Chapter 327: Baguio, do you think there are young people who are great for fathers?

Lord Luo”, let’s go back!

Already coming out of the blood dripping hole, Zhang Xiaofan’s figure shifted horizontally, his position slightly blocked in front of Lou Hang, blocking the line of sight between Lou Hang and Baguio, and said to Lou Hang!

The corners of his mouth raised slightly, Lou Hang also thought it was quite interesting for Zhang Xiaofan’s attitude like protecting a calf!

It seems that it was Baguio who just threw an olive branch to herself, which made Zhang Xiaofan a little concerned.

So I’m afraid I really left the Azure Cloud Gate and joined the Ghost King Sect, right?

Although the book of the Ghost King Sect is also Lou Hang’s goal, there is no thought to join the Ghost King Sect.

There is still more than half a year, so there is no need to rush for a while.

Besides, regarding your own existence, you must first let the ghost king have a concept of himself!

“Okay, let’s go back!” Lou Hang just nodded and agreed after hesitated for a moment!

“Lou Hang, are you leaving? When can we see you again?”

After listening to Lou Hang and Zhang Xiaofan, I was about to leave, Baguio asked reluctantly.

“What? Are you reluctant to bear me?” Lou Hang smiled slightly and asked Baguio!

“No, no” Baguio looked aside and denied it.

Her appearance made Lou Hang feel a little trembling!

If Baguio confessed openly, or even flirted with herself on the other hand, it should just be flirting with herself on the surface!

However, her appearance makes Lou Hang really doubt that Baguio won’t like him anymore, right?

Zhong secretly shook his head, Lou Hang raised his hand and constructed a magic portal to Qingyunmen, and left with Zhang Xiaofan.

For myself, although there are more days of adventure in Otherworld.

However, relatively speaking, Lou Hang is still unwilling to have emotional entanglements with otherworld women.

After all, I can only stay for a year, and when it comes to returning?

807 Even Zhi Nao is willing to let the woman who took Otherworld go back by himself.

But are others really willing to abandon their relatives and friends in this world, and leave the original world with them?

Ask, in the real world, how many women are willing to do it for love.

Abandon the family and never lose contact with your original family’s parents, friends, classmates, etc. for the rest of your life?

How many men are willing to go to the woman’s family, and will not disconnect from their parents, friends, etc. for the rest of their lives?

The truth is the same!

Even if it takes ten thousand steps to say, if a woman does this, she must have gone through a very painful decision in her heart.

This is what Lou Hang doesn’t want to see!

Therefore, if you are exploring in Otherworld, if you can avoid any emotional entanglements with women, try to avoid them!

Just like the previous Marvel world, Lou Hang also consciously kept a certain distance from the black widow Natasha!

Closer to home, after Lou Hang opened the magic portal, Zhang Xiaofan naturally crossed the magic portal with Lou Hang and returned to the blue cloud gate!

Looking at Lou Hang, he left like this, and finally just waved his hand, and the magic portal disappeared invisible.

Baguio felt a little empty in her heart, and after looking at it for a long time, she couldn’t help but sigh in secret!

“Everyone has left, are you still sad?”

I don’t know how long it took, and suddenly, a voice rang behind Baguio.

“Auntie You? You, when did you come?” Turning around, looking at You Ji who was standing behind him, Baguio looked surprised and asked!

“When did you come? I’ve been here for a while, it’s you, like a lover, didn’t notice me!” You Ji smiled and said.

“Auntie You, what are you talking nonsense!” Baguio said non-compliant after hearing this.

“Okay, do you understand that person’s situation?”

Her face turned straight, You Ji didn’t mean to tease Baguio anymore, and asked!

Listening to what You Ji said, Baguio also understood her thoughts, and her expression became more serious: “I have understood a lot, his Taoism cultivation is unfathomable, even…

Having said that, Baguio is a little hard to say!

“Even what?” You Ji asked!

“Even, my father’s cultivation base should not be as good as him, or even worse than him!”

Baguio thought of going all the way, Lou Hang’s performance, and said!

“Baguio, people say that beauty is in the eyes of lovers, are you in the same situation?”

“Your father’s cultivation base can be regarded as one of the world’s top powerhouses, but you say that his cultivation base is even stronger than your father!?” You Ji looked at Baguio suspiciously and asked!

“Yes, I also want to know how the boy my daughter is fond of is even more powerful than me!”

At the same time, another magnetic voice rang!

Hearing this voice, You Ji and Baguio both turned their heads.

Not far away, a man wearing a black robe, but exuding a refined atmosphere, was staring here!

“Sect Master! Seeing” this man, You Ji lowered her head and shouted!

“Father!” Baguio’s body shrank slightly!

“Let’s talk about it, a young guy whose cultivation base is higher than mine, even a lot higher?”

The ghost king looked at his daughter and asked calmly!

In fact, facing his daughter, the ghost king’s mood is also a little complicated, I don’t know how to face it!

Do you want to say that fathers are kind and filial?

I couldn’t do it. When I was attacked by people from Masamichi, my wife and daughter were in desperate situation. My wife cut off her own meat and fed it to her daughter.

This makes the ghost king’s heart still a little estranged from his daughter!

But, do you face your daughter with the same mentality as an enemy?

It’s impossible, this is his own daughter after all!

“Father, this time in Wanbat Ancient Cave, my harvest is very rich!” After a moment of silence, Baguio said to his father!

“Very rich?” Looking at his daughter with an inquiring look, the ghost king didn’t say much, waiting for her to continue.

“I found the first book of heaven in the Bleeding Hole, and (bddb) there is also (bddb) the most precious treasure of the Hehuan School and the personal treasure of Mrs. Golden Bell back then-Hehuan Bell!”

“Volume One, Heavenly Book!?

The ghost king looked at Baguio in a daze.

The book of heaven is the bible of the magic way. This Bible is in her hands now, but the daughter said that she still got the first book of heaven?

What means?

It was as if someone suddenly jumped in front of Wuyazi and said that he had given him the third volume of Beiming Magical Art.

It is estimated that Wuyazi will be forced, right?

Isn’t the Beiming Divine Art the Beiming Divine Art? Volume 3 What the hell is the Beiming Divine Art?

After so many years, I didn’t know that the Beiming Divine Art I had cultivated was only an incomplete version?

“Husband’s heaven and earth are good fortune, when it is called chaos, ignorance is undivided, the sun and the moon merge with its glory, the heaven and the earth are mixed with its body, the outline is changed, and the turbidity is Chen

Without the meaning of too much nonsense, Baguio opened her mouth and recited the first volume of the heavenly book she had memorized on the blood-shedding cave stone!

The export of this reciting heavenly book suddenly changed the look of the ghost king!

The second volume of the book is in the hands of the ghost king, and the ghost king has naturally studied it deeply!

What Baguio recited in his mouth was completely different from the content of the bible book he remembered!

However, the ghost king can also hear that these contents, he and the heavenly book in his hand are the same roots!

More importantly, the stone inscription records the first volume of the heavenly book, and the second volume in the hands of the ghost king, which can be perfectly combined.

It didn’t take much time to memorize a book of heaven.

The ghost king heard it truly, and it was confirmed by the content of his own heavenly book.

“How? Did I recite the heavenly book? Is it different from the heavenly book that my father is holding?”

There is not too much nonsense, Baguio looked at her father and asked!

“This, what you recite is indeed the celestial script, but it is indeed different from the celestial script in my hand!”

The ghost king who originally thought he was stunned, at this time also had to admit that what Baguio had recited was indeed the heavenly book.

It turns out that the heavenly book that I got in my hands, or the large book that the source of the innumerable magical powers and magical techniques of the Holy Sect, is actually only a part of it?

“Sure enough, what he said was true…

From his father’s mouth, Baguio completely confirmed what Lou Hang was saying, and murmured in a low voice.

“He?” The ghost king looked at Baguio with a searching gaze!

“Master Lou Hang, he said, the book is divided into five volumes.”

“What I just recited is the first volume, and the second volume in my father’s hands, besides, the third volume is hidden in the treasure house of the emperor, and it will not be opened until ten years later!”

“The fourth volume is the wordless jade bi of Amane Temple, from which the Great Brahma Prajna of Amane Temple was realized!”

The fifth volume “is the Qingyunmen’s Zhuxian Sword, and Qingyunmen’s Tai Chi Xuanqing Dao, which is also born out of the fifth volume of the heavenly book!”

In the face of her father, Baguio certainly won’t conceal it, and said all these things, one to five to ten!

“So, my sacred gate’s exercises, and Amane Temple, and even Qingyunmen’s exercises, are actually the same by different paths?”

The Ghost King’s face also became dignified, and the Ghost King was not willing to believe this.

However, isn’t this first book of heaven the most conclusive evidence?

Since the holy gate’s book of heaven, this is only a part.

So, there are other parts, it’s not impossible, right?


The Yu Ji next to her also felt that the worldview seemed to have collapsed a bit, and immediately looked at the ghost king with her gaze!

“This matter, whether it is true or not, is still uncertain, maybe it is true, or it may be

Having said that, the ghost king can’t continue!

Maybe what? Is Masamichi deliberately released false news?

The Sacred Gate is unwilling to accept that Masamichi and the Demon Dao have reached the same goal by different routes, and places such as Qingyun Gate and Amane Temple are also unwilling to accept it!

Therefore, this can’t be a false news specially released by Masamichi!

“The young man you are talking about has a cultivation base a lot higher than me, what’s the matter? Let’s talk about it?”

After a moment of silence, putting the shock of the heavenly book down for a while, the ghost king looked at Baguio and asked.

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