Chapter 403: Are you crazy?

Li Xiaoyao: “…

Just now I felt like I had been expelled from a super special prize after opening a blind box.

Suddenly, Lou Hang’s words fell, and Li Xiaoyao’s expression froze, and even his heartbeat missed a beat!

“Master, you, don’t joke with me anymore, I, I can’t stand your scare!”

Li Xiaoyao forced a smile, and said to Lou Hang with some horror!

“I’m not joking with you, I’m telling the truth!” Lou Hang shook his head and said!

“Mr. Lou Hang, you, what do you mean by saying that Zhao Ling’er is not a human? Are you monsters and ghosts?”

Next to Sister Li, who originally thought that the ancestral grave was smoking blue, her face looked ugly at this time as if she was about to cry, and asked Lou Hang!

“No, to be more precise, it’s the blood of half humans and half gods!

Lou Hang shook his head and said!

The fall of this remark made Li Xiaoyao and Sister Li both breathe a sigh of relief.

“It turns out that there is still half of the blood of God? Master, what you want to say, finish it in one breath, you are like this, you can scare people to death!”

Li Xiaoyao let out a long sigh of relief, and immediately said to Lou Hang!

“God’s blood, Mr. Lou Hang, isn’t Zhao Ling’er the princess of Nanzhao Kingdom?” Aunt Li is more talking!

The mortal princess actually has the blood of God?

“Yes, Zhao Ling’er’s mother, the queen of witches, is the descendant of the ancient god-tier Nuwa. Naturally, Zhao Ling’er also has the blood of Nuwa!” Lou Hang nodded and said!

“Are you a descendant of Nuwa? This, this, according to Lou Hang, both Aunt Li and Li Xiaoyao are dumbfounded!

They have naturally heard of Nuwa’s name, this is the real ancient god-tier!

I originally thought that Zhao Linger was the princess of Nanzhao Kingdom, and this status was already very noble.

But now it seems that she is the descendant of Nuwa, and she is truly noble!

Sure enough, “You are a real fairy!” A smile appeared on Li Xiaoyao’s face.

This is more than a super special prize? This is an indescribable prize!

I am just a gangster in Yuhang Town. How can He De, actually marry the princess of Nanzhao State, or the fairy of Nüwa Houyi as his wife?

Even if he really believed the words of the master, Li Xiaoyao still felt as if he was dreaming!

“By the way, there is another reminder!” Seeing Li Xiaoyao just happy, Lou Hang followed up and reminded!

“Master, what else do you want to say!?” Li Xiaoyao’s face was straight, and he looked at Lou Hang seriously and asked!

“It is rumored that the ancient God Nuwa is the image of a snake-tailed human body.

“Therefore, when her bloodline is fully awakened, her lower body will become like a snake’s tail for a while. When that happens, don’t be scared!!

Lou Hang reminded!

In the original book, even Zhao Linger himself was shocked because of pregnancy and physical changes.

For such a situation, it is better for Li Xiaoyao to be psychologically prepared first!

“Is the snake tail human? Is it just a period of time?” Li Xiaoyao was a little surprised when he heard the words. At the same time, he stared at Lou Hang earnestly and said!

“Yes, it’s just that when the bloodline just awakens, it won’t control it, so it’s like this. After getting familiar with it, it’s all right!” Lou Hang nodded and said!

“Then it’s okay!”

Although thinking about the appearance of the snake tail, there are indeed some people, but, thinking that it is the blood of a god, not a snake demon or something, Li Xiaoyao feels that he can still accept it!

Aunt Li who was next to her opened her mouth and felt that Nuwa’s descendants seemed to be a bit too high. Is she really worthy of it?

Marriage matters, right?

That’s it for the princess, the monkey head’s cultivation is for thousands of miles, and he will definitely be a famous hero in the future, but it’s okay!

But the descendants of Nuwa? Will this be too high!?

It’s just that, thinking of what Lou Hang said, now that raw rice is cooked and mature rice is now in the past, and getting married is already in the past, so what else is there to say?

“By the way, there is another news,

As if feeling that his news is not enough, Lou Hang said again!

“Master, if you have any more news, just tell me all at once!”

Listening to what Lou Hang said, a good sentence, and a good sentence, Li Xiaoyao almost burst into tears.

This kind of shocking news, if you want to say, you can say it all in one breath!

“Then Zhao Ling’er is pregnant, she is pregnant with your child, she is a daughter!” Lou Hang said and followed!

“Ah!? Me, I’m actually going to be a father!?” Li Xiaoyao was even more dumbfounded when he heard this news from Lou Hang!

“Really? This is really great!”

Sister Li next to her was surprised, but still more joyful. At this moment, she couldn’t help shouting with joy!

Although it is not a boy, but a girl, after all, it is also the blood of the Li family, isn’t it?

Besides, if the girls are there, can the boys be far away?

Today is really surprising news, one after another!?

It’s just that Li Xiaoyao at this moment has a dumbfounded look.

The whole person seemed to have been struck by thunder, and could not speak for a long time!

If I have a wife, that’s fine.

Now, suddenly telling myself that there is still a child?

This is totally unprepared!

Li Xiaoyao himself still felt that he was just a big boy. Suddenly, he had his wife and children?

This is neither happy nor unhappy.

After all, it doesn’t matter if you have a wife, but if you have children, then you will no longer be a big boy, but a mature man!

Have you been prepared for this kind of psychological preparation?

Although, no matter whether you are mentally prepared for this, you have to face it!

While chatting and talking, he also spoiled some information to Li Xiaoyao.

Soon, all these snacks were almost eaten.

Soon, Lou Hang and Li Xiaoyao went back to their rooms to rest!

I was speechless all night, sitting cross-legged on the bed, practicing the heavenly book all night, Lou Hang’s cultivation has improved a lot!

Leaving aside these for the time being, on the other side, the Jiujian Immortal Imperial Device flew for a long time, sitting on his big wine gourd.

When the sky was just getting dark, I came to the territory of Nanzhao Kingdom!

However, when he came to the sky over Nanzhao State, Jiujianxian was suddenly attracted by a spectacle below!

Hundreds of lunar worshipers are busy living together, looking at the appearance, it seems that they are casting a big ship!

Originally, it was not surprising that the believers of the Moon worship wanted to cast a big ship!

However, the big ship that was cast was not made of wood, but made of iron. This makes Jiu Jianxian very strange!

…For flowers…

“This worship of the moon is really becoming more and more deviant now. Casting such a large ship with iron? If it is put into the water, wouldn’t it be sinking soon?”

In mid-air, I took a closer look and found that the cast iron ship didn’t have the meaning of Daoist magic attached. It was really just cast purely with the power of ordinary people.

The big iron ship is really just a simple iron ship, nothing more!

This wine sword immortal feels very weird, and only think that people who worship the moon religion are all stupid now?

Iron will sink to the bottom, isn’t this common sense?

Actually still use iron to build ships?

Forget it, “Now the Moon Worship Sect is really getting more and more incomprehensible!”

In this way, Jiu Jianxian shook his head, and ignored these moon worshipers, and went straight to the palace of Nanzhao Kingdom!

At this time, the Saint Aunt of Nanzhao Kingdom was looking for her daughter’s whereabouts!

Anu, the dead girl, actually left a letter, saying that she was going to the Central Plains to find the princess, and she ran away alone!

This makes Saint Aunt extremely worried!

My own daughter is a little too innocent by nature. She is really sold out and she can count the money for others.


I left alone like this, if I really met some wicked person, the consequences would be really unimaginable!

It’s just that, although the personality is simple, she is her own daughter after all. Therefore, a witchcraft training is still very good!

I just left, I sent several groups of people to look for it, but I still found nothing.

This makes Saint Aunt’s mood very urgent and bad!

“Huh?” Just as Saint Aunt listened to the report of the third group, and still did not find Anu, when she was feeling serious, suddenly, Saint Aunt glanced towards the sky with feeling!

A wine gourd landed in the sky, and a person was sitting on the huge wine gourd.

The people above still seem to be slumbering, but they give people a sense of licentiousness!

“You go down first!”

Seeing the descending Jiu Jianxian, Sheng Aunt’s face changed slightly, and immediately restored his calm look, and said to the person in front of her!

“Yes!” The person in front of Saint Aunt bowed his head and replied, and immediately stepped back!

“What are you doing here!?” Her face was calm, Saint Aunt looked at Jiu Jianxian and said, looking a little cold!

“I, I’m here to find you!” Looking at the woman in front of him, Jiu Jianxian’s expression was also a bit awkward, and his speech was a little awkward!

Hearing that Jiujianxian came to find himself, the expression of the saint aunt was a little turbulent, and his eyes flashed!

“You came to me for no reason. Is there anything wrong with you?” Saint Aunt’s tone was still calm!

“I, I am, I came for what happened back then!”

Facing Saint Aunt, Jiu Jian Xian couldn’t keep his mood calm, and he felt more guilty!

“Nothing happened that year, don’t say it anymore, I have forgotten it a long time ago!”

Listening to what Jiu Jianxian said, Saint Aunt’s originally calm tone has become a bit rush!

“I, I heard that there is actually a child between you and me!?” When it comes to this, Jiu Jianxian continued to speak!

“No, you heard the rumors! Saint Aunt” naturally categorically denied it!

“I heard, it’s a girl named Anu? Is it!? Jiujianxian” stared at the saint aunt seriously, and asked! Next,

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