Chapter 426: I’m Sorry

Taste, account Mimi…

Lin’an City, although it is already nightfall, the fireworks bloom very brightly.

However, the people of Lin’an City seem to be quite surprised by these fireworks!

Except at the beginning, some people came out to watch the novel and talked a lot.

Now the residents of Lin’an City, it is more that u think these fireworks are a bit noisy!

After all, these are exactly the same fireworks, watching for half a month, no one will feel bored!?

“By the way, what happened to the guy in the Chenghuang Temple by this guy named Lou Hang? He actually put off fireworks for half a month to scold him!?”

“Who knows? The fireworks for the past half month are all a lot of money, right? I think this guy named Lou Hang should owe him a lot of money!”

“No, no, no, I think that simply owing money is not enough to make this person have such a big hatred of Lou Hang. I think it should be the hatred of killing his father and taking the favor of his wife!”

“No, no, I think I should still owe money, even if it is the hatred of killing my father, there shouldn’t be such a big hatred!”

“That’s you, in your opinion, money is more important than your parents!”

“How do you curse?”

“Isn’t it? Do you think money is important, or parents are important!?”

“That, money is more important!”

“Look at it, I’ll just say it!”

In the corner of Lin’an City, two Liba seemingly idle, bare-armed, looking at the fireworks in the sky and chatting, you say a word to me!

Next to him, Li Xiaoyao’s figure happened to pass by.

Hearing their conversation, his brows raised slightly.

Immediately, the figure continued to rush towards the place where the fireworks bloomed!

Sure enough, coming along the place where the fireworks bloomed, Li Xiaoyao saw a man about forty or fifty years old who was setting off fireworks.

There are many piles of fireworks in front of him. It seems that these fireworks are all released by him, and they have been displayed for a long time.

“Who are you?” Taking a look at Li Xiaoyao, the middle-aged man asked, making it clear that he was coming for him!

“It doesn’t matter who I am. The important thing is, what did my master have to do with you? You want to insult him like this!?”

Staring at the middle-aged man in front of him, Li Xiaoyao asked condensedly!

“Master, you are Lou Hang’s disciple? When did he accept you as a disciple!?”

Looking at Li Xiaoyao, the middle-aged man looked slightly stunned, and then asked!

“My master has accepted me as a disciple, it has been about four months!” Li Xiaoyao replied!

“About four months? This time is right!” Listening to Li Xiaoyao’s answer, the middle-aged man muttered in a low voice!

“What’s right? What are you talking about?” Li Xiaoyao frowned slightly, and then asked!

“Do you know where your master is?” the middle-aged man asked again!

“If you have anything to do with my master, it is the same as I said. My master’s business is my business!” Li Xiaoyao replied with a serious face.

“You misunderstood, there is no hatred between Lou Hang and I:” the middle-aged man shook his head and replied!

No hatred? No hatred. You set off fireworks for half a month to scold my master!?

The words of this middle-aged man made Li Xiaoyao stunned, and immediately, his face was very weird!

“You are misunderstood, my purpose of setting off these fireworks is not to insult Lou Hang, but to get his attention. I have a very important news, I want to notify him!”

The middle-aged man could see that Li Xiaoyao had misunderstood, and said hurriedly!

“What news!?” Li Xiaoyao asked!

“I’m from Nanzhao country. If you know where Lou Hang is, tell him quickly and tell him that Tongtian is worshiping the Moon Master. Remember, with this news, you say you are an explorer from Mongolia, Dan told him! ”

This middle-aged man hurriedly asked Li Xiaoyao!

“Tongtian? Where is the Master of Moon Worship!?” Li Xiaoyao was startled at the words of the middle-aged man.

Although I don’t know who Tongtian is, it seems that this guy named Tongtian should be very important to Master, right?

Moreover, it is just a message, the specifics are not important, you have to let the master judge for himself!

“Okay, I get it!” Upon hearing this, Li Xiaoyao nodded seriously!

“Do you know where Lou Hang is? Of course, if you are busy, I would actually say to Lou Hang myself!” The Mongolian explorer Ge Dan followed and asked Li Xiaoyao!

“Then you go to Mount Shu, my master is in Mount Shu now!” After thinking about it, Li Xiaoyao replied frankly!

“Okay, I understand!” Hearing this, the man nodded heavily.

After asking the direction of Shushan, he immediately got up and left. It seemed that he was impatient!

Seeing that this man was more nervous than himself, Li Xiaoyao secretly murmured in his heart, this man wouldn’t really have a holiday with the master, right?

I told Master’s location, didn’t it lead villain(s) to it?

However, this idea was quickly pressed by Li Xiaoyao!

There is nothing to worry about. With the master’s cultivation base, if you want to threaten him, few people in this world can do it, right?

He shook his head, thinking of his master’s horrifying cultivation base, Li Xiaoyao felt that there was nothing to worry about, and turned back to find Zhao Ling’er!

And what about the other side? Lou Hang is still in Shushan these days.

All the books on Shushan’s cultivation have been clearly written down.

Even some of the skills of Shushan’s swordsmanship have been written down!

They are all the abilities of cultivating immortals, and they are common to each other.

With Lou Hang’s current cultivation base, it is naturally not a difficult thing to practice some Shushan Sword Art!

For example, what Lou Hang is currently practicing is Shushan’s Wan Jian Jue.

When the Wan Jian Jue was used, the Xuanyuan Sword in his hand flew directly into the sky, and then, one transforms two, two transforms four…

In a moment, the sky was densely packed with sword shadows!

Then Lou Hang raised his palm and pressed it down gently!

Following his movements, the dense sword shadows that appeared in the sky immediately fell down like a violent storm!

“Ten Thousand Sword Art, if this is a mass attack, it’s so handsome!”

“Shushan Sword Art, there are still many practical skills!”

“Yes, this Wan Jian Jue is so handsome!”

“As soon as this Wan Jian Jue comes out, no matter how many goals it is, it’s no use!?”

“This is not the same as Conqueror’s Haki. Conqueror’s Haki just stuns the target, but Wan Jian Jue is a real group attack skill!

Congratulations, “Brother Hang, I have learned a powerful and handsome sword technique!”

In the Long Guo live broadcast room, many Long Guo audiences watched the Wan Jian Jue displayed by Lou Hang,

Seeing thousands of sword shadows, falling from the sky like a violent storm, all of them are very excited!

Not only does this trick of the Ten Thousand Swords Art look very powerful, the most important thing is that this trick also looks very handsome!

With such a trick of Wan Jian Jue, the densely packed swords are really handsome.

This is the romance that men should have!

When Lou Hang was practicing Ten Thousand Sword Art, beside him, the other Shushan disciples looked at Lou Hang in surprise.

Unexpectedly, Shushan’s top swordsmanship was so easily mastered by an outsider!

“Mr. Lou Hang, while Lou Hang was practicing here, suddenly, a disciple rushed over here!

“What’s the matter!?” Lou Hang asked strangely when he glanced at the disciple who ran over!

“Someone is looking for you, he said he is an explorer from Mongolia, and he has information about Tongtian!” The disciple replied!

“Tongtian!? Mongolian explorer!?” Lou Hang’s expression changed slightly after hearing this!

It has been half a year since I came to the world of Legend of Sword and Fairy, but since the original Tongtian disappeared, he has never seen him again.

Unexpectedly, today there will suddenly be news about Tongtian!?

“Please, wait, let me go now!” Lou Hang said hurriedly since it is news about Tongtian!

Immediately, Lou Hang walked quickly to the gate of Shushan.

Sure enough, a man of about fifty years old was waiting for himself at the gate of the mountain.

Presumably, this is the explorer of Mongolia!

“Boss Lou Hang, although I have known you a long time ago, this is the first time we have met officially!”

Although Lou Hang’s father is enough for his age, when Ge Dan faces Lou Hang, his posture is still very low!

“You said you have news from the sky? Where is he!?” Lou Hang asked Ge Dan!

“He is in Nanzhao State, worshipping the moon teaching!” There is no nonsense (of Zhao’s), Ge Dan replied!

“Worshipping the moon? How could he go to the moon worshipping!” Listening to Ge Dan’s words, Lou Hang felt different.

“I dare not deceive you about this news, as long as you go to worship the Moon Church and see it!” Ge Dan replied, looking at Lou Hang with a puzzled look.

With this, Lou Hang nodded.

It is true, although it is necessary to guard against the possibility of this Gedan laying a trap and using the Lord of the Moon to deal with his own.

However, in Lou Hang’s view, this is unlikely!

After all, it is impossible for explorers from other countries to know that they have brought Tongtian to travel together, right?

Even if you know, you don’t know that you and Tongtian are missing, right?

“How did you know that Tongtian was worshipping the moon? And how did you know that I was in Shushan!?” So, after a moment of silence, Lou Hang asked Ge Dan again!

“Because I joined Moon worship, I also know what happened between Lou Hang and Tongtian!”

“As far as I know you are in Shushan, it is because I set off fireworks in Lin’an City, deliberately trying to attract your attention.”

“Unexpectedly, it was your disciple Li Xiaoyao who attracted you. From his mouth, I learned that you were in this mountain of Shu!” Ge Dan followed, explaining the fork!

“It turns out that hearing this, Lou Hang felt stunned!

So, was Tongtian actually taken away by the cult leader of the moon?

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