Chapter 389: Reunion

Extreme pull.

Regarding Tongtian’s control, it really gives people the feeling of extreme pull!

In the beginning, Tongtian awakened as Transformers and became the source of fire for Lou Hang.

At that time, Tongtian also recognized Lou Hang as the master!

But what? Later, after Tongtian was made the identity of the Autobot by the natural enemy, he obeyed the command of the leader of the Autobot to defend the natural enemy!

Now, Lou Hang once again uses the power of the soul gem to twist the will of the sky!

Although they are made of steel, these Transformers are also living beings, and they are naturally controlled by spiritual gems!

With the power of the soul gem, Tongtian’s body shape changed again and turned into the form of a robot!

“Master!” Kneeling on one knee in front of Lou Hang, Tongtian lowered his head and said!

“Okay, shrink your figure!” Looking at the appearance of Tongtian, Lou Hang didn’t mean to blame him!

After all, judging from the destruction of the house, Tongtian had resisted at the time.

It’s just that it’s not an opponent to defend against natural enemies!

“Yes, Master!” Nodded, Tongtian’s figure changed again, from a figure of more than ten meters tall to a figure in his early three meters!

As Tongtian became a robot, naturally, the absorption of solar energy also stopped!

However, at this time, Luo’s “Zero Four Zero” Hang’s gaze followed on the frozen natural enemy!

Under the power of the Frost Treasure Box, the natural enemy has been completely sealed by ice!

Following that, Lou Hang’s hands were sealed, and several chains with the power of sealing shot out from Lou Hang’s hands, firmly trapped on the body of the enemy!

Lou Hang shattered the ice on the enemy’s body!

“Now, can you tell me something? Where is Optimus Prime!?”

Lou Hang looked at the natural enemy and asked!

“Unexpectedly, the power of the people on earth can actually be so powerful!”

The natural enemy struggled for a long time, and couldn’t break free of these sealed chains, so he gave up.The electronic eyes looked at Lou Hang in front of him seriously, and said with emotion!

“Also, where is Megatron!?” Lou Hang frowned slightly, and then asked!

However, the natural enemy shook his head and said: “It’s a pity, the power of human beings is so powerful, we Cybertron star people, when we arrive on this earth, we can only be enslaved!”

The answer throughout the article was not what was asked, which made Lou Hang’s brow furrowed.

Immediately stretched out his finger, and clicked on the forehead of the enemy’s forehead!

At the same time, powerful spiritual power poured into the spiritual world of defending against natural enemies!

With the cultivation base of Lou Hang’s Return to Void Realm, this primordial power is naturally not something that anyone can resist!

In the physical world, Lou Hang’s figure is less than two meters away, while the figure of defending natural enemies is ten meters away!

But what about the spiritual world? It’s exactly the opposite!

The spiritual body of the natural enemy looked very small in front of Lou Hang!

“This, how is this possible!?” Looking at Lou Hang’s mental body, like a giant, the heart of the enemy is full of shock!

Bend down, squatted down, and looked at the natural enemy who turned to escape. Lou Hang is like an eagle catching a chicken, grabbing the spirit of the natural enemy in his hand.

Then, recklessly check the memory of the enemy’s natural enemies!

Lou Hang clearly saw the scene of the natural enemy being resurrected by Megatron, and also clearly understood the plan of the natural enemy and Megatron!

Originally, the plan of Megatron and Defending the Natural Enemy was to kill Optimus Prime, so that the Natural Enemy would have the power to completely control the Autobots!

Then, turn Tongtian into an Autobot, listen to his orders, and collect the power of the sun to make a new source of fire!

If he finds it, Megatron will lead the Hornet and the Autobots over, and then let the predators control the Hornet and fight against him.

So as to limit one’s own strength to play!

However, now the natural enemies were defeated by himself, and Megatron didn’t see the Hornet with them.

This made Lou Hang’s heart secretly marveled!

Was it because it was too fast to do it yourself, and before Megatron could bring people over, the enemy was defeated?

Or is it that Megatron completely fooled the natural enemy? Did he face him alone?

After thinking about it for a while, Lou Hang immediately understood that it should be too fast to do it yourself!

Now that the fire source of this semi-finished product is still here, it is impossible for Megatron to not want it!

So, seeing that the natural enemy has been defeated, does he even dare not show up?

It doesn’t matter, Megatron didn’t dare to show up, and he didn’t bother to do anything with him!

For Lou Hang, Megatron is nothing more than an obscure mouse hidden in the dark.

If he dared to show up in front of him, he wouldn’t mind stepping on it to death.

But if he hides, it is not worth Lou Hang’s time to find him!

After checking the collusion plan between Imperial Enemy and Megatron, Lou Hang continued to search for the memory of Imperial Enemy.

Soon in the mind of the enemy, he found the whereabouts of Optimus Prime!

Optimus Prime was just killed, not destroyed.

So, there is still salvation!

After Lou Hang got what he wanted to know, his spirit retreated from the spiritual world of defending against natural enemies!

“You, your natural enemy looked at Lou Hang in horror.

Not only do you have powerful power, but you can even invade your own spiritual world with spiritual power?

The enemy was terrified!

More importantly, Lou Hang’s mental power is really terrifying!

Although Megatron has emphatically described Lou Hang’s strength, but now the enemy of natural enemies has a clearer concept!

Since I want to know, I already know, Lou Hang has nothing to say!

The place where Optimus Prime’s body was buried is also in the Amazon jungle, Lou Hang even found out where it was buried from the spiritual world of the enemy’s natural enemies!

After his hand opened the magic portal, Tongtian crossed the portal.

Then, Optimus Prime’s body was dug out!

Lou Hang took about half of the fire source next to him, urging energy to be poured into Optimus Prime’s body!

After a while, Optimus Prime was also resurrected under the energy of this fire source!

“Well, the things here are left to you Autobots to handle by yourself!

After Optimus Prime was resurrected, Lou Hang did not intervene in the issue of how to deal with natural enemies, but let Optimus Prime handle it by himself.

Whether it is okay to kill the natural enemy or not to kill him, for Lou Hang, it has nothing to do with him!

After receiving this sentence, Lou Hang and Tong Tian once again passed through the portal and left the Amazon jungle.

As Tongtian lifted its power, the sun’s rays spread in the solar system again.

Soon, it also fell on the earth.

The earth that has been in darkness for a long time has once again ushered in light!

Natural disasters, such as landslides and tsunamis, are slowly calming down as the power of the sun returns.

The originally disordered magnetic field also slowly recovered!

The Minister walked to the window and looked at the rising sun, his eyes filled with sorrow and emotion!

Not long ago, Mic and the others told themselves that Lou Hang should have found the target, so Yujian flew away…

Sure enough, the sunlight reappeared.

And this also caused endless emotion and excitement in the Minister’s heart!

Sure enough, Mr. Lou Hang’s ability really makes people feel very relieved!

I also feel very grateful!

When the other superhumans had all escaped for their lives, only Mr. Lou Hang chose to stay and chose to help the earth.

Moreover, he did it successfully!

With endless emotion in his heart, the minister followed up and explained the situation to Mr. President!

Hearing that, the president also expressed his gratitude in his heart, and hope to find Lou Hang so that he can get the glory that belongs to him!

He is the Hero(es) who saved the entire earth, or even the Hero(es) who saved the entire solar system!

Not to mention the situation in which US officials want to find Lou Hang.

At this time, Bluestar’s live studio was also very cheerful.

Among them, the viewers of the Dragon Kingdom feel proud and proud!

Wisdom brain opened the way for all the explorers to return in advance, and the other explorers returned.

Only Lou Hang stays in Otherworld, stays in Otherworld to save the solar system!

Naturally, at this time, many crooked nuts have also squeezed into Longguo’s live broadcast room to watch!

After all, now only Longguo’s live studio can still be watched.

Besides, others also want to see if Lou Hang can really save Otherworld!

In the end, everyone has seen the result that Lou Hang of Longguo actually succeeded.

Moreover, the most important thing is that Lou Hang not only got the other half of the fire source, but even regained the control of Tongtian!

Many viewers of the Dragon Kingdom are excited about this matter, excited by Lou Hang’s success, and admired by his manner. They are bluffing about Lou Hang’s situation.

And the audience in other countries? They were shocked by Lou Hang’s gains in this world!

Tinder source, Lou Hang got one and a half!

Although the fire source produced by the following Ton Tian 3.2 is only half.

However, from the fact that Lou Hang can use half of the fire source to resurrect Optimus Prime, it can be seen that this half of the fire source seems to have the same power as the entire fire source!

When Lou Hang returns, Dragon Kingdom will have the source of fire.

It is unpredictable, under this circumstance, how far the Dragon Kingdom can develop!

These many otherworld adventures are just six worlds. Unexpectedly, the overall national power of the dragon has already made a qualitative leap!

“Hey, in the future, will the entire Blue Star be dominated by the Dragon Kingdom? Even, some countries are already expressing such emotions!

Aside from other things, just a single sky can plunge the entire solar system into darkness. Is there any more terrifying power than this?

Facing such a dragon country, who else can resist!?

Not to mention how excited the audience in the Long Kingdom is at this time, and they are blowing up!

Not to mention how solemn the other crooked nuts are now.

At this time, after Lou Hang has dealt with the Transformers world, it seems that there is nothing else to do!

The portal that Zhi Nao opened for himself is still there, and Lou Hang returns to Blue Star with Tongtian!.

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