Chapter 402: Xiaoyao, your lady is not a human

“It’s still a familiar feeling, or a familiar taste!

“Yes, my Hang brother’s calculation ability is amazing no matter how many times I watch it!”

“This Immortal Jiu Jian, he has a daughter, and he doesn’t know it, but my Hang brother knows it. Moreover, if he can explain the name, character and life situation to you clearly, I will ask you if you are not convinced!”

“Look, Jiu Jianxian is gone, saying that he is tired and he wants to go back to rest. In fact, he is going to find his own daughter and verify the words of Brother Hang!”

“Huh, this Li Xiaoyao is a proper scumbag. He is so good at teasing his sister. When it comes to getting married, he refuses!”

“However, this Li Xiaoyao is clever. Let Brother Hang directly figure out who the wife came back for him, and then just go after him!?”

“As a single dog, I admire it. Anyway, it’s not good to talk about love. If someone tells me who my future husband is, I’d rather let go of the girl’s restraint and take the initiative to chase it!”

“Huh? Li Xiaoyao is married?”

“Super scumbag, really hammered!”

“Look, how much is Li Xiaoyao pretending to be? He can almost win the Oscar actor. He has become a pro, and he was exploded by our Hang brother. He actually pretended that he didn’t know!?”

For these audiences in the Longguo Live Room, they can watch Lou Hang’s spoilers. This is their favorite link.

When the live broadcast reached Li Xiaoyao, many viewers shouted directly!

I secretly married another woman outside, and kept the secret from my family!?

What’s more important is that Lou Hang has spoken about his situation, but he actually denied it?

While cursing, at the same time, these audiences also looked carefully into the live broadcast.

Look at the situation in the live broadcast and how it will develop!

“In order to treat your sister, you went to sea to find medicine. Then, do you remember the things on Xiandao?” Lou Hang opened his mouth and asked Li Xiaoyao!

“Don’t remember! 040”

Hearing this, Li Xiaoyao shook his head and said: “I think it should be a person on Fairy Island. I don’t want me to reveal the secrets of the island, so I deliberately erased my memory on Fairy Island, right?”

I managed to get the medicine back, but how did I get it back? What happened on the island?

The memory in my mind is like a fragment.

Li Xiaoyao actually thought about it in his heart, but he couldn’t recall anything.

Therefore, I feel that the people on the fairy island deliberately erased their memories and don’t want to let them leak!

“You are right or wrong!” Lou Hang shook his head after hearing the reason Li Xiaoyao came up with!

“The right thing is that your memory has indeed been erased!”

“But what’s wrong is not from the people on the fairy island. It erased your memory!”

“If you think about it, you are not the first person to land on the island. Why do you want to erase your memory!?” Lou Hang asked Li Xiaoyao again!

“Yes indeed!”

Hearing this rhetorical question from Li Xiaoyao, Li Xiaoyao’s expression suddenly appeared and he nodded.

Why did I go to Immortal Island to ask for medicine? Wasn’t it because Fa Xiao Cong successfully obtained the immortal medicine on the island, I heard the news, and then I went to sea?

“Then, why are all my memories lost? Master, can you tell me the truth!?”

The topic is here, Li Xiaoyao seriously asked Lou Hang!

“Don’t worry, I will talk to you slowly… After hearing this, Lou Hang said.

Soon, I told Li Xiaoyao about the whole thing.

“Do you remember what I talked to before with Jiu Jianxian? In the future, you will travel through time and space to go to the palace of Nanzhao Kingdom with him, and save the daughter of the Queen of Witch and leave!?” (bddc) Lou Hang asked!

“Remember!” Li Xiaoyao nodded.

I don’t quite understand, Jiujianxian is gone, why did the master talk about this topic again?

“Actually, many years ago, the people you rescued were placed on Xianling Island!”

“Yes, that fairy island is actually the fairy road where you go to get the immortal medicine

At the end of the sentence, seeing Li Xiaoyao’s face in shock, Lou Hang nodded in agreement and said!

“This, this situation is a bit detour…

Although he guessed the truth, Li Xiaoyao felt a little confused!

Now I am going to Xiandao for medicine.

The future self, traveling through time and space, took the little fairy on the fairy island and placed her on the fairy island.

So, is it understood this way?

“Then what? Mr. Lou Hang, what happened to this monkey head on the fairy island!?”

Aunt Li next to her heard this and couldn’t help but ask Lou Hang!

I heard that Li Xiaoyao actually got married, but I didn’t know that Aunt Li was still very sad.

However, this topic started when Li Xiaoyao went to sea to ask for immortal medicine for himself, and Li Dahui’s mood improved a lot!

In order to get a fairy medicine for himself to cure his illness, he ventured out to sea alone.

Now in Yuhang Town, who doesn’t say that this monkey head has filial piety?

Think about it this way, what else is so sad?

“At that time, Xiaoyao went to the fairy island, and the fairy Zhao Linger on the island recognized him at a glance!”

“Then, two men and women of the same age also have feelings!

Originally, “The grandmother on the island who took care of the fairies was still very opposed to it.”

“But recognizing Xiaoyao is the benefactor who helped them escape from Nanzhao country. Although they have some doubts about their age, they still agreed to their marriage!”

“So, on Xianling Island, Xiaoyao and Zhao Linger held a wedding, and they were officially married!”

“It’s just that later, I met the moon worshippers who had been chased and killed from Nanzhao State.

“After a fight, the moon worshippers gave Xiaoyao forget the worries, and let him forget what happened on Xianling Island!”

Lou Hang opened his mouth and told Li Xiaoyao about what happened on Xianling Island.

It turned out that “That’s it. I thought this stinky kid got married and deliberately kept it from me. It turns out that he really lost his memory!”

Listening to Lou Hang’s account, Sister Li nodded, and at the same time, she said suddenly!

It turned out that “I was on that fairy island at the time, did these things happen!?”

Of course, Li Xiaoyao would not doubt Lou Hang’s words. At this time, Li Xiaoyao also muttered in a low voice.

Unexpectedly, did he really get married?

“Then, Master, is my lady’s name Zhao Ling’er? Is it a fairy on Xiandao, or a princess from Nanzhao Kingdom? Then, isn’t she very beautiful?”

After a moment of silence, Li Xiaoyao was very excited again, looking forward to Lou Hang and asked!

“You brat!”

Listening to what Li Xiaoyao said, Aunt Li, who was next to him, slapped him on the head angrily.

Said: “As the saying goes, marrying a wife and marrying a virtuous woman, the most important thing about a woman is virtuous, beautiful or not, where is the most important thing!”

“Yes, yes, my aunt is right!” Li Xiaoyao nodded and said after being slapped.

Of course, this is only superficial obedience, as for whether it is actually so compliant, then only God knows!

“Mr. Lou Hang…

Not to mention what kind of thought Li Xiaoyao is now. After slapped him, Sister Li looked at Lou Hang curiously and asked, “A fairy, or a princess of a country, this should be a pretty girl, right? !?”

Listening to his sister’s words, Li Xiaoyao glanced at her, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

So, where is the meaning of the mother Raksha’s slap in the face?

“Is it beautiful? Zhao Ling’er should be regarded as the number one beauty in the world, right?” Listen

Li Dahui and Li Xiaoyao both asked themselves questions about Zhao Linger’s appearance, and Lou Hang replied!

No. 1 in the world “beauties!?”

Hearing this, Li Xiaoyao’s eyes lit up.

Isn’t it absolutely beautiful to be called the number one beauty in the world by my master?

Such a surprise made Li Xiaoyao feel a little dizzy for a while!

This is just like opening a blind box and scratching out a super special prize at will!

“What about the character?” Sister Li asked again!

“Didn’t I just say that? The number one beauty in the world is natural, her personality is gentle as water, affectionate and single, and pure as paper. Otherwise, she is just pure beauty. How can she be qualified to be called the number one beauty in the world?”

Lou Hang took it for granted and replied to Li Dahui!

“Actually, my monkey head actually married the world’s number one beauty? Married a princess? This, this is really, the ancestral grave is smoking!”

Listening to Lou Hang’s answer, Aunt Li was also very excited.

Even her excitement is above Li Xiaoyao!

“Unbelievable, just such a small bastard, his wife is actually the world’s most beautiful woman!?”

“Damn, so do you want to raise your own wife from a young age? It seems that Li Xiaoyao is like this. Ten years ago, he went to rescue his future wife!”

“This guy like a ruffian, how can He De, can actually marry the world’s most beautiful woman as his wife!”

“So, I don’t believe anything, but do I have to believe in Brother Hang? If Brother Hang can agree to accept disciples, Li Xiaoyao is really extraordinary!”

“Although the Jiujianxian seems to be inferior to Brother Hang, he is still very good. Without the intervention of Brother Hang, can Li Xiaoyao actually worship that Jiujianxian as a teacher?”

“The best beauty in the world, I’m really curious, I want to see what it looks like!”

“Don’t worry, didn’t Brother Hang say it? If it’s not unexpected, Zhao Ling’er will be looking for it. Wait and see, I believe he will appear soon!”

After listening to Lou Hang describe Li Xiaoyao’s situation, and even after describing Zhao Linger’s beauty, the viewers in the live broadcast room were envious and jealous of Li Xiaoyao!

Of course, I originally thought that Li Xiaoyao was married and deliberately pretended not to know.

Unexpectedly, it was really amnesia!

More importantly, the matter of Li Xiaoyao getting married, and the matter of saving people from Jiujianxian as mentioned before, were connected in a reasonable manner!

Seeing both Li Xiaoyao and Aunt Li are very happy, but Lou Hang is hesitant to speak!

“Master, you, do you have anything else to say?”

Looking at Lou Hang’s expression, Li Xiaoyao saw something and asked curiously!

“By the way, Xiaoyao, there is another important piece of information that I haven’t told you as a teacher. Your lady, Zhao Ling’er, is not a human being.

“At least, not purely human!”

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