is entirely to verify that the floating of this big iron ship is the power of science, not the power of mana.

Therefore, since the beginning of the shipbuilding and the final launching of the water, no mana has been used!

Finally, when the big ship moved to the river bank and might enter the water at any time, suddenly, a sound of courtesy and music sounded.

It was the emperor of Nanzhao Kingdom and the Lord of Moon Worship who came together!

The Lord of the Moon Worship looks like a forty or fifty-year-old, wearing a robe, with a calm expression, this looks good!

Compared to the calmness of the lunar worship leader, the emperor’s face is not so good!

Can a big iron ship float on the water by itself?

Unexpectedly, after returning, after a long time of silence, the Lord of the Moon Worshiping Master would make such a comeback again!

It’s like flying snow in June, this is completely against the natural situation of heaven and earth, right?

Moreover, this is not relying on the magical power of the moon worshiper master.

Although the emperor himself felt that such a crazy move of worshipping the moon teacher was impossible to succeed, but what if it succeeded?

It is foreseeable that (bddc)’s very high prestige will inevitably rise to the next level.

This is something the emperor would never want to see!

After coming to the big iron ship, the Lord of the Moon Worshiping Moon said something, and after a wave of anger and sense of existence.

Turning his head, his gaze fell on the emperor, and said: “Your Majesty, this Iron Overlord is a big ship specially built by the minister. The minister is confident that this should be the strongest ship in the world, and I deliberately dedicate it to your majesty. Congratulations to my Nanzhao Kingdom for the extension of the country!”

The words of the worshiper of the moon caused countless people to nod secretly.

I just feel that the Lord of the Moon Worship is really a saint.

It took so much effort to build such a big iron ship, and actually gave him to the emperor?

“Master, although this ship is magnificent, it is made of iron after all. After it enters the water, if it sinks…

The emperor’s face was still a little unsightly, and he said to the Lord of the Moon Worshiping Master with concern!

“Your Majesty, the minister has full confidence. If this iron ship enters the water, there will be no accidents. If it sinks, your majesty can deal with the crime of deceiving the emperor!” Said the priest of the moon worshipping with a confident appearance!

Okay, with such a confident look, what else can your Majesty the Emperor have to say?

However, the more confident he is, the worse the mood of His Majesty the Emperor!

After all, if he really succeeds, this consequence is even more something he doesn’t want to see for himself, right?

I have said everything that should be said, and I didn’t mean to say too much nonsense.The Lord of the Moon worshipped followed to give the order to let the big boat go down the river!

Then, with the concerted efforts of everyone, the big boat moved towards the river water bit by bit!

So, finally, a loud rumbling sound stirred up a huge wave, and the big iron ship went directly into the water.

Then, the big ship sank to the bottom of the water!

Countless people who have seen this have their hearts, are they really going to sink?

Sure enough, such a big iron ship can’t escape its sinking fate after all!?

However, when the big ship sank to a certain limit, it seemed to rebound from bottom, and then rose again.

In this way, the big ship swayed on the surface of the water, and it floated up and down, and the amplitude was getting smaller and smaller!

In the end, under the attention of the public, finally, the big ship finally stopped steadily, and it was so quietly suspended on the surface of the water.

It’s as if a giant steel beast is lying on the surface of the water.Its huge figure gives people a feeling of breathlessness!

“Really, really floating!?”

“Such a big ship made of steel, it, it can actually float on the water!?

“This, this is too exaggerated!?

“It’s unbelievable. Without using magic power, the leader can make the iron float on the water?”

Originally, “Iron will sink. This is the law of heaven and earth, but can the leader modify the law between heaven and earth?”

Many people in the Nanzhao Kingdom looked at the big iron ship floating on the water quietly, and they were silent for a long time, and then they started talking!

Unbelievable, each of these people widened their eyes, as if they saw the sun rising from the west.

Such a big iron ship can actually float on the water like this?

Lord of the Moon, how did he do it!?

Okay! How to do it is not the main thing, the main thing is, he really did it!



“Master, Master!”

After such an awe-inspiring discussion, immediately, these people shouted together.

This shout is getting louder and louder!

And the Lord of Moon Worship looked at the scene in front of him, and his face couldn’t help but show a smile!

He is not happy that he has received more support from the people of Nanzhao, but he is happy that the knowledge of buoyancy he understands is indeed correct.

These truths between heaven and earth are indeed correct!

It’s just that the emperor of Nanzhao Kingdom next to him feels very embarrassed at this time, and I really want to find a seam to drill down!

I’m still here, yet so many people are all calling out to worship the Moon Master?

Where do you put yourself, the emperor?

It’s like a couple going out to eat, but my girlfriend is chatting hotly with the strange male voice next door, and the actions are intimate.

Who can stand this!?.

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