324 is easy to solve and keeps rising! (1) Ask for subscription

“Quack quack.”

On Lin Feng’s floating island, the battle begins.

After rising to the 36th floor, the source of monster tide.

Since Lin Feng hadn’t risen in the previous five years and had been working on his own floating island, this wave of monsters was not very ferocious.

For Lin Feng, it is not difficult to cope.

Now, it’s the normal monster tide.

The reason why Lin Feng stopped for five years was to see what the normal monster tide on the 36th floor was.

On the 36th floor, even if it is not affected by any other factors, such as the effect of rising too fast, the monster tide is terrible.

The number of normal monsters that were not affected by anything also exceeded one million, reaching about 1.5 million.

1.5 million monsters with a strength of 36 are not easy to defend.

A monster of this strength is that the floating island allows the use of thermal weapons. Unless nuclear weapons are used, it is difficult to defend.

You must know that monsters with a strength of 36 are very difficult to break through heavy machine guns, and high-explosive bombs do very little damage to them.

What’s more, these monsters also have terrible speed and fast reaction speed.

If it is placed on the Earth Star, most countries will not be able to prevent it.

Some countries have less than 1.5 million troops in total.

Such a monster, even a level 11 power user can’t deal with it.

12th-level power users are difficult to deal with.

You must know that the 11th-level ability user is already equivalent to a walking small nuclear bomb.

An attack from an 11th-level fire-type power user is much more powerful than most missiles.

These 1.5 million monsters with a strength of 36 really went to the earth, and there are only a handful of countries capable of destroying them.

“On the 36th floor, unless the firepower density is maintained enough, the damage of the large trebuchets is not enough.”

Lin Feng thought.

The monsters on the 36th floor and the 10-ton stone were thrown over with a few brown rice, but they couldn’t be killed.

It is necessary to cast a heavier stone and throw it at a longer distance to fly over. The terrifying kinetic energy contained in it will cause enough damage.

Due to their speed, their fire density is limited if not high enough.

Because it is not easy to hit.

It is also possible to use the catapult to focus fire when these monsters build a human wall.

But that also faces a problem with the angle of attack.

In short.

Above the 36th floor, the role of the trebuchet weapon is also greatly weakened.

The key is the aliens.

If you want to deal with the monster tide above 36 floors, you must continue with a batch of 12 or above power users.

Of course, if there are enough Lei Jing and Huo Jing, it is also possible to make Lei Jing Cannons and Fire Jing Cannons with more powerful hooks.

However, the current Lei Jing and Huo Jing Cannons are actually a waste of Lei Jing.

The energy efficiency conversion is not high.

Increasing the power also depends more on increasing the caliber.

If Lansha and the others are willing, they can actually improve the Thunder Crystal Cannon.

Huo Linger can also improve the Fire Crystal Cannon.

Let the Thunder Crystal Cannon and the Fire Crystal Cannon use fewer Thunder Crystals and Fire Crystals to launch more powerful attacks.

But, to Lin Feng, it doesn’t make sense.

Instead of improving, it is better to upgrade the crystals such as Thunder Crystal and Fire Crystal to the element elves, and the effect is better.

After the improvement, the value of Lei Jing and Huo Jing has greatly increased. Lin Feng wants to obtain more Lei Jing and Huo Jing, but it is not as easy as it is now.

in addition.

The improved Lei Jing Cannons are useless to Lin Feng. If they are used for other golden floating island owners in the East, they can, but there is no airtight wall in the world. If it leaks to the West, it is a magic weapon for the West. .

•••• Ask for flowers…….

For Lin Feng, this wave of monsters is no challenge at all.

Even, the elemental elves don’t need to take action, more than one million banshees can solve these 1.5 million monsters.

Banshees have more morning arrows, a banshee can send more than a hundred arrows of morning arrows, and the CD of morning arrows will come around.

More Mist Arrows.

The Mist Arrow is not as powerful as the Dawn Arrow, but it can deal with monsters with relatively low defense.

For example, it is used to deal with some flying monsters.

Some arachnids and the like, banshees can still attack with mist arrows.

After all, their current rank is here.

Some monsters with high defense power and giant monsters can still pierce them with an arrow of morning light, and their power is also extremely amazing.

Now the bows of the banshees are also very powerful, and have been strengthened many times by the golden element elves.

The arrows used are also getting sharper.

The golden element elves also worked with the wind element elves to create a kind of son of the wind, this kind of wind bow, in the hands of the wind element elves, the power is not ordinary.

There is also a wind arrow with wind patterns on it. After the wind element elves light up the wind pattern, they can shoot down with one arrow. At the current level of the wind element elves, such a wind bow can even attack hundreds of kilometers. far target.

Of course, the wind elemental elves don’t need to be so troublesome, the storm they set off, coupled with the wind tornado, is already powerful enough.

In this way, under the order of Lin Feng, the elemental elves did not take any action, and the monsters on the 36th floor were solved by the banshees.

This time, the “welcome ceremony” lasted only three days due to the long stop.

On the 36th floor, the normal “welcome ceremony” is also three days.

After the three-day “welcome ceremony”, did Lin Feng rise to the 37th floor again?

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