Chapter 3: Starting Hell Difficulty?

“Here is coming, my live broadcast of Dragon Kingdom is lit up!”

“He’s a little brother, he looks handsome, very young!”

“First of all, this is a man, and I was a little relieved. Fortunately, it is not a woman, and there is no meaning of sexism, but when it comes to issues such as adventure, women are inherently weaker than men. This is God’s factory setting! Second, This man seems to be about 20 years old, he is a little too young. If he is an adult man about 30 years old, it would be even better. In general, the lucky guy from the Dragon Kingdom is not particularly brilliant, but he is quite satisfactory! ”

“The one who came to the island country at random was a female high school student, hahaha, she looked awkward after crossing, really kawaii!”

“The random lucky guy in the U.S. is a special soldier? They are so lucky!”

“According to observations, 70% of the explorers have chosen the Great Liao Kingdom as their destination. Why is this?”

“According to insiders, the Great Liao Kingdom in Otherworld has the strongest national power, and everyone is like a wolf like a tiger!”

“We, the explorer of the Dragon Kingdom, came to Da Song? I don’t know what he is in Da Song, what are you going to do?”

Lou Hang can’t see the many comments in the live broadcast room.

But fortunately, if you don’t see these remarks, you can relax yourself!

In this Otherworld, the special power is Guwu!

Therefore, the purpose of the explorer, of course, is how to obtain the mystery of practicing martial arts!

However, this Otherworld, others can only fumble in the dark, but he has already planned a clear route.

Why did he choose Da Song and come to this Boundless Sword Sect again?

Isn’t it for the treasures under the cliff?

Beiming divine art, Ling Bo’s microsteps, these are the top martial arts in the world…

I don’t know exactly where the cliff is, but I remember it is near the Boundless Sword Sect!

Wuyazi and the couple danced their swords under the cliff and reflected on a piece of jade bib. They were considered to be fairy dancing swords. That’s why the Boundless Sword Sect was born!

So, first think of a way to join the Boundless Sword Sect.

Then what? Find the existence of that immeasurable jade bi!

In this way, it is much easier to find the cave that hides the jade statue, Beiming Divine Art and Lingbo Weibu!

With an idea, Lou Hang met two woodcutters, and after some inquiries, he knew the direction of the Boundless Sword Sect.

When the sky was dark, I finally arrived at the Boundless Sword Sect!

“Be smart, the explorer of the Dragon Kingdom is still very smart. By the way, I remember the official introduction, saying that his name is Lou Hang? He inquired about this Boundless Sword Sect, and then found it. This is to worship a sect. what!”

“It’s not bad, this melon seed is very good. If you have entered a school, you want to learn martial arts, it will be much easier, right?”

“Such a calm and smart little brother is so charming, I want to give him a monkey!”

In the live broadcast room, although half a day, Lou Hang was asking for directions and rushing.

However, all the audience knew what he was going to do, so they didn’t feel boring, on the contrary, they were all refreshed!

After entering Otherworld for a long time, have a clear goal?

I really want to see what the cultivation sect of Otherworld is like, and also want to see if the explorer can successfully enter the Boundless Sword Sect by apprenticeship?

Looking forward to it!

“Stop, who are you?” At the gate of the Wuliang Sword Sect, a young man carrying a sword scolded Lou Hang and asked.

“My name is Lou Hang, I have long admired the prestige of the Wuliang Sword Sect, so if I want to join the Wuliang Sword Sect, I dare to ask Brother, how should I follow the regulations?” Lou Hang asked with a smile on his face.

“You haven’t joined our Boundless Sword Sect yet, what qualifications do you have to call me Senior Brother?” The disciple guarding the mountain gate yelled coldly!

When the voice fell, he rubbed his fingers suggestively, and said, “I don’t want to be a teacher of our Boundless Sword Sect. It’s not a cat or a dog that can do it, it depends on how sincere you are!”

“Uh…” Looking at the appearance of the disciple, Lou Hang certainly understood what was going on, his expression was a bit awkward!

This has just crossed over, how can I have silver?

I patted my forehead, but the wise man must have lost his mind. Why didn’t I expect to prepare some silver to bring in?

“Hmph, it seems that you have lost any sincerity!” Seeing Lou Hang’s motionless for a while, the disciple who guarded the gate sank and said with a grunt.

“I’ve forgotten to prepare, can I be accommodating?” Now turn back to make money? How can it be so easy!

“Going billowing, why don’t you worship any teacher without sincerity? Get out!” The disciple guarding the mountain gate, with a bad attitude, directly drove him away.


Just when Lou Hang was driven away, suddenly, a figure quickly passed by under the night and appeared beside Lou Hang and the others!

This is a mature woman in a red dress, who looks about thirty or forty years old. She looks pretty good, but there are three scratches on her face that ruin her appearance.

“Who? Intrude into my Boundless Sword Sect!” Seeing this woman appear, the disciple guarding the mountain gate changed his expression and shouted in a deep voice, with the sword on his back unsheathed.

However, the disciple guarding the mountain gate was fast, and the woman was even faster, so he pinched the opponent’s neck in one hand!

“Hehehe, let me ask you, Zuo Zimu, the head of your Boundless Sword Sect, did you give birth to a son two days ago? Where is that son hidden?” The woman asked with a weird smile.

“You, who are you? Have hatred with my Boundless Sword Sect?” The disciple guarding the mountain gate, his face flushed and he was breathing hard, asked.


With a crisp voice, this disciple of the Boundless Sword Sect was immediately broken by the woman’s neck.

At the same time, he shot again like lightning, pinching the neck of Lou Hang next to him: “What about you? Do you want to die like him?”

“Wow, how did this woman show up just now? So fast, the 100-meter sprint champion can’t compare to her, right?”

“This lady, she doesn’t look like a good person!”

“Hiss? This kills people casually? This Otherworld is terrible, isn’t it?”

“Oops, Lou Hang is dying! What should I do? I met such an evil guy on the first day? Want to be killed?”

“The disciple of the Immeasurable Sword Sect just now asked for more nonsense and was killed. Lou Hang wanted to answer and couldn’t answer it, right?”

“It’s over, on the first day, the explorer of our Dragon Kingdom died?”

“It’s a start to hell difficulty!”*

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