278 Want to negotiate? Down with the West! (1) Subscribe

Soon, Lin Feng used his authority to hold the Floating Island Master Conference, and the news spread all over the Internet in the East and the West.

In fact, Lin Feng does not need to use his authority. As long as more than half of the votes agree, the meeting can be held.

When voting, except for the number of people required for the proposal, everything else is the number of votes.

The Orientals are naturally delighted.

The West is a gloomy fiasco.

Today’s Westerners all feel that they have become the meat on the sticky map, and it depends on how the East gets the knife!

“Damn it!

The headquarters of the Mutual Aid Association and the senior management of the Western Mutual Aid Association were all in a very bad mood.

Before the appearance of the floating island world, whether it is in the East or the West, the time of the New Year is different.

Each has its own customs.

However, after the discovery of the floating island world, slowly, the second day after the announcement of the gold list in the east and the west, that is, the first day of the new year, is regarded as the new year.

After all, it was only then that there was no monster tide.

The many floating island owners who have the right to speak will continue to have free time.

Ordinary part-time workers also have time to leave the floating island and return to their arms for the New Year.

Today is just the first day of the new year. As the saying goes, the new year has a new look. Unfortunately, these people are in a bad mood.

Not even the New Year’s mood.

Moreover, since they don’t have the corresponding authority, that is, they can’t see what rules can be improved, and even Lin Feng doesn’t know what point Lin Feng might attack them.

One by one can only be incompetent and furious.

These guys actually felt the mood of Li Shengping back then.

Since Lin Feng surpassed Li Shengping, Li Shengping would be incompetent and furious every year.

These people discuss and discuss, but there is no good countermeasure.


These people made a decision.

That is, before the Floating Island Master Conference is held, go to Lin Feng to negotiate.

They didn’t know that Lin Feng knew all about their movements and what these guys were trying to negotiate with him.

After thinking about it, Lin Feng agreed.

However, the location is decided by Lin Feng.

It was settled on a floating island invested by Lin Feng.

With Lin Feng’s current strength, he is not afraid of any malicious behavior by these guys.

Soon, Lin Feng met several senior officials of the mutual aid association on the floating island.

Here, there is also the master of the Delo Set, Clero.

It was a man who seemed to be only in his thirties, but his actual age should be over eighty years old.

“Lin, we apologize for some of our previous actions” Qi. ”

After seeing Lin Feng, Cleo bent over with Lin Feng and said.

Lin Feng looked at him lightly.

Whether it was before crossing, or in this world, these guys in the West always displayed incomparably civilized appearances.

Even polite.

But you’d be wrong to believe it’s their nature.

The West in this world also has many similarities before crossing. The reason why it was able to lead the East, which has been ahead of the world for a few rough years, is not only because of the industrial revolutions mentioned in the textbooks.

Instead, they plundered, occupied the resources of the entire world, colonized everywhere, and even wiped out the original owners of some areas.

When they develop, they will change their bodies and become civilized people in suits and ties, and they should talk about civilization.

Because if everyone still follows the previous set and grabs whatever they want, maybe the newly emerging forces will come and grab their interests.

These guys have been that way since time immemorial.

It used to be so.

Now, it’s still the same.

This apology is not a sincere apology. Think about it, if the West wins, what will be the scene?

These guys are just scared.

Only if I am afraid, I will recognize it, and I will apologize.

Therefore, Lin Feng did not make any response.

“If you have something to say, there are farts and rubbing marks. The time of the leader is precious, and you only have 10 minutes.”

At this time, beside Lin Feng, a loud voice sounded.

This is Zhao Xiang’s Golden List Floating Island Master. He has a straightforward personality and a loud voice. Lin Feng deliberately pulled him over.

You don’t have to be too polite with these guys. Of course, Lin Feng doesn’t have to end up on his own. Like this, it would be nice to let Zhao, your Jinbang Floating Island take the initiative!

As soon as Zhao Xiang’s voice of the Golden List Floating Island Master fell, the expressions of several people in the west changed.

The current Lin Feng was talking to them in a condescending manner, and even gave them only 10 minutes!

A few of them, but the figures at the top of the Western Pyramid, have never been treated like this.

In the hearts of several Westerners, anger suddenly appeared in the hearts.

However, no matter how angry they were, they could not attack on the spot.

Because, this time, they came with the task of negotiation.

“Lin, I hope that we can develop peacefully in the future, and there will be more exchanges between the East and the West. For this reason, we are willing to provide the East with the technology of manufacturing genetic medicine for free. This kind of genetic medicine can be manufactured and sold in a short time. The supernatural beings come.

In addition, we are also willing to open up some biotech technologies in the East. At present, we have dozens of S-class plants, and the East is definitely not comparable, right?

These are our sincerity!

Cleo spoke again.

These guys are very willing, the gene is willing to contribute to the technology of the medicine, and at the same time, there is also the technology of biology.

However, Lin Feng would not believe these guys.

The ghost knew that the genetic medicine technology they brought was incomplete.

in addition.

Lin Feng is not uncommon.

Lin Feng looked at Clero indifferently and said, “…” What else?”

Lero said: “We can also contribute 50% of all our top ten floating islands. 33

All the top ten floating islands in the West, 50% of the shares?

It’s a big deal.

Zhao Jinbang, the floating island owner next to Lin Feng, couldn’t help but be a little surprised.

These Westerners, this time, are indeed preparing to invest their money.

(Lee Zhao)

However, if Lin Feng accepts it, these guys will gain more benefits than Lin Feng.

This is to tie Lin Feng. You must know that Dongfang can develop so fast, thanks to Lin Feng.

The West also saw Lin Feng’s evildoer.

If Lin Feng agrees to this plan, the West is really eager.

Because, in this way, Lin Feng will no longer target the West, the West will win a breathing space, and they can also tie Lin Feng to a chariot.

After all, what about 50% of the ten floating islands!

Maybe, you can also get some technology or plant patrols in Lin Feng’s hands.

“Lin, the world is a whole, East and West should not be divided like this. I hope that we can develop and build the floating island world together to make the floating island world more perfect and contribute to the development of the entire human race. At that time, Lin, you are the supreme person in everyone’s mind!”

After Clero said all the conditions of the West, he said in a step-by-step and seductive tone,

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