Chapter 346: Yun Yilan was killed in a second?

At the Bleeding Hole, Lou Hang followed by the Nine Tails fox came here, and instantly swept away the portal!

There is only the place where there is no one. So, if you are in a hurry to leave a certain place, Lou Hang reflexively comes here by the architecture portal!

“Are you OK?”

Turned over and looked at the injury behind the Nine Tails fox. The back was originally as white as jade. At this time, a large and terrifying burn mark looked very terrifying!

Moreover, he encountered Yun Yilan’s attack, although he was mostly smashed by Lou Hang’s sword aura.

However, the remaining flames are still terribly strong!

“This, the power of this flame is very terrifying, but fortunately there is no danger of life,

The appearance of the Nine Tails fox looked very weak, and said to Lou Hang at the same time!

No nonsense, Lou Hang stretched out his hand, and the power of the heavenly book followed!

The techniques of the heavenly book are all-encompassing, coupled with the Sacred Heart Art of Lou Hang’s practice, even the resurrection of death can be done.

It’s just to treat the injury, it’s not difficult!

Although the Sacred Heart Jue is only something in the world of martial arts, because of Emperor Shitian, the original world of martial arts has been elevated to the level of a fantasy world.

As the Sacred Heart Secret Art created by Di Shitian over two thousand years, I really want to say that the effect of this Sacred Heart Secret Art is not worse than that of the Heavenly Book!

It can only be said that if the Sacred Heart Art is a walking tractor, then the Tianshu is a Ferrari sports car!

Compared with speed, tractors are of course no better than sports cars!

However, compared to off-road capabilities, the so-called Ferrari sports car is a waste!

The emphasis is different!

With the operation of Lou Hang’s skills, the scorch marks on Nine Tails’s back slowly subsided a lot, and the injury has also recovered to the point of 50-60%!

“Okay, you can only do this, and you will need to slowly recuperate later on your own!”

After recovering about 50% to 60%, Lou Hang spoke to the Nine Tails fox!

“What a magical ability! In just such a while, my injury has recovered so much!?” Lou Hang Nine Tails stood up and said with surprise!

Although he has not healed, at least there is no problem in all aspects of normal walking.

While talking, Nine Tails looked at the sight of this blood hole.

In the dim blood dripping hole, there is no one, and it looks very dead!

“In the blink of an eye, I went from Fenxiang Valley to this point. Your technique is terrible!”

Although I don’t know where this drop of blood is, the Nine Tails Fox knows very well that it must be far away from Fenxiang Valley!

“As long as I am willing, the world is so big that it is only a step away!” Lou Hang said calmly.

Don’t say it is a world like Zhu Xian, in the Marvel world, the ability of this magic portal can even achieve interstellar leap.

“Awesome, I didn’t expect that between the world and the earth, there is such an existence like you!” Hearing this, and knowing that Lou Hang is not bragging, Nine Tails said in awe!

“Also, why are you wearing a mask all the time? Is there anything shameful?” Nine Tails looked at Lou Hang wearing a mask and asked!

“Of course not. The reason for wearing a mask is just because there are acquaintances in Fenxiang Valley, and I don’t want to reveal my identity!” Lou Hang shook his head and said.

When the voice fell, he took off his mask!

“very young!

Looking at Lou Hang’s appearance, as a fox demon who doesn’t know how many years he has lived, Nine Tails fox of course can tell that Lou Hang is not simply young on the surface, but the real age is very young!

“You, are you really a human?” So, after taking a closer look at Lou Hang, Nine Tails fox asked!

“It is indeed a human race, yes!” Lou Hang gave an affirmative answer!

“But, it’s just human race. At your age, you shouldn’t have such a high level of cultivation!” Nine Tails fox then raised his doubts.

Yes, cultivation is a process of gathering sand into a tower, and the time of cultivation is very important.

Like Lou Hang, with such a powerful cultivation base at such a young age, and with such a powerful magical power, this is not something that a young human race can get!

“From the time you spoke to the present, you have asked so many questions, and never asked why I saved you!” Lou Hang asked Nine Tails, a little bit dumbfounded.

“Okay, since you want to say something, let me ask!” Listening to what Lou Hang said, Nine Tails nodded and said!

“Oh, I don’t want to talk anymore!” Looking at the look of the Nine Tails fox, Lou Hang felt that he didn’t have the meaning to continue speaking, and waved his hand.

“Oh, wait…

Seeing Lou Hang’s appearance, Nine Tails was taken aback, and immediately asked to stop him!

Isn’t it just a joke?

However, Lou Hang ignored the shout of Nine Tails fox, opened a portal and left the bleeding hole!

To be honest, Nine Tails Fox is indeed a super beauty, but so what?

After all, she was a banshee with a big child, and she was more than enough to be her grandmother.

In this case, no matter how beautiful it is, it doesn’t make sense, right?

I have rescued the people, and I have fulfilled my previous promise. Even the Nine Tails fox has been treated for his injuries.

Bleeding Hole, let her find a way to cross the ruthless sea and cross the Necropolis!

Of course, there is also the first volume of the book of heaven.

If she is free to wander around in the stone room of the dripping blood cave, if she can get it, it will be her own good fortune!

Back at Qingyunmen, Lou Hang figured it out.

Fenxiang Valley’s promise has already been fulfilled, and there seems to be nothing worth planning for the next self?

There are still about three months left, should I return?

So, if it’s all right, in the next few months, you can cultivate yourself, and it can be regarded as consolidating your cultivation!

“Sure enough, as one of the three decent Fenxiang Valley, that Yun Yilan is really not a Masamichi person!”

Thinking of what happened in Fenxiang Valley, Lou Hang thought of Yun Yilan’s sneak attack on the Nine Tails fox, and silently shook his head!

The Yun Yilan in the original work is also very ambitious.

It is even bigger than the ambition of the ghost king!?

The purpose of the ghost king is only to command the demon way, so that the ghost kingzong reproduces the situation where the blood refining hall of the black-hearted old man ruled the entire demon way.

But Yun Yilan’s purpose is to let Fenxiang Valley rule the entire world, regardless of Masamichi’s magic way, it will be the leader of Fenxiang Valley!

He shook his head, although Yun Yilan’s sneak attack was a little uncomfortable in his heart.

But, after all, he didn’t sneak attack on himself.

Besides, this trip to Fenxiang Valley, after all, they lost face.

Therefore, Lou Hang has nothing to retaliate.

Sitting cross-legged, the mind is placed in the Zen enlightenment of the heavenly book.

One’s own cultivation base has also been improved bit by bit!

In my spare time, I discuss the Tao with Taoism and point out Zhang Xiaofan’s practice of Jinchūriki! The life is very pleasant!

What is the situation of other explorers now, Lou Hang doesn’t know, but his life is very comfortable!

Moreover, so far, in the world of Zhuxian, his own harvest has been very rich!

First, the five books of the heavenly book, and then his own strength, and the blood-devouring orb and the mysterious fire mirror, the fairy medicine and the spirit stone of the treasure house of the emperor, and many of the gains are very huge!

So, now that there are so many gains, Lou Hang doesn’t mean to continue planning.

After all, there are not many things worth planning for yourself!

It’s just that when Lou Hang is preparing to practice quietly at Qingyunmen next.

Among hundreds of thousands of mountains, in a town Mogu Cave, a few ghosts worshipped a figure, but a person was released from it.

A man wearing gorgeous silk and satin, handsome and almost coquettish!

This man walked out of the cave, and behind him, several figures followed, looking at the handsome man in front of him excitedly!

“It’s great, it succeeded, it succeeded unexpectedly. According to the rumors, this is a very powerful existence. If he casually leaks something out of his fingers, the harvest of my adventure will be extremely huge, right!? ”

Looking at the man in front of him, the explorer’s heart was very excited!

“What do you want?” The man wearing silk and satin, with an almost glamorous appearance, asked in a calm tone!

“As long as you give it, I don’t dislike it!” Several men bowed their heads and said respectfully!

“Wait, someone is coming…” He opened his mouth and was about to talk. Suddenly, the coquettish man said something like this, and immediately looked towards the horizon and stopped talking!

Sure enough, it didn’t take long for a figure to appear and flew towards this side.

Looking at his goal, it is obviously the Ancient Cave of Demons!

However, when this figure came, his eyes fell on the fascinating man, his expression changed in amazement.

It looked like something unbelievable.

Soon, decisively turned and escaped!

(The money is good) “Since it’s here, don’t rush away. It happened to me that I have some questions I want to clarify!”

Seeing this figure turn and leave, the man spoke, and immediately raised his hand to grab the opponent!

A scorching and huge aura emerged, his own cultivation level did not retain the slightest, and a large swath of amber flames condensed into a substance appeared in his palm.

This figure directly threw the flame towards the back!

The coquettish man turned a blind eye to the flame, and directly raised his hand and grabbed the figure!

The amber flame, in front of this man, was nothing, it was directly shattered by his bare palms!

Then, the palm of the hand directly slapped the opponent’s neck!

“My Hang brother, are you ready to practice next?”

“Nonsense, Brother Hang is already full of harvests now, and the five volumes of the Book of Heaven are all collected. I think there are not many things that can make my Hang brother look good, right?”

“Okay, it’s done, now we just need to wait for Brother Hang to return successfully!”

“Damn, something has happened, something big has happened!”

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong, uncle?”

“In other live broadcast rooms, I saw other explorers unexpectedly released a terrible existence!

Terrible existence? How terrible can it be?

“The valley owner Yun Yilan of Fenxiang Valley, remember? He was killed by the opponent in one move!”

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