277 Three Plans! Hold the Floating Island Master Conference! (2) Subscribe

The plan proposed by the pool seat is actually a dislocation adjustment plan.

Although the three districts’ gold lists have been merged, the three districts have not been merged.

Each year, the three regions still enter the floating island world from their respective regions.

Raise the elimination rate in the West and lower it in the East. In this way, in the first month of each year, the number of official floating island owners passed by the East will be ten or twenty times that of the West!

For the West, it is extremely unfavorable.

There are so few floating island owners, how can they mix?

After the elimination rate is adjusted, in the first month of the new Floating Island Master, the natural tide of monsters will change accordingly.

If it is raised, the tide of monsters will generally rise by a notch.

If it is lowered, the monster tide will generally drop by a notch.

Basically, don’t make too many mistakes.

As for who can stay and who can’t be eliminated, it depends on one’s own strength and luck.

For example, the West has a 99.99% elimination rate. Even if there are 100 million people in the West who enter the floating island world every year, the number of people who finally pass will be less than 100,000.

Well, there will definitely be errors, but not too much.

And the official floating island owner in the East every year can become more than one million, or even more.

Although the first month is the beginning, in the first year, a large number of 28 official floating island owners will be eliminated.

However, the base is here, and the number of people in the East will have an advantage.

as long as ever.

There are fewer and fewer floating island owners in the entire West, and there are more and more in the West, so the disadvantage of the West will continue to increase.

until complete decline!

In addition, such adjustments, after each improvement, must be completed ten years later, followed by a second improvement of the rules.

In ten years, once the West can’t keep up with the replenishment of new blood, the disadvantage will only get bigger and bigger.

This move is indeed a plan to draw wages from the bottom of the pot.

It is equivalent to directly slaughtering the fresh blood of the West.

turned into a puddle of stagnant water.

Of course, this move is a long-term solution.

It will take some time, following to be able to see the effect, but this trick is still quite lethal.

The main function of the pool seat is not only that.

This provides an idea.

That is, the idea of ​​dislocation adjustment.

When perfecting other rules, can it also be adjusted through this dislocation!

That is to say, the west is to be adjusted in a dangerous direction, and the east is adjusted in a relaxed direction.

In this way, after the two sides comprehensively ask, the adjusted result is within the allowable range.

Once the gap adjustment is completed, the East will naturally be the gainer of interests, while the West will be constantly suppressed.

In fact, Lin Feng also thought about this idea, and after Chi Zha’s reminder, it became clearer.

Lin Feng began to read one by one.

There are some rules, even if it is dislocation adjustment, it is a little difficult, because it is a universal rule.

In other words, even if it is adjusted, it does not make much sense.

Lin Feng did not perfect it.

What he was looking for was someone who could find obvious loopholes and could benefit the East.

At most, after spending an entire afternoon searching and discussing, Lin Feng identified three proposals.

The first one is the issue of the official language of the floating island world, to determine the oriental language as the official language of the floating island world, and to unify the language of the floating island world.

The second is the issue of the elimination rate of newcomers in the first month. By means of dislocation adjustment, the interests of the East can be maximized.

The third item is that Lin Feng and Chi Zuo Tang and other elders of the big family finally decided to take Yun after discussing for a long time.

This one, for the West, is a bit deadly.

The fatal point is that this one is for card BUG behavior.

The inherent imperfection of the rules of the floating island world is that after the card BUG, ​​as long as there is no continuous card BUG, ​​there is generally no big penalty.

For example, after the “annual exam” is over, if you get a BUG once, as long as you don’t get stuck twice in a row and rise continuously within two days, then the monster tide after seven days will be the same as the previous one.

However, Lin Feng is ready to perfect this rule.

That is, card BUG is not allowed after the “annual exam”.

Whoever got stuck, in seven days, the number of monsters they faced doubled, and the chance of finding difficult monsters was also greatly increased.

If you get stuck twice in a row, the monster tide you face will double again, so that it is similar.

Directly put an end to the card BUG behavior.

Not only does it prevent card bugs, but this time, it can also make the West suffer another wave of blows.

do not forget.

In order to surpass the East this time, there are quite a few floating islands stuck in the BUG.

After being overcast by Lin Feng in the “annual exam”, the bug of the western card got worse, and at the same time more than 20 floating islands rose.

As long as Lin Feng perfects this rule during the seven-day rest period at the end of the year, when the rest period ends, the tide of monsters facing the West will definitely double.

At the same time, the chance of Yunxian being difficult to deal with monsters will also be doubled.

At that time, the West will cry again.

There are three proposals in total. Of course, according to the current situation, in the end, only two proposals can be put forward.

Lin Feng mentioned one, and then the owner of the floating island on the Golden List in the East mentioned another.

The Western one, do not count on it.

“Language… just leave it for next year.

Lin Feng thought.

Language is not in a hurry.

523 Moreover, with the general development of floating island owners, the number of rules that can be perfected every year is constantly changing.

This year, Lin Feng decided to start with the elimination rate of the newcomers, and draw from the bottom of the pile.

On the other hand, it is to block the opening of the card bug, and at the same time make the West cry again.

This is to avoid Western counterattacks.

Although the possibility of their counterattack is extremely low.

In the eyes of Lin Feng, the current West is already the meat on the stick.

You can come to some music, drink some wine, and slowly cut the meat.

After the confirmation, the next day, Lin Feng used his authority to hold the Floating Island Master Conference.

The time of the meeting is the fifth day of the rest period.

Well, to hold the Floating Island Master Conference, three days’ notice is required, and it can be officially held three days later!

“Hungry, the Floating Island Master Conference is finally going to be held.”

“Westerners, tremble!

On the Internet in the East, everyone was happy when they learned that Lin Feng held the first floating island master conference, which all the golden list floating islands must attend.

In the first two years, Lin Feng did not hold the Floating Island Master Conference at all.

This year is finally held, and many people are waiting to see how to clean up the West!

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