238 The last Oriental Gold List! I can’t believe it! ((3.4) Please subscribe

When Lin Fengfeng was on Tang Rui’s floating island, they spent a romantic night together.

Li Shengping’s floating island, this guy ate very well.

After eating, he was lying on the grass, looking at the stars in the sky, looking forward to the scene where Lin Feng had to come to him for the ticket in his hand, feeling extremely cool.

Even, occasionally he would laugh.

This kind of smile, in the eyes of others, is a bit inexplicable.

This is not.

Not far away, there were two subordinates who had been in charge of protecting Li Shengping and looked at each other. From each other’s eyes, the two subordinates could see the same meaning.

That is, the island owner was forced by Lin Feng.. a little insane.

One night passed like that.

The next morning, Lin Feng got up early, and after Wen dried Tang Rui who was sleeping, he returned to his floating island.

Whether it’s Leng Qingqiu, Jiang Zhiwei, Pan Mengxue, Tang Rui, and Xiao Fu Hanyan, they have now made Lin Feng the deputy island owner of their own floating island.

In this way, Lin Feng doesn’t need to apply for a class no matter if he is hooking their floating island.

Moreover, Lin Feng has more authority to enter the floating island.

For example, the floating island owner of the police is usually their competent female assistant.

When these female assistants enter the floating island, the teleportation point is fixed.

Some teleportation points are not authorized to use.

But Lin Feng has.

When Lin Feng was busy, sometimes thinking about them, he would suddenly come to their floating island and make a surprise attack.

There to relieve fatigue, refresh your spirits, and then leave.

Well, after all, everyone was busy last year.

At first, the deserted boots were still a little hard to let go. After all, when Lin Feng went, it was mostly during the day.

But slowly, she complied with Lin Feng.

Anyway, if the curtains are drawn, it is equivalent to night.

After returning to his floating island, Lin Feng turned on the island owner’s watch.

On the sewing, it has become lively.

A group built by Lin Feng, which only had the floating island masters on the gold list, was also lively.

Well, all the Golden List Floating Island Masters have woken up.

28 In previous years, there were very few scenes like this, and all the floating island owners of the Golden List were watching and waiting for the Golden List to be refreshed.

Although it is not the gold list after the three districts are asked and combined.

However, this year is also very special.

This year is the last Oriental Gold List.

The gold rankings this time can also prove their achievements.

“Haha, Lao Xu, you will definitely be in the top 30 this year.

“The results haven’t come out yet, so I don’t dare to say, everyone has worked hard this year, and I can’t guarantee whether they can get in or not.”

“Be humble, it is said that you are on the 21st floor.”

“It’s very reluctant to go up. If it wasn’t for the leader of the alliance, I wouldn’t be able to stop the welcome ceremony.” 9


In the chat group of Jinbang Floating Island Lord, the chat was also very lively.

The people here are all a group of people at the top of the Golden Pagoda. They are at the same level and have a common topic.

Like some Jinbang floating island owners, if they are in the police group, they seldom speak, because the level and status are different, and there is no common topic.

On the seam, there are also many people waiting to see the last refresh of the Oriental Gold List.

“There shouldn’t be any change in the top three, just look at the fourth. I feel that Li Shengping may be pushed back this year.”

“I also feel that Tang supported by Lin Feng is too fierce, maybe he will squeeze forward.

“Tang Jing is still eighth, is it difficult to rush to fourth?


In terms of sewing, finally, Li Shengping was remembered by some people.


The topic of discussion is whether Li Shengping can keep the fourth place this year.

“Hmph, these pariahs.”

Li Shengping’s floating island owner, Li Shengping made a disdainful voice.

“Old Li, calm down.

Next to him, He Yongdao.

Li Shengping’s mentality is very good now, after all, he has confidence in his own performance.

When a person has enough confidence and expectations, when the police say no, Li Shengping will naturally not be angry, but look forward to it. After the gold list is refreshed, those people will be slapped in the face.

“It’s alright, Lao He, look at it, these people will be dumbfounded!

Li Shengping said smugly.

Seeing that Li Shengping’s mentality was not affected, He Yong also felt relieved.

After all, this guy was bombed every year, and He Yong was really worried.

Li Shengping is not only not angry.

on the contrary.

This guy, as if to build up his anger in order to gain a greater sense of refreshment later, actually began to look at Luan Yi with great interest.

Looking at it, Li Shengping found that, in theory, there are quite a lot of people who are not optimistic about him this year.

Many people think that Li Shengping will be pushed to the fifth place this year, and the one who squeezes Li Shengping out is naturally supported by Lin Feng to Tang Xiao.

“If Tang can rush to fourth, that’s really amazing.

“Yeah, it took Jiang Zhiwei to rush to the third gap in a few years, and now it takes ten years to let Tang rush all the way to the fourth. Lin Feng is really against the sky.”

“This is the luck of our East!”

Many people were there to discuss and look forward to it.

-In, the number of people who are expecting Tang to be fourth and squeeze Li Shengping down has become very large.

Now ordinary people naturally don’t know, you have returned!

Everyone expects miracles to happen.

That is, a small probability event, people will look forward to it more.

In the 19th century before crossing, people in the West liked to play a revolver.

That is to say, use a 6-bullet revolver, put a bullet in it, turn the magazine for an unknown number of times, and then shoot at his head.

When there is a bullet in your pistol, the people watching the fun will hope that you will die, that is, the next shot will happen to encounter the magazine with the bullet.

Then, when there are five bullets in your pistol and only one empty magazine, the people around you will be extremely nervous, and then subconsciously, you will want you to live.

That is, encountering that empty magazine.

This is the human mind, expecting miracles to happen.

The strength of Tang Xiang was originally far inferior to that of Li Shengping.

But now, this way is super super super, in the eyes of many people, it is naturally quite enjoyable,

Lin Feng is a miracle in itself.

In a few years, Lin Feng created another miracle, that is Jiang Zhiwei.

Now, people are beginning to look forward to the third miracle, which is the statue of Tang!

“Humph, pariah!”

After Li Shengping looked at it like this for a while, his anger value really accumulated, and he was once the second in the gold list, but now he has become a stepping stone!

It has been used time and time again to prove Lin Feng’s evildoer!

The rest of the time, everyone completely forgot about him!

Only when the gold list was refreshed, the policemen continued to remember him, and pulled his stepping stone to use it again!

This makes Li Shengping’s anger value directly full!

Li Shengping decided not to watch it.

After a while, after the gold list is refreshed, these guys will naturally be dumbfounded.

Time goes on and on.

Finally, among the expectations of countless people, 8 o’clock arrived.

The gold list began to refresh.

However, what Lin Feng is focusing on now is not the refresh of the gold list.

“Sorry, Zhiwei, how are you, is there a wave of monsters coming? 99

Lin Feng asked.

“Lin Feng, there is no monster tide, there is no Jixian in the black fog area today.

Leng Qingqiu and Jiang Zhiwei both replied.

There is no dark fog area, and no monster tide.

Looking at it this way, the seven-day BUG of the Western Card was successful.

Tang’s side has also reported the movement.

On Tang Jing’s floating island, there was also no monster tide coming.

Looking at it this way, in these seven days, the ascent will not come to the “welcome ceremony”.

This kind of card BUG, ​​in the past, actually made little sense.

Anyway, the “welcome gift” will come, and often this kind of card bug will bring a more ferocious “welcome gift”

But this year, the effect is not small.

After all, there are still three days and three districts to ask and merge, and these three days are just in the seven-day rest period.

It is very difficult to forcibly ascend to the 28th floor without paying some price.

There will definitely be some losses.

But these guys in the West, through card BUG, ​​successfully extended this loss to after the gold list of the three districts was refreshed.

At that time, the three districts have already asked and merged, and once the gold list is determined, it will be refreshed again one year later.

One year’s time to make up for the price of attendance is enough.

One year is enough to do a lot of things, such as catching some rules that are not good for the East, and suppressing the entire East, so that the East will not be able to compete with the West after a year.


Since there is no “welcome gift”, Lin Feng doesn’t have to worry about this.

Focused on the changes in the Golden List.

On the other floating islands, all the people are also staring at the golden list.

When Lin Feng asked about the situation, the gold list has been refreshed to the 80s.

The following rankings will be refreshed every few seconds, which is still very fast.

In the chat group of the Golden List Floating Island Master, from time to time, the Golden List Floating Island Master is happy because he has improved by one, and others will congratulate and comfort the guy who has been surpassed.

Well, the overall atmosphere of the East is still quite good.

In this way, soon, it will enter the top 50.

And then constantly refresh, to the top 30 track.

Then there are the top 20.

After reaching the top 30, many Golden List Floating Island Masters discovered that some of the Golden List Floating Island Masters who were originally in the dozen or so have been squeezed into the twenty or so.

The ten families supported by Lin Feng have all entered the top 20!

“The ten big families are really fierce.”

“Yes, Lin Feng’s key support objects, if you give some time, I am afraid that these ten families will be able to occupy all the top ten. 22

On sewing, many people are also discussing.

Then, the gold list refreshed to the top 10!

Some of the original top 10 gold list floating island owners were squeezed out of three this year.

Because, among the top ten families, three more families rushed into the top ten!

The 10th, 9th, and 8th are all from the top ten families!

Tang Jing, there is no rhyme yet!

“Old Li, these ten big families are rushing fiercely. Looking at it this way, Tang Xiang should be the seventh or sixth.

On Li Shengping’s floating island, He Yong’s voice sounded.

There are not many places ahead.

There are only 7 locations.

Lin Feng is deserted and Qiujiang Zhiwei will occupy 3 of them.

He and Li Shengping occupy two.

There’s only one place left.

In He Yong’s view, this position can only be 6th or 7th!

Although Tang Xiang’s momentum was so fierce, He Yong did not think that Tang could surpass him.

You must know that more than ten years ago, Tang Xiang was still in the 70th or 80th place on the Golden List, and among the Dongfang families, he could only be regarded as the second top family.

The gap with He Yong is not ordinary.

He Yong didn’t even take Tang you to heart at all.

This is the same as Lin Feng’s time ago, when a person with a body of several billions looked at a person who was “but” a few billions.

They are all billionaires, but billionaires are different from billionaires.

Looking at He Yong, Tang was not on the same level as him at all.

Now, it is just the light of Lin Feng.

Even with Lin Feng’s light, He Yong didn’t think Tang could surpass him.

Therefore, the 7th or 6th can only be Tang!

Although if, but rushing to the top 7 so quickly, He Yong also feels very powerful.

Beside him, Li Shengping seemed to have the same subconscious thoughts as He Yong, and felt that Tang should be the sixth.

493 “This Tang Jingxin Sen Lin Feng, it’s normal to rise to the top 7, hey, but it’s not quite right, it seems that there is an extra position!”

At this time, Li Shengping discovered an abnormality.

There are 7 more positions ahead.

However, the original top 10 have already been hooked, and all have been pushed to the back.

There is indeed one more place in the front!

“Strange… how come there is one more location?”

Li Shengping was puzzled.

“I heard that there seemed to be a family from the Eagle Country that was going to return a while ago. Could it be these people? Don’t worry, it’s not a big threat to us. 9

He Yongdao.

However, as soon as He Yong’s voice fell, he was stunned.


In the 7th position, his name is hooked!

He Yong subconsciously blinked his eyes.

Some can’t believe it.

Li Shengping also found out, jumped up all of a sudden, pointed at the holographic screen, and stammered: “Old He, how can your name be on the seventh now?

“Wow, what happened, how did He Yong reach the seventh?”

“Tang squeezed He Yong down, and Tang Jing still hasn’t rhymed.

“But the location is wrong, it seems that there is one more location.


On the seam, some people also discovered the abnormal position and discussed it one after another.

In the chat group of Jinbang Floating Island Master, the people in it were very calm, because they knew that Chi had returned.

However, seeing that He Yong actually reached the seventh, some people were not calm.


This means that Tang surpassed He Yong!

You must know that before Lin Feng was hooked into the world, He Yong was the third child in ten thousand years.

Long-term occupied the third position in the gold list.

but now.

Tang Jing actually surpassed He Yong!

It’s been ten years since Lin Feng climbed to the top of the gold list and started to support the top ten families!

In the past ten years, Lin Feng has made such a huge change in the golden list pattern of the whole East with his own power!

Such Lin Feng once again made all the Golden List floating island owners in this chat group feel terrible!

“I… was actually overtaken?”

On Li Shengping’s floating island, He Yong still couldn’t believe it.

Originally, this year, he was a little worried that Li Shengping could not surpass Jiang Zhiwei, and his mind exploded.

But I didn’t expect that this fire…. actually burned on my head?

In recent years, although He Yong has also been surpassed by Lin Feng and Jiang Zhiwei all the way, but Li Shengping is in front of him, He Yong’s mentality is actually quite stable.

However, at this moment, seeing that he was surpassed by Tang, who was not in the same league in his eyes more than ten years ago, He Yong finally realized Li Shengping’s mentality!

“Lao He, it doesn’t matter, it’s just a Tang statue, we will surpass him next year!”

Now, it was Li Shengping’s turn to comfort He Yong.


As soon as he finished comforting, after his eyes swept over the golden list, he realized that something was wrong.


The sixth name on the gold list refreshes the test…

That name is Li Shengping!

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