Chapter 378: The Secret

“So it turns out, it turns out that the place where the Ark crashed was actually here!”

Turned into the form of a robot, looking at the crashed Universe spacecraft, and the bodies of many Autobot Transformers, Megatron murmured secretly in his heart!

Immediately, his eyes fell on the astronauts nearby.

After that, Megatron’s guns directly blasted out, killing these human astronauts on the spot!

What is happening on the moon, let’s not talk about it for the time being.

In the Egyptian territory of the earth, Tianhuo brought Lou Hang and others to a huge pyramid!

“The machine you are looking for is right here!” Skyfire said to Lou Hang!

Hearing what Tianhuo said, Lou Hang also spread his mental power and scanned the inside of the pyramid.

Immediately, Lou Hang could clearly feel that there is a huge instrument inside the pyramid, and the material of the pyramid is completely different!

Taking a deep breath, Lou Hang raised his hand, Xuanyuanjian appeared in Lou Hang’s hand!

Immediately afterwards, Xuanyuan Sword waved heavily at the side of the pyramid!

Following Lou Hang’s action, the Shock Fruit’s ability was activated.

The terrible vibration made the space seem to be shattered!

The power of resonance was acting on the pyramid, and the pyramid that had been standing for so many years immediately saw deep and long cracks.

Immediately afterwards, the vibration became stronger and stronger, and the stones of this pyramid continued to collapse and shatter!

Seeing that the entire pyramid was full of cracks, Lou Hang put Xuanyuan Sword away and opened his arms to the side of the pyramid.

With a low voice in my heart: Shenluo Tianzheng!

With a bang, the invisible repulsive force, like an air cannon, blasted fiercely on the pyramid.

Under this huge repulsive force, countless cracked stones in the pyramid were directly knocked out, turned into countless fragments, and splashed around!

The stones of the pyramid were all blown out.

It also revealed the contents of this pyramid!

The steel casting instrument is very large, although it is not known for many years.

However, perhaps because it was sealed in the pyramid, it was not in contact with the air, so it still looked brand new, and there was no trace of rust!

“Is that this? It looks very big, very magnificent!”

Looking at this huge instrument under the protection of the pyramid, Lou Hang muttered secretly in his heart!

Can this instrument collect the power of the entire star?

This is too exaggerated, right?

“Mr. Lou Hang, this instrument has now been found, what about now?”

Micsi was standing next to Lou Hang, looking at this huge machine, his heart was shocked secretly, and at the same time, he looked at Lou Hang with a probing look!

Yes, this instrument has been found, then?

Does Lou Hang want to activate this instrument to collect the energy of the sun?

Or, does he know how to activate this instrument?

Don’t worry, “Although I don’t know how to start it, it can start itself!”

Looking at Mic’s next to him, Lou Hang didn’t care.

After the voice fell, Lou Hang raised his hand again, and the fire source was taken out by Lou Hang!

“Mr. Lou Hang, do you mean

Watching Lou Hang take out the source of the fire, Mic’s face changed in amazement, and he probably guessed Lou Hang’s thoughts!

He smiled slightly and nodded, Lou Hang didn’t say much.

It’s just that, push the fire in your hand forward.

At the same time, the power that spurred the fire source was poured into this huge instrument!

With the huge energy perfusion, this large instrument moved.

Then, the instrument also vibrated.

Under the same precise and responsible change, it turned into a giant robot form!

Lou Hang looked at the robot in front of him quietly.

Similarly, the robot stared at Lou Hang earnestly, and neither of them spoke.

For a while, the atmosphere seemed very solemn!

“What’s your name? Is it Automate or Decepticon?”

Finally, after Lou Hang waited for a while, he didn’t wait for the awakened robot to speak, so he could only speak on his own initiative to break the deadlock!

“I can be called Tongtian, I am not an Autobot. I am also not a Decepticon, the master…

Listening to Lou Hang’s question, the robot shook his head and replied.


The words of this self-proclaimed Transformers fell, and everyone present was shocked!

“Why do you call me master?” Even Lou Hang looked at the sky in front of him and asked!

“My birth, my life is given by you, naturally, you are my master!”

The huge Tongtian knelt down on one knee in front of Lou Hang, with an extremely loyal appearance!

“Is that so?” Listening to Tongtian’s words, Lou Hang’s heart suddenly realized!

This is the difference!

The electrical appliances made by Megatron as a research blueprint, even if they are given life by the fire source, are born as pure Decepticons Transformers.

Even Lou Hang would be regarded as a mortal enemy.

However, instead of the Transformers made based on Megatron, this awakened robot is not a Decepticon!

Relatively speaking, it is more sensible, and there will be no situation of madly destroying the surroundings as soon as it is born!

“Tongtian, do you have the power to collect the energy of stars?”

Bringing this instrument to life, Lou Hang followed up and asked Tongtian!

“Master, indeed has such ability!” Hearing this, Tong Tian lowered his head and replied!

“That’s it!” Lou Hang nodded secretly in his heart after hearing Tongtian’s affirmative answer.

If this is the case, even if you don’t know how to start this instrument, Tongtian can start it on its own!

“Very well, from now on, you just follow me! It’s just that you are too big…

Lou Hang looked at the robot in the sky, and said!

“Actually, the master, Transformers all have a certain ability to change quality!” Hearing this, Tongtian followed.

As he spoke, his body changed for a while, and immediately, the appearance of the sky turned into a robot shape only three meters away.

Although this still looks very huge, it is much smaller than before!

“If this is the case, it will be more suitable!”

Seeing the changes in Tongtian’s figure, Lou Hang nodded, very satisfied!

Found “Hahaha, this large instrument that can collect the energy of stars has been found!”

“By the way, Mic’s words make sense. Although this instrument has been found, does Hang Ge know how to activate it?”

“This is like a helicopter placed in front of an old farmer, with a dumbfounded look!?”

…For flowers…

“Wait, Brother Hang took out the fire source, does he want to turn this instrument into a Transformer?”

“Damn, it’s right, the power of the fire source is poured into it, and this instrument has really turned into a Transformer!”

“Tongtian? The name still sounds like Haki!”

“Wait, in Tongtian’s mouth, calling our Hang brother master!?

“Sure enough, if you are not a deceptive robot, it is still very easy to get along with, and even directly assumes that Brother Hang is the master, which is really good!”

“It seems that Brother Hang is ready to return, do you come back with Tongtian?”

“Can the body be reduced so much? Such a huge machine into such a small robot? This is unscientific, isn’t it!?”

“Science? You said that a Camaro sports car can weigh? But, a hornet can become a large robot ten meters away. Tell me, how much can a hornet in this form weigh? You think this is in line with the quality. Conservation law?”

“This, it seems that this is really the case? Like Bumblebee, Jazz, etc., they have obviously turned into a robot form, and the quality exceeds their own car form!”


In the Longguo live broadcast room, in general, seeing that the instrument that collects the energy of the stars for his own use has been obtained by Lou Hang, I am still very happy!

In terms of barrage, it naturally became very cheerful!

More importantly, although Lou Hang does not know how to activate this instrument.

However, the fire source is used to give life to this instrument.

Even, this instrument took the initiative to recognize Lou Hang as the host, which is still very good!

In addition, this Tongtian can violate the law of conservation of mass and become so small, it is indeed a lot more convenient!

A three-meter-tall robot looks much smaller than a ten-meter-tall robot, right!?

“Okay, let’s go back first!”

As far as Lou Hang is concerned, Tongtian is in his hands. Even if he is in this world, the biggest gain is obtained.

Next, it seems that there is nothing too worth planning for yourself?

After the voice fell, Lou Hang raised his hand and placed a large magic portal, went straight through the past, and returned to his home!

Following Lou Hang, the Hornet and the others all came to the magic portal one after another!

Without saying any nonsense, Micsi contacted the minister, and Lou Hang got the news from Tongtian, and reported it to the minister one hundred and fifty-one!

“It turns out that Lou Hang’s purpose is actually this!?”

On the minister’s side, when he heard Lou Hang had brought Tongtian into his command, his face became a lot more dignified!

An instrument that can collect the energy of stars? If Lou Hang collects all the energy of the sun, what if he causes the sun to go out?

Wouldn’t the whole earth be destroyed?

However, now is not the time to worry that Lou Hang will destroy the sun.

After all, Lou Hang still survives on earth, destroying the sun, wouldn’t he want to commit suicide?

“Mic’s, please contact Mr. Lou Hang for me and said, I have very important news to discuss with him!” After a moment of silence, the minister said to Mic’s!

Hearing that, Mic’s naturally found Lou Hang!

“Minister, what is it?” Lou Hang asked.

“Mr. Lou Hang, can your space ability achieve interstellar leap?” This is the first sentence of the Minister. Down.

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