Chapter 388: Infinite Gems VS Fire Seed Source

“Is it finally here!?” Looking at Lou Hang who landed, the enemy said!

“Guardian enemies!?” Lou Hang looked at each other and asked!

“Unexpectedly, in this darkness without light, you can still find here! The enemy’s answer is not what you asked!

“I’ll give you a chance to speak, where is Megatron!?”

Lou Hang didn’t mean nonsense, and asked the enemy.

The body of the natural enemy was originally on the moon, but Megatron attacked the moon, and then the natural enemy was resurrected!

As the person who was engaged with Megatron in the original book, Lou Hang certainly understands that the person who rescued the natural enemy must be Megatron!

“Why are you looking for Megatron? Besides, although the person who resurrected me is Megatron, he is not qualified to order me!”

The enemy is still answering the wrong questions!

“Well, if that’s the case, then there is no need to accompany you on nonsense!” Lou Hang shook his head after hearing the answer from the Imperial Enemy!

Immediately afterwards, Lou Hang’s Rinnegan gleamed, followed by the seal of his hands: Summoning technique!

As Lou Hang’s Summoning technique was performed, there was a sound in midair, and the white smoke burst.

Then, a beautiful man wearing a bright satin robe appeared behind Lou Hang.

The same Rinnegan is quietly staring at the enemy’s enemy!

This person who was summoned was the beast god of Zhuxian World!

After being summoned, the beast god took a step forward and walked directly in the direction of defending his natural enemies!

Although in terms of body size, it is the body that defends against natural enemies that has the absolute upper hand.

However, the beast god walked, Yuga, as if he was a turbid son of the world.

However, the aura he gave people, on the contrary, suppressed the defense against natural enemies!

It seems that the figure of the beast god seems to be taller than that of the natural enemy!

“So, don’t blame me for being impolite!”

Seeing the beast god walking towards him step by step, Yu Tian’s heart was also secretly angry, and immediately raised his huge fist, and slammed in the direction of the beast god!

If this punch is hit, the flesh and blood of an ordinary person will surely turn into a ball of meat sauce in the blink of an eye!

However, the small fist of the beast god collided with the huge fist of the natural enemy, and the figure of the beast god did not retreat!

“Impossible?” Looking at the small figure of the beast god, Yu’s natural enemy was secretly shocked!

The difference in body shape is so big, how can his fist resist his fist!?

The breath of the beast god suddenly changed.

Then, he changed his fist into a hall, raised his palm, and took a shot at the enemy’s side!

The action of the beast god is downplayed, as if it really just patted a fly afterwards!

However, with his actions, the terrifying popular spirit broke out directly.

The figure of the imperial enemy, the huge figure ten meters away, was actually like a toy, and it was directly knocked out by the palm of the beast god!

Mind moved slightly, with Rinnegan’s power as the hub, Lou Hang controlled the Beast God to continue to attack!

Take advantage of your illness to kill you!

Now that the crisis is resolved one minute late, there is no idea how many lives will be lost on the earth.

Therefore, Lou Hang doesn’t have so much time to accompany the enemy’s nonsense!

The beast god raised his hand, and the hostility between heaven and earth surged with his movements!

Yutian Enemy looked at the beast god walking towards him in horror, vaguely, it seemed that behind the beast god, a ghost of extremely terrifying monsters appeared.

This terrible monster makes people feel trembling at a glance, and has no thought of resistance at all!

The beast god raised his palm and pressed it down again!

The incomparably powerful hostility fell from the sky and slapped the enemy’s body fiercely!

Immediately afterwards, the body of Yu’s natural enemy seemed to collapse

Under this blow, the parts of the Royal Enemy seemed to be torn apart!

“Go to hell!” The beast god raised his hand again, and the endless hostility gathered at the fingertips of the beast god, his expression was calm and Yuga,

Even if it is killing people, the movements of the beast gods seem to have a very strange beauty!


However, at this moment, suddenly, a thumb-sized fragment suddenly appeared in the void.

This fragment is purely constructed from energy!

“Is this? Is it purely transformed into matter with energy!?”

Looking at the fragments that suddenly appeared in front of him, Lou Hang secretly said in his heart!

Moreover, the abilities contained in this fragment are still constantly being poured, and this fragment is also constantly changing, becoming more and more, and more and more perfect!

Looking at the fragments in front of him, Lou Hang’s heart is solemn!

What does the law of mass-energy conversion say? Energy is equal to mass times the square of the speed of light!

It can be seen that if the mass is completely transformed into energy, it can release a very huge ability!

If a potato is completely converted into energy, it may be enough to supply the electricity a city needs for a year!

It can be seen that if mass is converted into energy, it is enough to burst out indescribable huge energy!

But what about thinking the other way around?

If you want to completely convert energy into tangible mass, the energy required is also massive!

However, the fragments in front of me are purely constructed from energy.

It can be seen how terrifying energy is contained in this, and what extent the strength of this energy has reached!

The fragments are getting bigger and bigger, and they are constantly improving.

Lou Hang deliberately wanted to destroy the fragments constructed by this energy, but at this moment, the energy contained in the fragments suddenly burst out, and then projected onto the injured natural enemy!

Along with these energy projections, the injuries on Yu’s natural enemies actually recovered in an instant.

The parts that were originally scattered are regrouped together.

“This thing, could it be!?

Looking at the fragment that appeared in mid-air, Lou Hang’s heart moved slightly, and he had a guess about the identity of this fragment!

Moreover, what kind of energy is turned into real matter, Lou Hang probably has an idea in his heart!

“Come again!” With the powerful energy supply, his own injuries have recovered seven or eighty-eight, and the enemy natural enemy stood up again and stared at the beast god earnestly.

After that, he took the initiative to launch an attack!

The expression of the beast god is still calm, facing the attack of the imperial enemy, counterattack, in terms of power, the beast god is stronger, completely suppressing the imperial enemy and beating!

But what? There is endless energy next to the natural enemy to provide recovery, which is how to be suppressed by the beast god, but the natural enemy is still like a dragon and a tiger.

The beast god, in the world of Zhuxian, was originally an immortal body.

Even the exquisite witch of the year had summoned the Eight Desolate Fire Dragon, and it was difficult to kill the beast god with the Eight Evil Profound Fire Array, which shows that he is immortal!

…For flowers…

But now, the beast gods seem to have the same experience facing the natural enemies!

This natural enemy is like an immortal body. After being injured, the debris next to it will immediately pour energy into the body of the natural enemy.

Let the energy in him quickly recover!

In this way, you come and go, and the enemy of natural enemies has been dismantled almost a dozen times.

However, he is still alive and well.

The attack of the beast god, not to mention hurt him, even if it succeeded in slaying the natural enemy, it could be resurrected in the first time.

This kind of battle seems to be completely meaningless!

It seems “You can no longer use conventional means to deal with natural enemies!”

Seeing this, the natural enemy was resurrected again, Lou Hang muttered secretly in his heart.

Immediately, the Xuanyuan Sword in his hand rose!

While the enemy’s attention was placed on the beast god, and when he was completely suppressed by the beast god, Lou Hang’s sword pointed directly at the direction of the beast god!


The terrible cold, like a torrent, swept towards the enemy’s side.

With Lou Hang’s action, the temperature between the sky and the earth, there was a steep drop in the diving!

The previous Megatron had been frozen for many years.

Although he is not dead, he can do nothing!

The current situation is also the same. The endless cold air fell on Yu’s natural enemy, and quickly iced him up, and his body was covered with thick ice.

The movement of defending natural enemies naturally stagnated!

Next to it, there is energy in the fragments again, pouring in the direction of defending natural enemies!

However, Lou Hang’s figure flashed, blocking the front of the enemy, and at the same time raising his left hand!?

Drawing on the power of the sun, it can create a source of fire. Lou Hang can see that this small half of the object is exactly the source of fire.

After absorbing the amount of solar energy for so long, this kind of fire source has been born!

However, among Lou Hang’s spiritual gems, there is also endless energy rushing out, welcoming the power of the small half of the fire source!

How strong is the energy of the fire source? The sky is only the energy contained in the sun!

But, what about this spiritual gem? It is one of the six infinite gems.

Contains infinite energy, so it is called an infinite gem!

In the energy competition, the gem of the soul is not lost to the fire source of the sun’s ability.

In this way, after suppressing the power of the smaller half of the fire source with the confrontation of the soul gem, the natural enemy can’t come out in the ice!

After that, the Beast God shot again and came to Tongtian!

The beast god raised his hand and slapped it towards Tongtian!

I have a hall to open the mountains and cut the sea!

This is the palm of the beast god!

After being slapped by the beast god, even a body as big as Tongtian was directly blown away.

Naturally, the effect of Tongtian absorbing solar energy was interrupted!

As Tongtian was shaken out, Lou Hang’s figure moved, and he came to Tongtian again.

Before he turned into a robot form, Lou Hang stretched out his left hand and pointed his finger on Tongtian’s body.

Then, the power of the soul gem was activated again,

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