Chapter 345: Super Planetary Devastation

What is it!

As the Excalibur Yulei really moved, a thick thunder pillar fell from the sky.

The other thunder and lightning are just one piece, about the size of the arm.

But this pillar of thunder, looking at it, looked like an Optimus pillar smashed down from the sky.

The violent thunder and lightning, shocking and horrified!

Yun Yilan’s face was also extremely solemn, and she stretched out her palm.

An amber flame burned in the palm of his hand.

At the same time, holding the jade flame in his hand, he greeted the thunder beam.

The collision between flames and lightning is a cultivation base for practicing God and returning to the virtual. Compared with lightning, the flame looks a little too small.

However, this small flame contains extremely terrifying power!

Finally, the thunder and lightning dissipated, and Yun Yilan was also shaken out.

He stepped back a lot, and a thin layer of sweat appeared on his old face.

Staring at Lou Hang, his eyes are terrifying!

Buddhism, Taoism, and Demon cultivation, and whether it is magic power, Buddhist magical powers, or Taoist skills, everyone in front of them has received the true teachings, which is not a half-hearted level!

Your Excellency, “Who is it!?” Yun Yilan asked, staring at Lou Hang!

When I first started, I thought he was a man in the magic way.

But now, all the techniques of Buddhism, Daoism and Demon were displayed, which made Yun Yilan confused again.

How can there be such a existence in the world?

Three cultivation, actually still got the essence!?

“Okay, the techniques of Buddha, Dao, and Demon have all revealed their hands, which is considered to be confusing the other party!”

For Lou Hang, he just used the three abilities of Buddhism, Taoism, and Devil separately, but they did it deliberately, so that people could not guess who he was!

At this time at 13th, if you use any ability, the other party will not want to use the ability to determine your identity!

Thinking of this, Lou Hang raised his hand again!

Immediately, a black ball of light that was as dark as ink, like a black hole, appeared in Lou Hang’s hands!

“What it is!?

Everyone in Fenxiang Valley stared at the black ball of light in Lou Hang’s hand, secretly surprised in their hearts!

“Then, that black ball of light contains very powerful power!” Yun Yilan’s expression was also extremely solemn, staring at the black ball of light in Lou Hang’s hand and said.

As soon as he lifted his hand, the black ball of light flew directly into the sky.

Yun Yilan looked up. Because of the angle, this black ball of light completely blocked the sun. In his eyes, it seemed as if a total solar eclipse had occurred!

Then, Yun Yilan felt that the whole earth trembled crazily at this moment.

At the same time, his body has become lighter, as if he is ecstatic, almost flying!

Then, the land, rocks, even trees, and the disciples of Fenxiang Valley all flew up.

This made Yun Yilan understand that it was not her own illusion, but that she was really flying!

“Super Planetary Devastation!” Lou Hang muttered silently in his heart!

With the cultivation base of self-cultivation, the move of urging this Planetary Devastation is definitely more powerful than the move released by Nagato in the original book.

After all, the strength of Nagato in the original book is no more than the ceiling of Kage-level.

However, Lou Hang’s current strength is beyond Kage-level!

Countless substances, attracted by the black light ball in the sky, were all absorbed in the past.

Whether it is a stone, a tree, or a person, once it is sucked on it, you can’t move it at all

More and more, this sphere is getting bigger and bigger!

The whole earth trembled, and this scene was shocking!

The screams were endless. The disciples of Fenxiang Valley tried their best to stabilize their figure.

However, how can it be so easy to resist Planetary Devastation?

Nagato, who moved the soil in the original book, used this trick, even Uchiha Itachi, Eight Tails Jinchūriki and Uzumaki Naruto couldn’t stop this suction!

“Master Valley, what should I do!?”

Shangguan Ce, urged his own strength, and tried his best to resist Planetary Devastation, but even he had a feeling that it was difficult to stabilize his figure, so he could only speak and ask Yun Yilan loudly. .

What to do? Yun Yilan doesn’t know what to do now!

This move, Planetary Devastation, seemed invincible, and Yun Yilan also thought about using her strongest ability to attack the core of the sphere.

With such a strong suction, you don’t need to aim yourself, right?

But the problem is that in this sphere, hundreds of Fenxianggu disciples have been sucked into it.

If you really use violence to destroy it, let’s not say whether it can be destroyed.

Even if it can be destroyed, the hundreds of disciples in there will undoubtedly die!

Under the mouse bid, Yun Yilan didn’t even dare to use force to attack the Planetary Devastation!

However, when he hesitated to do it but didn’t dare to do it, but in the blink of an eye, a giant sphere with a diameter of a kilometer appeared in mid-air.

The circular sphere is suspended in mid-air, almost like an asteroid!

“Master Yungu, you said, this sphere, if I let it go down, what would it look like?”

Lou Hang stared at Yun Yilan and continued to speak!


Lou Hang’s words made Yun Yilan take a breath.

If the sphere is really smashed down, not to mention that Fenxiang Valley is destroyed, not to mention what kind of damage the sphere will cause.

Those disciples in this sphere are also bound to die, right?

“Yes, although the Planetary Devastation is not even as good as the Divine Sword Royal Thunder in terms of single-piece destructive ability, but at this time, this trick is much more effective than ten times the Divine Sword Royal Thunder!”

Looking at Yun Yilan’s face, Lou Hang whispered secretly in his heart.

Sure enough, there is no difference between strengths and weaknesses. It depends on where and when it is used!

Monks like Yun Yilan and Ghost King, who have reached the realm of practicing God and returning to the Void, are really terrifying one by one, and it is too difficult to defeat them!

Before discussing with the Ghost King, I used the Xuanyuan Sword’s chill to freeze the Ghost King Sect’s disciples as a threat!

This time, it was threatened by Planetary Devastation who sealed the disciples of Fenxiang Valley!

“Go, go and release the Nine Tails fox!

Being threatened by hundreds of Fenxianggu disciples by Lou Hang, Yun Yilan’s expression was hard to see the extreme.

But, is there any way?

Compared with the Nine Tails fox, these hundreds of disciples of Fenxiang Valley are all the future of Fenxiang Valley.

If all this were dead, Fenxianggu would have broken the incense!

When the Shangguan Ce next to him heard the words, he sighed silently in his heart. Of course he understood which was more important.

It can only be said that this powerhouse of Buddha, Dao, Devil and Three Cultivators, his magical powers are really amazing!

The helpless Shangguan Ce came to the Xuanhuo Altar and urged the techniques of Burning Fragrant Jade Book to unlock the defenses of the Xuanhuo Altar!

Lou Hang quietly watched the actions of Shangguance, while Yun Yilan stared at Lou Hang!

In this way, it took a stick of incense time, and the seal of the Profound Fire Altar was finally opened.

Then, wearing a white dress, with an impossibly beautiful appearance, a three-point seductive woman mixed in her exquisite face, walked out of the Profound Fire Altar!

It was the Nine Tails fox that came out.

I looked at the tragic scene of Fenxiang Valley, looked at the huge sphere in the sky, and of course, I also saw Lou Hang!

“Well, the Nine Tails fox has been released. According to the agreement, you should release my disciples!?” Yun Yilan asked Lou Hang.

Hearing that, Lou Hang hooked his finger at Nine Tails!

Nine Tails Fox is very smart. From Yun Yilan’s words, it is clear that Lou Hang rescued herself.

With a move, he flew towards Lou Hang!

However, Shangguan Ce moved sideways, and the one who stood in front of the Nine Tails fox stared at Lou Hang: “You release our disciple of Fenxiang Valley first!”

Well, he is afraid that after the Nine Tails fox passes, Lou Hang will still kill!

Lou Hang was silent for a moment, but didn’t say much, the ability of Planetary Devastation was cancelled by itself!

As the power was lifted, the terrible suction power had also disappeared.

Without the sealing power suppression of Planetary Devastation, the disciples of Fenxiang Valley buried in the earth ball, one by one, released their ability to burn incense jade books.

The scorching flame turned the entire sphere into lava, and then, one by one disciples came out of the sphere.

The sphere, which was a kilometer away in diameter, also collapsed and shattered!

Upon seeing this, Shangguan Ce stepped aside this time and signaled that Nine Tails Fox could leave!

However, seeing Nine Tails Fox: Lou Hang flew over there.

Between Yun Yilan’s fingers, he secretly prepared a bean-sized flame, and then flicked her fingers.

This ray of flame crossed a line of fire in mid-air, and came behind the Nine Tails fox in the blink of an eye!

Gu Zhu “!?” Seeing Yun Yilan actually made a move at this time, Shangguan Ce’s expression changed.

Obviously, I didn’t expect Yun Yilan to make a move at this time?

Isn’t this a backlash?

Lou Hang also didn’t expect Yun Yilan to sneak attack, raising his hand and shooting at the flame!

Although the two people’s cultivation bases are average, Yun Yilan is ready to take off early, and Lou Hang’s sword energy is hurriedly shot, how can this be compared?

Sword Qi was directly shattered by the flame, although the flame that was blocked was also shattered.

But there were still several fragments that fell on the back of the Nine Tails fox, causing her to scream involuntarily!

As soon as he moved, Lou Hang came to Nine Tails fox and held her in a hand, and then looked at Yun Yilan’s intention to continue to do it.

Lou Hang is no nonsense, with a Nine Tails fox in one hand, and a few circles with the other hand, quickly constructing a magic portal and disappearing!

Yun Yilan still wanted to do it, but watched Lou Hang and Nine Tails pass through the magic portal, disappeared instantly, froze, and looked at the air in disbelief!

Actually, “I can tear the void and leave so easily? This, what is the endurance of this guy!”

Although he was also a cultivator in the Void Return Realm, Yun Yilan was dumbfounded by the effect of Lou Hang’s magic portal, whispering in her mouth!

It’s terrifying, if the other party uses this ability to retaliate against Fenxiang Valley, how can this be resisted?

Only a thousand days are a thief, how can there be a thousand days to guard against a thief?

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