Chapter 2: The so-called Otherworld, isn’t it the TV series world of the previous life?

[Shocked, many otherworlds opened by Zhi Brain, many countries want to enter it and obtain resources. In the end, Zhi Brain chooses various countries in the world and randomly selects an explorer to enter. What you can get depends on their own chances! 】

[Many Otherworlds, technology, immortality, magic, ninjutsu, etc. are different. Zhi Brain has arranged a less difficult alien world as the goal of the first expedition! 】

[The official expedition will start in three days, and the global live broadcast will be launched during the introduction, so stay tuned! 】

Otherworld is about to open, and the corresponding announcement soon spread throughout Bluestar, causing a huge sensation.

Everyone understands better that this forbidden expedition is a time to reshuffle the power of all countries in the world.

Naturally, with the global announcement, everyone in the world is boiling over!

“Are there so many fantasy worlds? Don’t you mean? If our Dragon Kingdom explorers find the secrets of cultivating immortals, we can also fly the sword and fly the immortals?”

“The sword is coming by the wind, and the world of slaying demons? You are handsome!”

“Our Dragon Kingdom has a population of 1.4 billion, and it only has one quota? Most countries don’t even have 100 million. It feels a bit targeted!”

“That can’t be helped. Wisdom brain has no emotions, desires, and will not favor anyone. In general, our Dragon Kingdom still has some advantages!”

“Oh? What do you say upstairs?”

“For example, for the same cheat book, tens of millions of people in Bangzi State study together, and 1.4 billion people in Long Kingdom study together. With a large population base, the probability of having a master is naturally greater!”

“What I said upstairs makes sense, but in general, it depends on the explorer’s methods. I hope that my Dragon Kingdom can randomly find a powerful explorer!”

“There are three more days? These days are too slow, and there is a sense of eagerness to wait for the next day of TV play when I was young!”

“The truth upstairs, even if we can’t be the lucky one in 1.4 billion, but at least, we can watch the live broadcast and appreciate the elegance of Otherworld, right?”

“Such a matter of the national dragon’s national fortune, do you actually treat it as watching TV? Watching live travel?”

Many netizens on the Internet, how to discuss it, let’s not talk about it for the time being.

At this time, Lou Hang is focusing on otherworld information to be traversed!

The purpose of Wisdom Brain is not simply to send people there, but to let Blue Star explorers go to Otherworld to obtain more resources.

Therefore, although the information about the Otherworld to be traversed is only a very rough part, it is still announced to all explorers!

[Time is in the world, there is the Song Dynasty, there is the Liao Dynasty, there is the Dali Kingdom, Xixia, Tubo, etc…][The Song Dynasty is weak, the Daliao is ambitious, the Emperor Yelu Hongji never forgets to invade the Song Dynasty…][Dali is weak and does not have much sense of existence! 】

[This Otherworld possesses a supernatural magical power called internal power, which allows people to walk like the wind, smash boulders with one palm, and lasses with sword air…]

Lou Hang looked at the information about the world he was going to travel through, the more he looked at it, the more weird his face became!

Although Blue Star’s planet is very similar to the Earth, it has many differences, in terms of history, culture, and technology!

Therefore, in all aspects of film and television dramas that existed on the earth before, Blue Star did not have them!

Others may not see much, but Lou Hang feels more familiar as he sees it. Is this a world set in martial arts?

Da Song? Daliao? Dali? Tibet?

This information seems to fit well with the TV series of a martial arts novel in the previous life!

[Daliao, the emperor has a million soldiers, and the great king of the southern courtyard is in charge of the military, and everyone is like a wolf like a tiger! 】

[Da Song, the soldiers are weak, but there are Shaolin and Beggars in the martial arts! With Shaolin’s 72 stunts, the beggar gang made the world famous for dropping the dragon with eighteen palms and hitting the dog stick! 】

[Dali, the country is small but the population is not prosperous, Yiyang Zhi stunt is also the best in the world! 】

Really hammered!

Originally, after seeing the previous information, Lou Hang just felt a little familiar.

However, after seeing a lot of information behind this, I was really hammered. Isn’t this the martial arts of the previous life?

Is there North Qiaofeng and South Murong?

The information released by Wisdom Brain is just a summary of the general situation of Otherworld, and does not have the original plot concept of the film and television drama.

Therefore, Lou Hang only knows this Otherworld, which should be the film and television drama of the martial arts world he is familiar with.

However, the specific timeline is not known.

“Zhi Nao, in this Otherworld, who is the beggar gang leader?” Lou Hang asked after a moment of silence.

Hearing this, the old Li next to him gave Lou Hang a surprised look. He obviously didn’t understand the meaning of his question.

Nowadays, people all over the world don’t know the information of this Otherworld. Naturally, even if they want to ask something, they can’t ask!

Zhi Nao was silent, apparently investigating.

In this way, he remained silent for about a minute and replied: “Now, Wang Jiantong, the leader of the Beggar Gang, passed away half a month ago, and the new leader Qiao Feng has just ascended the throne!”

“Okay, the timeline is also known, as for the others, don’t ask any more!” After getting the answer, Lou Hang’s heart began to become active!

I am a traversal person, and after I came to Blue Star, I didn’t have any cheats. I thought I could not traverse. There is no difference. They are all living at the bottom of society!

But now, Lou Hang knows what his biggest cheat is.

That is the original plot understanding of the martial arts world in the previous life!

Moreover, this is only the first world to be explored, and it is also the world with the lowest degree of danger for intellectual brain integration.

Those worlds that often open mountains and seas are placed behind.

So? What about the world behind? Is it also a film and television drama that I am familiar with in my previous life?

Of course, these future things will be discussed later.

What I have to prepare now is how to get enough resources in the world of the first martial arts!

Carefully recall the relevant memories of the previous life in my mind, and then continue to review and deduct!

The plot characters in the original work appeared in their minds, chaotic and chaotic!

No one from the National Security Agency bothered him.

In this way, in the chaotic thoughts, a route slowly emerged and became clearer!

There is still time to prepare. Soon, Lou Hang made some good preparations in advance!

So, three days passed in a flash!

Countless people from all over the world have gathered in the live broadcast room, waiting to watch the adventure live broadcast about Otherworld, and it is the adventure live broadcast about the fortune of the country!

Lou Hang is standing in front of the door, and the door is activated!

“Wisdom Brain, I choose to descend into the Great Song Realm, the Boundless Sword Sect!”*

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