291 Grow! The official language of the floating island world! (2) Please subscribe

“Quack quack.”

On Lin Feng’s floating island, the “welcome ceremony” is continuing.

After rising to two levels in a month, it naturally touched the inherent rules of the floating island world, and the monster tide became fierce again.

The “welcome gift” of the 31st floor only lasted for 20 days.

However, in Lin Feng’s estimation, the “welcome gift” for the 32nd floor is probably at least three months.

In this regard, Lin Feng was not given special treatment because he was the first floating island owner on the gold list.

The rules are the rules, and the rules themselves are dead. Unless Lin Feng perfected the rules, he tried every means to catch a plan, otherwise, they would be treated equally.

The floating islands on the Golden List in the East are also constantly developing.

These golden list floating islands have also established Lin Feng’s shares after the shareholding rules.

Now, through Lin Feng’s main panel of the floating island, you can see all the shares of the floating island that he holds.

At the same time, Lin Feng can also see the development of these floating islands, because the “five-three-seven” limit of rights in this area is open to Lin Feng.

Basic information such as which floor the entire floating island is on and how many residents there are can be seen.

The Orientals are full of energy.

Everyone is full of hope.

It can be said that when the three districts were merged, the overall self-confidence of the Orientals rose to a new level.

And last year, after the East’s votes showed an overwhelming advantage, the East’s national self-confidence has surged to its peak!

Some Orientals who work in the floating island world will not be lazy at all in their work.

They all want to work harder, so that the entire East can truly become the world’s best and the leader of the entire world.

Lin Feng also held the Eastern Floating Island Masters Conference and established many basic principles, such as protecting the rights of some ordinary people, adjusting wages and subsidies, and so on.

More than a hundred years ago, the welfare of the West was generally higher, because some countries in the West were able to harvest the world’s wealth by means of high technology or financial means.

Now, if this development continues, those who harvest the world’s wealth will become the East.

The whole East is prosperous, and naturally, the living standards of ordinary people will be improved accordingly.

The “welcome gift” on the 32nd floor took longer than Lin Feng expected.

It seems that although he stopped for three years, because the 30th, 31st, and 32nd floors were completed within one year, the “welcome gift” he faced began to surge again.

Instead, he was asking Lin Feng what he wanted.

Since he rose so fast, he deliberately came to brush the “welcome gift”.

Lin Feng is not a brainless rise, who makes him so powerful now?

In the past few years, Lin Feng’s benefits of supporting the whole of the East are naturally many.

More than just the benefits of shares.

In addition, the floating islands on the Golden List in the East have risen one after another, and the “welcome gifts” faced are more and stronger, and various crystals are obtained.

There is also such a thing, although the number of element elves is constantly increasing and the level is also constantly improving, but there is still a steady stream of various crystals for them to upgrade.

Otherwise, Lin Feng alone would not be able to support the upgrade of so many elemental elves.

SWAT is a high-level element elves, and there is a huge demand for various crystals.

A level 15 Thunder Elemental Spirit, crystals required for leveling up, and a wave of lightning monsters with a number of more than one million from the “welcome gift” at level 30 are just barely enough.

In this way, Lin Feng began to cope with the 32-storey welcome Lilly that lasted for several months.

At the same time, every month, he will help some other gold-listed floating island masters to defend.

The number of power users on these golden list floating islands is constantly increasing, and the line of defense has been further expanded.

In addition, with the help of the materials dropped by some monsters on the floating island above 28 layers, some trebuchets with stronger strength were created.

These trebuchets are more powerful and also help with defense.

Soon, half a year passed, and the “welcome ceremony” on the 32nd floor finally ended.

Lin Feng’s harvest is not small, not to mention, the military exploits in the past six months are enough to exchange for a dark floating island with an area of ​​one million square kilometers.

After the “Welcome Ceremony” on the 32nd floor, Lin Feng pondered for a while and then rose to the 33rd floor.

It means that this year, Lin Feng directly rose three floors.

He is sure enough.

The life energy stored in the tree of life alone has reached 300 million points!

Three hundred million points of life energy are enough to deal with most abnormal situations.

In case of an extremely powerful monster, the life shield can also play a role.

After reaching the 33rd floor, sure enough, the monster became extremely ferocious.

Moreover, it came to cross-layer monsters again.

Three floors in a year, this “welcome gift”, I am afraid it will continue directly for more than half a year.

The monsters with a strength of 34 are still not difficult for the element elves to deal with.

Hundreds of thousands of banshees are not difficult to deal with.

The strength of these monsters is naturally not weak, even if it is an ordinary spider monster, if a spider monster appears on the earth star, a spider monster can bring terrifying damage to a city.

The spider monster with a strength of 34 is already quite large. If this guy is caught in the city of the earth star, it is a terrible monster in the movie.

It can easily destroy high-rise buildings, its venom can corrode even steel, and reinforced concrete buildings, in front of it, are like tofu.

Such a spider monster can’t be blasted with small and medium missiles at all.

The level 10 ability users are extremely difficult to fight.

More warning about other monsters.

Banshees use bows and arrows made by golden element spirits, and if they just launch ordinary attacks, they will not be able to beat them.

Must use skills to continue.

If it is the floating island master of dreams, there are not millions of level 10 ability users…. I simply want to stand on the 3434th floor.

“This time, the welcome ceremony, I am afraid it will last for a year.

Lin Feng thought.

It’s just right.

After reaching the 33rd floor, Lin Feng was ready to stop.

After the ‘welcome ceremony’ is spent, and then look at the situation, this year, it is just time to further improve the floating island and expand the ocean area.

Water resources are also a problem. The water in the current ocean comes when it rains on the one hand, and on the other hand, it comes from some dark floating islands with a lot of water.

Lin Feng plans to expand the ocean area, fill the ocean with water, improve the overall ecological circle, and then continue to rise.

In this way, until the end of the year, the “welcome ceremony” continues.

This year, the development of the East is also good.

The Golden List floating island owners in the East, the special police are the top 30 Golden List floating island owners, and have not risen further.

A large number of Golden List floating island owners have already risen to the 29th floor, and if they rise to the 30th floor, the pressure will be great.

It is not necessary for the time being, because the previous increase has greatly overdrawn the potential.

The floating island, which ranks first in the Western Gold List, has also not risen this year.

These guys are still accumulating strength.

The SWAT is waiting for the explosion in the number of level 11 power users.

In this way, after this year’s gold list was refreshed, the advantage of the East 5.3 party was further increased due to the West’s wrist-cutting strategy and the targeting of last year’s rules.

Not only in the number of votes, but further increased to 802 votes, and the number of votes has also increased to 65 people.

In other words, there are only 35 people left in the West, which is more than one-third of the number!

The East is naturally jubilant again.

The West remains a gloomy fiasco.

The mutual aid society further exaggerates the doomsday mood, so that ordinary people in the West can work harder.

After the arrival of the new year, Lin Feng once again held a new floating island master conference.

This time at the Floating Island Master Conference, Dongfang once again came up with two proposals.

One of them caused Westerners to protest again.

Because, this article, is to make the official language of the floating island world into an oriental language.

At that time, whether it is the operation panel of the floating island master, the floating island master theory, or the name on the golden list, etc., all must use the oriental language.

That is to say, at that time, even the floating island masters on the Golden List from the West will have to take an Eastern name to go around!

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