292 The era of the East! (1) Please subscribe

“Protest, this proposal cannot be passed, we are too malicious and unfair!”

“Yes, the owner of the floating island in this world only accounts for less than one third of the East, so why should Oriental dialect be the official language of the floating island world?

“Since more than 100 years ago in the East, all people in the East have been learning Western languages, but among our ordinary people, there are not many people who understand Eastern dialects. This proposal is obviously not acceptable!”

At the venue of the Floating Island Master Conference, all the Western Floating Island Masters were protesting.

This move, for the West, is also extremely difficult to accept.

To make Oriental dialect the official language of the floating island world?

What a joke!

Doesn’t this mean that in the future, if they don’t have Dongfang’s name, they won’t even be able to get on the gold list?

All artboards, all in the floating island world, will be marked in oriental language!

Even if there is a fully automatic translator, it is still unacceptable to Westerners!


Not only the Western Golden List floating island owners are protesting, but ordinary Westerners are protesting extremely.

learn oriental dialect?

They can’t get around it!

I have seen that this proposal is aimed at floating island owners.

But the impact on ordinary Westerners is also very large.

After all, ordinary Westerners are now highly dependent on the floating island world.

“I’ll go, this is a great move, it makes the whole world have to learn Oriental dialect!”

“Haha, this is the real cultural loss, and it’s still mandatory!

“This proposal won my heart.”


“Let these foreigners feel the breadth and depth of our Eastern civilization, and let these foreigners know how much they have misunderstood the East in the past few hundred years!”

Contrary to the West, the Internet in the East is full of applause!

This world, more than 100 years ago, because of the Western economic, technological and cultural strength.

In order to be in line with the world, foreign languages ​​are also vigorously promoted, and all people learn foreign languages.

Eastern culture has been squeezed badly.

After the Floating Island World hookup, the situation was slightly better, but only slightly better.

It is rarely seen that the oriental culture is famous all over the world.

Now, by setting the oriental language as the official language of the floating island world, this is the mandatory promotion of the oriental language.

Language is an important part of a culture.

Even if there is a translator, it may not be so convenient to use a translator in some operations in the floating island world, which makes the western floating island owners have to contact the eastern language for better operations in the future.

This trick is more useful than any means of cultural insufficiency.

The netizens in the East, naturally applauded!

Although the protests in the West were loud, the effect of the protests in the West was almost zero when there were only more than 100 votes left.

Lin Feng directly started the voting session and passed the proposal!

After this proposal was passed, the plans of all the floating island owners began to change.

All the operating languages ​​on the panels have become oriental languages!

The West and all other languages ​​cease to exist.

At the same time, all the floating island owners in the west also received a reminder.

They must, within three days, take an oriental name for themselves!

“Wow, I used to read history books, and some foreign trade companies more than 100 years ago forced all employees to take Western names. Now it’s the turn of these Western guys. 22

“Haha, do these Westerners take oriental names? Their names are highly repetitive, not to mention, just Katherine, Alice and other names, I don’t know how many. 33

“There are still some companies like this. It’s funny. I met five people who named themselves Alice in several different companies.”

“Now these Westerners can experience the taste.”


The netizens in the east are discussing it again.

In contrast, the faces of the floating island masters in the west were all darkened.

The second proposal is not aimed at the West.

Perfecting the rules also needs to be done step by step. After some rules need to be perfected, other rules that need to be perfected will be shown.

Among the current rules, Lin Feng has not found one that can directly and better target the West, so he is waiting.

After the rules are further improved, it is estimated that there will be some rules that can be used against the West in the future.

This rule is to improve the fusion rule of the dark floating island in the floating island world, that is, the ratio of fusion is further refined, including the time of fusion of dark floating islands of different sizes, changes in density after fusion, ratio, etc.

This is also for the improvement of the entire floating island world.

In this way, the Second Floating Island Master Conference ended 537.

After this Floating Island Master Conference ended, three days later, netizens watched the gold list and the rookie list.

Looking at it, netizens found that, sure enough, the names of Westerners have been updated.

These guys used a transliteration method.

For example, Clero, directly named Quero.

There is also something called Ryan, Perot, etc., followed by a family name.

The possibility of duplicate names.. still very high.

Even if they are targeted, there are still more than ten thousand floating island owners in the entire West and another district.

These floating island owners also completed their name changes within three days.

One by one is naturally extremely reluctant.

Not only the name change was completed, but some floating island owners were also forced to learn oriental languages!

There are also some floating island masters crying, because the oriental language is too difficult to learn!

But have to learn.

“The era of the East is coming completely!”

Seeing that the Western Floating Island Masters, who are more than difficult, have to change their names to Eastern, and have to start learning Eastern languages, many Easterners are all excited and think that the era of the East is coming!

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