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325-year 3 floors!

“The air is really thin.”

After rising to the 37th floor, Lin Feng flew out of the atmosphere of the floating island, and felt that on the 37th floor, the air in the floating island world was much thinner.

Now, Lin Feng floating island also has an atmosphere.

This layer of atmosphere is bound by the gravitational field of the floating island, coupled with the effect of the wind element elves, it can ensure that the air on the floating island will not escape.

The atmosphere of the floating island is not only on the front.

Instead there are.

It is like an ellipse, wrapping the floating island in the middle.

After the 37th floor, the air in the floating island world itself has become so thin that it would make it difficult for an ordinary person to breathe.

Lin Feng felt that there was no air left in the floating island world after going up a few floors.

Although there is no air, life energy is still more and more concentrated.

The amount of life energy absorbed by the tree of life every day is still increasing. ,

Continue to rise, the difficulty further increases.

Like deserted boots and their floating island, if the entire floating island does not form an independent closed loop, forming a perfect ecological circle, even if there are enough ability users to deal with the monster tide, it will not be able to rise to 37 floors.

Because supernatural beings also need to breathe.

On the 37th floor, it’s hard for ordinary people to breathe, and when they rise up, they can’t kill people?

Just from this point, I don’t know how long it will take to get stuck with some floating island masters.

That is, Lin Feng’s floating island, with the help of tens of thousands of elemental elves, quickly formed a perfect ecological circle, with an independent atmosphere, and can be self-sufficient.

If it is a deserted floating island, it would be difficult to form such a perfect ecological circle and form an atmosphere without decades.

Of course, if Lin Feng helps her, this time will definitely be shortened.

For the floating island owners, once they rise above the 36th floor, the biggest difficulty in continuing to rise will become the closed loop of building the floating island.

Of course, if it weren’t for the threat from the West, many eastern floating island owners would rather be safe, and wouldn’t go up so crazy at all.

If there is no external threat, every floating island owner will definitely seek stability.

Like before, some floating islands stayed on the seventh floor for decades. Even if the benefits of rising to the eighth floor were obviously more, these floating island owners would not rise.

Because in the seventh floor, they can also develop steadily and gain enough benefits, but they are afraid that once they rise up, if they can’t keep it, the loss will be huge.

After reaching the 30th floor, although the life energy is more concentrated, the 30th floor or more is already quite good.

Even if it has been stopped on the 30th floor, it will not be too bad.

You must know that before the news of the merger of the three districts came out, for more than eighty years, the most powerful deserted boots in the entire East were only on the 20th floor.

In the following two decades, many achievements have been achieved that have not been achieved in the previous eighty years.

Mainly external threats.

The mutual threats between the East and the West made all the floating island owners rush up like crazy.

Without Lin Feng, Dongfang wouldn’t be so fierce.

However, nothing is if.

It is precisely because of Lin Feng that Dongfang went all the way up, and when he was in the third district, he rushed to the ordinary 28th floor.

After the three districts were asked and merged, because of the great victory of the East, the West was stimulated, and many ordinary Westerners volunteered to be “guinea pigs”, which led to the explosion of Western superpowers.

Because Dongfang also felt threatened, Lin Feng asked Mengmeng to come up with an improved genetic medicine, and then desperately developed Dongfang.

In short, if there is competition, the development speed will be very fast.

Just like in the history before crossing, the competition and war between countries are the important driving forces for the development of many technologies!

The monster tide on the 37th floor is coming.

This time, due to Lin Feng’s continuous rise, the monster tide on the 37th floor suddenly became more intense.

The number of “welcome gifts” was also about 1.5 times more than normal, reaching about three million.

For Lin Feng, it is still unchallenged.

This time, some new monsters have also arrived. These monsters have stronger skills, longer attack distances, faster speeds, and more terrifying.

However, in the hands of millions of banshees and elemental elves, it is still not a problem.

The storm set off by the wind element elves can not only block the speed of monsters, but also kill many monsters directly.

The attacking skills of the light element elves have also become stronger. For example, their radiant rays, when activated, can use thousands of rays to directly penetrate a monster and beat the monster into a sieve!

At the same time, the ice element elves can use their skills to freeze an area of ​​hundreds of kilometers in an instant. They can also attack with ice picks and thorns, which is also extremely powerful.

It is the water element spirit, the rhyming water arrow, the power has also become amazing.

More police say thunder, fire element elves.

No way, who made their level so high?

The “welcome ceremony” on the 37th floor lasted for a month, and it was resolved without any problems.

After the solution, Lin Feng rose to the 38th floor without stopping.

In this way, Lin Feng has risen to three levels within a year!

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