Chapter 379: Mr. Lou Hang, can you still bring the dead to life!?

“What do you mean!?” Lou Hang asked strangely!

Interstellar crossing? Could it be, Minister, are you planning to go to other planets?

Although this is a world with aliens, as far as I know, at this time, the technology on the earth is still in the stage of exploring the universe, right?

“We recently went to the moon with another manned rocket and lost contact, so…

No nonsense, the minister on the other end of the phone said directly.

It turned out that “so!” Lou Hang was suddenly in his heart after hearing this.

“Then do you have the image data over there? I need to know what it is like there before I can open the portal!”

With a little effort, Lou Hang didn’t mean to refuse!

“It’s just that, listening to Lou Hang’s words, the minister on the other end of the phone hesitated!

“Well, you should do this by yourself. If I know some secrets that I don’t want me to know, it’s not good!”

Feeling the minister on the other end of the phone hesitating, Lou Hang said casually!

“Wait, Mr. Lou Hang misunderstood. Listening to Lou Hang’s words, of course the Minister would not admit it, or even dare not admit it.

Said: “I will pass you a photo now, and I hope Mr. Lou Hang can help!

The voice fell and the phone hung up.

“Zero Two Seven” soon, Mic received a text message with a photo attached to the text message.

Lou Hang looked at it, his brows raised slightly.

Judging from this photo, it is indeed the moon.

It’s just that a giant Universe spacecraft was crashed on this moon.

Even the corpses of many robots can be seen.

These are obviously Transformers!

“By the way, this scene seems to have an impression, there is such a situation in the original book!”

Seeing this photo, Lou Hang’s heart moved slightly.

In my impression, remember that the United States has indeed known the situation on the moon a long time ago?

It’s just that this news has been blocked and hidden?

“Something happened? What can happen over there? See” Here, Lou Hang is thinking secretly in his heart!

After thinking about it, Lou Hang raised his hand and started to construct the magic portal!

“Wait, Mr. Lou Hang

Seeing Lou Hang constructing a magic portal so simply, Micsi next to him was taken aback.

“What’s the matter?” Lou Hang said strangely and looked at Mic!

“What’s wrong? You actually asked me what’s wrong?”

Mic’s look was very weird, saying: “The environment on the moon is different from the environment on the earth, right? You just open a portal like this?”

“That makes sense!” Lou Hang nodded after hearing Mic’s words.

Soon, Lu Zuo thought, Lou Hang opened a mirror space.

Let’s talk about it first from the mirror space!

It’s just that Lou Hang, who was walking toward the mirrored space, looked back at Mic’s!

“Why are you following me? Can you still go to the moon like this?

Listening to Lou Hang’s words, Mic’s footsteps stopped, and after thinking about it, he asked Lou Hang, “Then, can you go?”

“Naturally, I have my way, you just wait here!” After shaking his hand, Lou Hang entered the mirror space directly after putting down such a sentence!

Indeed, on the moon, there is even no air, right?

It is even impossible to have an atmosphere.

The physical body wants to walk on the moon, it is almost the same as walking in the universe.

Is this something ordinary people can do?

After arriving in the mirrored space, Lou Hang raised his hand to construct a portal, and directly opened the portal next to the crashed Ark.

Although it is a mirrored space, everything in this mirrored space is indistinguishable from the earth.

As the magic portal opened, for a while, the magic portal turned into a hurricane eye.

The endless air current erupts here.

A lot of air moved along this magic portal to the surface of the moon!

Of course Lou Hang will not walk in the flesh, but the primordial spirit walks over!

With the words of the primordial spirit Dacheng, in the world of mythology, the primordial spirit can even go up to the nine heavens and down the nine quiets.

Going to the moon for a walk, naturally there is no problem!

With Lou Hang’s current cultivation base of the Void Hole Realm, the Primordial Spirit is almost no different from the actual physical body.

After passing through the magic portal, he came to the surface of the moon.

Then he waved his hand and disbanded the magic portal!

With the dissolution of the magic portal, this terrible hurricane naturally disappeared.

Lou Hang followed and looked around!

In the depths of the universe, a blue planet is right in front of him. This is Lou Hang’s first time looking at the earth from the angle of the moon.

How to say it? In the endless void, a blue planet seems to be suspended here.

If you take a closer look, it really gives people an unreal sense of fear!

Shaking his head, Lou Hang retracted his gaze and looked around.

Beside him, there is indeed a crashed Universe spaceship.

This should be the spaceship that the Autobots crashed in the original book!

And around this spaceship, there are also a lot of Transformers corpses!

However, because there is no oxygen on the moon, the corpses of these Autobots did not oxidize and rust!

In addition, Lou Hang also saw a manned rocket not far away.

It’s just that it’s turned off now!

There were several dead bodies on the ground beside.

Seeing these corpses, Lou Hang thought for a while and walked forward!

“Damn, just opened a portal to the moon, it’s so convenient!”

Suddenly, “I feel that the ability of magic portals is very dangerous. If any lunatic finds a picture of the moon or even Mars, and opens a magic portal to an alien on the earth? The consequences are disastrous, right? ”

“Hey, thinking about it this way, it’s really scary!”

“Okay, you guys are also worried about goodbye. If such a portal is really opened, the caster will be the first to die. Do you think that everyone is like Brother Hang, who can walk on the surface of other planets in the form of the soul? ”

“Yes, there are a lot of people who use this magic in the Dragon State Council. Surely someone will soon be found to turn off this magic, right?

“Therefore, most people who use this magic to open the passage to other planets have the greatest probability of committing suicide, and then, the magic portal is closed by other people!”

“It’s terrible, is there actually a Transformer’s corpse on this moon?”

“Those astronauts were really killed? For no reason, how could they be killed!?”

In the Longguo live broadcast room, following Lou Hang’s perspective, these audiences also saw the scene on the moon.

And this also made the barrage of many audiences very lively.

The people in the live broadcast room held their breath one by one at this time, following Lou Hang’s perspective to see the death of these astronauts!

Lou Hang walked over and took a look. The three astronauts all died of suffocation.

Because the masks of their spacesuits were all broken!

“Have they been attacked? How can anyone attack them here!?”

Seeing that all three astronauts died because of external forces breaking their masks, Lou Hang’s mind was slightly condensed, and he was vigilant around him at the same time!

In the real world, the moon is desolate and lonely.

But, in this Transformers world, is there any monster on this moon?

However, after spreading out his mental power to perceive, Lou Hang found nothing!

After thinking about it, Lou Hang checked the surroundings again, and more importantly, checked the situation inside the crashed Ark!

It’s just that, still nothing, it seems that there is nothing worth gaining.

Lou Hang opened the magic portal again and returned to the mirrored space.

At the same time, the bodies of the three astronauts were brought back!

After his soul returned to the flesh, Lou Hang came to the corpses of the three astronauts and took the three corpses directly outside the mirror space!

Outside, Micsi was waiting in Zhizhi, watching Lou Hang emerge from the mirror space: with the bodies of three astronauts, he was shocked!

On the one hand, it was shocked that the astronaut’s mask was shattered by someone. Obviously someone started it!

On the other hand, I was surprised that Mr. Lou Hang had brought back the bodies of several astronauts from the moon intact?

Just for a while?

“Mr. Lou Hang, does he still have the ability to walk in the universe!?”

Looking at the bodies of the three astronauts in shock, Mic whispered secretly in his heart!

“Mr. Lou Hang, how did they die!?”

Although my heart was shocked, Mic couldn’t help but ask when seeing the death of the three astronauts!

“As you can see, seeing you how they died, how they died!” Lou Hang replied.

“Mr. Lou Hang, I, I think they broke their mask to death! Mic’s” followed!

Very good “Yes, that’s correct, but unfortunately, there is no reward!” Lou Hang replied! 3.2

“Who is it!?” The more he answered correctly, the more shocked Micce was.

Was someone attacked on the moon? Who was it?

Can anyone attack several astronauts on the moon?

“I don’t know!” Lou Hang shook his head and replied!

This answer made Mic’s face look ugly!

Doesn’t even Mr. Lou Hang know? That is to say? Is this clue so broken?

I only know that someone attacked these astronauts, but who did the attack do not know?

“Oh… Mic sighed.

Okay, although the clue is broken, it is a good choice to be able to bring the body back to Earth after death!

“Don’t be too busy sighing, I brought these corpses back, not just to let them return to their roots!” Seeing the appearance of Mic’s sigh, Lou Hang could also guess what he was thinking, and said.

“Then, Mr. Lou Hang, what is your purpose?” Hearing this, Mic looked at Lou Hang in surprise.

“I’m going to let them say to themselves, what a murderer is like!” Lou Hang said!

“They said it themselves? Aren’t they all dead?”

“It’s resurrected, isn’t it enough?”

“Resurrection!? Mr. Lou Hang, you can still bring the dead back to life!?”

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