349 Power in all aspects!

349 Power in all aspects!

“Old Li, are you going to travel again?”

“Well, I worked in the floating island world for a year, and I made enough money to spend a few years, so I wanted to travel around the world. 99

“Haha, then you have to be careful. Now every Oriental cut, there are a lot of women around you, and you will be trapped in the gentle village in your dreams~ I won’t come.”

In the east, in a seaside city, a dialogue is going on.

Due to the gradual improvement of living conditions, now, even ordinary Orientals, as long as they are diligent, go to the floating island world to work for a year every year, and the money they earn can basically support themselves for a long time.

There are also more oriental people who like to travel.

And it’s not those rich and wealthy Orientals, but ordinary Orientals.

Now, global travel is not uncommon for Orientals.

Also, it’s not something to brag about.

Rarely does it happen that hundreds of years ago, after a trip to the country, I wish the whole world would know the same situation.

Because now it is very common and commonplace, and it is not a thing at all.

On the contrary, it has become extremely rare to visit or travel to some large floating islands.

For example, Jinbang Floating Island, if anyone is lucky enough to visit it, he would like to @ everyone in the circle of friends and tell the police that he went to Jinbang Floating Island to visit.

The way of life of the oriental people has also been changed.

It is no longer like a year ago a few hundred years ago, except to go to work every day, that is, to go off work every day, there is no personal time at all.

In the East now, although the population is increasing, due to the increasing number of floating islands occupied, the demand for the population is very loud.

Some low-level floating island owners hope to open up immigration and let more people come in, so that they can get more cheap labor.

Every day on the eastern border, I don’t know how many westerners want to enter the east.

Yes, now Westerners, in the eyes of a large number of Easterners, have become standard cheap labor.

Hiring an Oriental, the salary is basically one dollar a day. If the Oriental has worked for you for a long time, such as a full year, you often have to pay some fruits, and then you can keep the other party.

And if it is a Westerner, many people are willing to come in as long as three hundred or four hundred.

But these low-level floating island owners are undoubtedly the object of condemnation by the whole people.

•••••••• Ask for flowers……..

Moreover, their ideas are not supported at all, because whether it is the floating island world or the decision-making power of some affairs in the East, they are not in their hands.


Now in the East, currency has become more valuable.

Because the East holds the vast majority of the fruits of the entire world.

Lin Feng directly linked the currency to the fruit.

Hundreds of years ago, energy was the most important thing. Therefore, the lighthouses and lighthouse coins of hundreds of years ago were able to pass through the world, because the lighthouse country controlled a lot of energy, and the settlement of energy also used lighthouse coins.

The energy here is mainly oil.

But now, the situation has been reversed.

Oil doesn’t matter anymore.

The energy block invented by the element elves has become a new energy source.

And more important than energy blocks are various life-extending fruits.

This can is the key.

Therefore, the currency of the East has already become the currency of the world.

The international settlement also uses the currency of the East.

You don’t have to.

The money you print, Dongfang does not recognize, that is a piece of waste paper!

Then what do you use to buy the fruits and products of Dongfang Yun?

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