Chapter 328: Lou Hang is too capable of pretending, right?

Listening to his father asking Lou Hang again, Baguio raised the acacia bell in his hand and said: “This treasure is the most precious treasure of the Acacia Sect. Back then, Mrs. Jinling’s personal magic treasure, the Acacia Bell, this treasure, Lou Hang He should look down upon him!”

The King of Ghosts took the acacia bell from Baguio’s hand, looked at it carefully for a moment, and then nodded silently.

With the eyes of the ghost king, of course, you can see that this acacia bell is indeed a rare treasure!

Moreover, the name of Mrs. Jin Ling’s most precious Hehuan Ling, the ghost ~ Wang has also heard of it!

“Look at it? It seems that the kid named Lou Hang is very affectionate to you. Such a treasure is actually willing to give it to you!”

After looking around, he returned the Hehuan Bell to Baguio, the ghost king said!

No one will look down upon such a treasure as Hehuanling.

But since he is willing to give it to Baguio, in the eyes of the ghost king, he should be willing to give it!

“Father, do you know that the treasure of Fenxiang Valley, Xuan Huo Jian is also in Lou Hang’s hands, do you know how Lou Hang describes Xuan Huo Jian?”

“Quite! He said, it’s just a mere mere Xuanhuojian!”

Without explaining anything, Baguio followed up and said to the ghost king!

“The Xuanhuojian? This is really crazy!”

Hearing this, the corners of the ghost king’s mouth twitched slightly.

Even if he is himself, he dare not use the word quasi to describe the mysterious Xuanhuojian artifact, right?

It seems that this guy named Lou Hang is pretty dressed?

Or is it that men can act in front of their favorite women?

If you think about it this way, the ghost king feels quite reasonable!

After all, even when an animal is courting, the bird still has to show off itself to attract the attention of the alien?


But no matter what his father thought, Baguio followed up and said, “Father, do you know how Lou Hang describes the black water mysterious snake?

After a slight pause, Baguio followed and said: “Quite, he said, it’s not enough to be afraid of the black water black snake!”

“You have encountered the black water mysterious snake!?”

Hearing that, Ghost King’s face changed suddenly.

Of course, the ghost king knew the power of the ancient strange beast, Heishui Xuan Snake, and it was an existence that could not be resisted by humans.

Even if he is himself, he cannot be an opponent.

It should even be said that no one in the world is the opponent of Black Water Profound Snake!

Although it can be seen that the daughter was not injured now, but after encountering an alien beast like the Black Water Profound Snake, I feel scared after thinking about it!

“Yes, I did meet it!” Baguio nodded and said!

In the face of “Black Water Profound Snake, you can actually escape your lives. It seems that this guy named Lou Hang has a really good cultivation base!” Hearing this, the ghost king said with some emotion!

In short, my daughter will never escape.

But now that it is safe and not even injured, the ghost king nodded secretly, thinking that although Lou Hang had a louder tone, he seemed to be more pretentious in terms of words and deeds.

However, it looks like it’s not just a simple pretend, it looks good too!

“Father, you, you seem to have misunderstood something!”

Listening to his father’s words, Baguio’s mouth twitched slightly, and then he shook his head and said!

“Misunderstood?” Hearing this, the ghost king looked at his daughter strangely, and didn’t quite understand what she meant!

“Lou Hang didn’t take me to escape, but he fought the Black Water Black Snake alone, completely crushed it, and defeated the Black Water Black Snake!” Baguio replied!

“This is impossible!” Upon hearing this, the ghost king shook his head!

The black water mysterious snake is an existence that can’t be resisted by humans, which can be said to be common sense.

No matter how high the cultivation base is, it is impossible to defeat the Black Water Profound Snake!

It’s like no matter how brave you are, you can’t defeat a tiger, right?

However, the daughter said that Lou Hang actually defeated the black water mysterious snake in a one-on-one battle?

This is impossible!

“At that time, Lou Hang said that, the black water mysterious snake, he alone is enough to deal with it, so the daughter is just watching the battle next to him, and there is no chance to make a move!” Baguio continued.

“If that guy named Lou Hang can really defeat the Black Water Black Snake one-on-one, that only shows one thing!”

Seeing Baguio’s decisive appearance, the King of Ghosts also knew that she couldn’t make a joke with herself about this matter.

Therefore, his face became serious!

“What does it mean?” Hearing this, Baguio’s expression became more serious, and she looked at her father!

“That guy named Lou Hang is definitely not a human!” said the ghost king with a firm face!

“Not a human?” The words made Baguio’s expression more solemn.

“Yes, the power of the black water mysterious snake is not something humans can fight against. If you are really sure that Lou Hang can defeat the black water mysterious snake, then he is definitely not a human!”

The Ghost King nodded seriously and said.

“Isn’t it a human? Maybe, it really is!”

Listening to her father’s words, Baguio thought about it carefully, and was shaken as to whether Lou Hang was a human or not.

Judging from the performance of Luohang, his strength is indeed incredible, but he is still so young!

Moreover, Lou Hang’s eyes, lavender eyes, and six concentric circles.

I also asked when I was chatting, Lou Hang said his eyes are called Rinnegan?

That’s not the eyes that humans should have at all, right?

So, Lou Hang is not human?

This, this seems to be justified?

“Well, about Lou Hang, let’s talk about it later, let’s go back first!”

Seeing his daughter’s look, the ghost king could of course see her thoughts, and interrupted her thoughts.

Soon, the group of three turned and left!

Isn’t the object of my daughter’s eyes on humans?

Regarding this, in fact, the ghost king does not have much sense of rejection!

After all, his own wife, Xiaochi, is not a human being, but a fox tribe from Huqishan!

The two Baguio father and daughter met, had a conversation, and suspected that they were not humans, which Lou Hang naturally did not know.

At this time, Lou Hang and Zhang Xiaofan have already returned to Qingyunmen!

Chi Chi Chi Chi…

The Tongtian Peak of Qingyunmen is the peak vein where the head Taoxuan is located. At the entrance of Tongtian Peak’s main hall, the magic portal is directly constructed here, which makes the disciples of Tongtian Peak vigilant.

“It turned out to be Junior Brother Zhang Xiaofan and Elder Luo!”

Seeing Lou Hang and Zhang Xiaofan walking out of this magic portal, the disciples of Tongtian Peak breathed a sigh of relief!

“Well, is the head in charge?” Lou Hang waved his hand casually, disbanded the magic portal, and immediately asked the disciple beside him.

“Yes, Master is inside!” The disciple of Tongtian Peak nodded.

Soon, Lou Hang and Zhang Xiaofan walked in!

“What kind of Taoism was that just now, it looks amazing!”

Ask for flowers…

“Elder Lou Hang’s Taoism is really amazing!

“Judging from the scene in the circle just now, it is not Qingyunmen at all, so with such a spell, can people go back to Qingyunmen directly?”

“I have only heard of Taoism like Five Ghost Transport, but this Taoism is much better than Five Ghost Transport!”

Lou Hang and Zhang Xiaofan walked into the hall of Tongtian Peak, and the disciples of Tongtian Peak behind them started talking in a low voice!

The existence of Lou Hang, in the hearts of many Qingyunmen disciples, is not only a high level of cultivation, but also represents magic!

The ability of this magic portal now only deepens this concept in everyone’s hearts!

Not to mention how the disciples outside talked about themselves, Lou Hang took Zhang Xiaofan at this time and had already seen Daoxuan!

“Elder Luo, you two?” Seeing Lou Hang and Zhang Xiaofan coming back together, Daoxuan asked with a slightly different expression.

“Master, I met him by chance when I was traveling outside, so I came back together!” Lou Hang explained!

“Oh, that’s it!” Nodded, Dao Xuan’s gaze followed Zhang Xiaofan’s body!


Then, Zhang Xiaofan didn’t talk nonsense, how to separate himself from Lu Xueqi and others.

Then, the things encountered in the Ten Thousand Ancient Caves were reported to Dao Xuan well!

“In that case, the Demon Gate is indeed ready to move, and wants to do it to Masamichi!”

Hearing what Zhang Xiaofan said, Dao Xuan nodded slightly, and at the same time, his expression became a lot more solemn!

“Okay, let’s go, this time the mission is still complete, don’t worry about the safety of Lu Xueqi and the others!” After a moment of silence, Daoxuan said to Zhang Xiaofan.


However, Zhang Xiaofan, who heard the words, did not leave in a hurry, only his eyes fell on Lou Hang.

“Go, if you have time, you can come to my place, I will teach you some methods on how to control the power of the black water mysterious snake!”

Understand what Zhang Xiaofan meant, Lou Hang said!

As a person from Jinchūriki, there is nothing wrong with giving some pointers to the newcomer!

“Thank you Lord Luo!” Hearing that, Zhang Xiaofan smiled and immediately turned and left the hall!

Above and below Qingyunmen, everyone called Lou Hang as Elder Luo, only Zhang Xiaofan called Lord Luo.

From this name, it can be seen that the relationship between Zhang Xiaofan and Lou Hang is indeed different from ordinary people!

Daoxuan is not surprised by their close relationship.

However, what they said just now made Daoxuan feel very different.

“Elder Luo, Hei Shui Xuan Snake’s power? What do you mean?” Daoxuan asked, looking at Lou Hang with inquiring eyes.

“Oh, it’s okay, it was when Zhang Xiaofan met the Black Water Black Snake in the ruthless sea of ​​the Ten Thousand Bats Ancient House, and saved him from the Black Water Black Snake’s mouth.”

“By the way, seal the Black Water Profound Snake in Zhang Xiaofan’s body!”

“Now that the seal is in the body, Zhang Xiaofan also has to learn how to borrow the power of the black water mysterious snake!” Lou Hang said, with a calm look!

However, after listening to Lou Hang’s words, the corners of Daoxuan’s mouth twitched, and his face was a little dark!

What did he say? Nothing?

That’s the Black Water Profound Snake, who was actually defeated, and it was still sealed in Zhang Xiaofan’s body? This is nothing?

This is too much to install, right? Inch,

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