350 Prosperity and heyday!

350 Prosperity and heyday!

Just like that, time flies.

The whole of the East, with the passage of time, has changed greatly.

Lin Feng’s life is as leisurely as ever.

In the blink of an eye, another ten years have passed.

Lin Feng’s floating island is getting more and more beautiful.

In ten years, the overall construction on the floating islands below Lin Feng has not yet been completed.

Not so fast.

After all, such a large area.

Moreover, in the past ten years, Lin Feng’s floating island itself is constantly expanding.


Lin Feng’s daily life has also become very comfortable.

Every day, I would go to the floating island to take a look around to deal with things, and in the process, if Lin Feng got up with them, he would also slip to the floating island of deserted boots, or go to the floating island below to relax.

Now, his lifespan has been quite long.

Thanks to various fruits, Lin Feng’s lifespan can be almost immortal.

SWAT is the fruit of life.

In this way, after another ten years, the tree of life finally rose to level 20.

The tree of life at level 20 doubled the number of elemental spirits it could bear, reaching 20,000 of each type.

The number of element elves gradually increased, and all the element elves added up to a total of more than 200,000.

However, it took more than ten years to nurture all these elemental elves and raise their levels.

After all, there are too many.

When the number of elemental elves generally increased to above level 20, more than ten years had passed.

Before you know it, time has come to the 200th year of the floating island calendar.

It has been 200 years since the floating island world appeared.

These 200 years, the first 100 years, is the time for each district to develop itself.

The next 100 years will belong to the era of the East!

The East dominates the order of the entire world and the order of the entire floating island world.

In the past 100 years, in the understanding of ordinary people, it has completely changed.

The East is synonymous with power and prosperity, a heavenly existence, and countless people want to come to the East.

And thanks to the various fruits and products produced by Lindu Company, the entire East, the genes of all people, are also being continuously optimized.

The life expectancy of all people is also being continuously extended.

It can be said that the current Oriental, everyone is very hooked.

The height of the Orientals has also generally improved, but it is not the kind of tall SWAT police.

For example, each of them is more than two meters high, which is too out of balance.

Tall, but not overly tall, like sorghum stalks, but with the best proportions.

Moreover, the overall cultural level of the East has also improved, and every Oriental is full of self-confidence.

Some of the older generation of Orientals are sighing that the confidence of the Orientals is no less than that of the prosperous Tang Dynasty.

At that time, the east was the center of the world, and every oriental person had his own character. If the enemy dared to attack, even if they were separated by thousands of miles, they would be killed.

Now, the East has once again become the center of the world. The West has gone through a long barbaric era, and then plundered global resources. After the plundering is complete, it has transformed itself into a civilized person, and the short era of pointing fingers at the whole world has been past.

In fact, throughout history, the West has been barbaric for a long time, and it is only a hundred or two hundred years of glory. This glory is based on the plunder of the entire world.

The Eastern culture is completely different from the Western. Eastern people do not like aggression, nor do they want to invade police officers. Historically, when Zheng He went to the Western Ocean, he built a ship that was several hundred meters long. If he wanted to invade, he would have already invaded. Not sure how much land.

At the same time, Westerners, sitting in wooden boats of 20 to 30 meters, went to invade those primitive continents and plundered all the resources.

After being a robber for more than 100 years, when he became strong, he forcibly washed his whites, and with the help of his economic and military strength, he established the world order.

All this, now, has been changed,

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