237 Night! Proud Li Shengping! Tang 26th Floor! (3.4) Subscribe

“Clearing the prison, there should be no monster tide tomorrow morning, if there is a monster tide, remember to notify me.

When the huge floating island was slowly rising on the deserted floating island, Lin Feng said to the deserted autumn.


Leng Qingyu nodded slightly.

Looking at Leng Qingqiu’s delicate face, Lin Feng was about to leave, but he couldn’t help it. He leaned forward and sprayed her face.

Then, it got out of hand.

It’s just night time.

On the floating island in the deserted autumn, there are only stars in the sky.

The snow on the entire floating island is also melting. The temperature of the floating island is very low, but the bedroom is very warm.

More than an hour later, Lin Feng, who was sweating profusely, took a shower in the bathroom of the deserted bedroom.

He had to go to Jiang Zhiwei’s floating island to have a look.

The deserted boots fell into a deep sleep.

In this way, Lin Fengyun is now on Jiang Zhiwei’s floating island.

Jiang Zhiwei’s floating island is also slowly rising.

“All preparations have been made, and if there is a monster tide, there is no time to deal with it.

Jiang Zhiwei said.

She made preparations with both hands.

Although according to the normal situation, there will be a seven-day rest period after the “annual examination”, and during the seven days of “four-nine-three”, the monster tide generally does not come.

See, everything is just in case.

just in case.


Therefore, Jiang Zhiwei also made plans for the arrival of the monster tide.

Leng Qingqiu also made plans for both hands.

After Lin Feng looked at it, he felt that there was no big problem.

This BUG should be able to be successfully stuck.

The “Welcome” will definitely be delayed.

However, it was also right for Leng Qingyu to make plans with Jiang Zhiwei.

Lin Feng didn’t stop them.

“Tomorrow is over, there are still three days left, and the three districts will be asked and merged.

Jiang Zhiwei stood at the height of the castle, looking at the floating island under the moonlight, with some emotion.

“Lin Feng, we have known each other for more than ten years, right?”

Jiang Zhiwei said softly.

Lin Feng hugged her from behind and said “um”.

“It’s so fast.”

After Jiang Zhiwei finished speaking, she chatted with Lin Fengwen through the gap.

Lin Feng…..

“Don’t be here, . . . um..”

The night is like water.

This night, many people sleep unintentionally.

Although the three districts asked for a tie, it will be three days later, but tomorrow’s gold list will be the last gold list in the East.

It is also the owner of the Golden List floating island in the East, who has tested the results after desperately sprinting for more than ten years.

The results of the East came out. After the three districts were asked and combined, there were results.

They can’t even get a good ranking in the East, and after the three districts are tied, most of them won’t work either.


This year is the last year of the Oriental Gold List, and it can be regarded as a commemorative year.

Therefore, there are still many people who do not sleep.

There is also a heated discussion on the Internet.

“Islander, how about roasting whole lamb.”

On Li Shengping’s floating island, a roasted whole lamb feast is going on.

Well, this guy is in a good mood.

Li Shengping has successfully achieved his goal and has risen to the 25th floor.

He didn’t go to card bugs, bugs are good cards, but after seven days, if the tide of monsters is too fierce and can’t be stopped, it will be depressed.

In Li Shengping’s view, the 25th floor is already quite high.

This guy, in the past ten years, has not had much communication with the other Golden List floating island owners in the East.

It’s like working behind closed doors all the time.

Still looking at the Golden List floating island masters in the entire East according to the previous eyes.

Therefore, in Li Shengping’s view, there is no problem in surpassing Jiang Zhiwei this year.

This guy is slowly understanding now.

No, I can’t say I understand.

Just get used to it.

He has become accustomed to Lin Feng’s evil spirit. The power of this habit is too powerful, so powerful that even Li Shengping himself, subconsciously, faintly feels that Lin Feng is like a big mountain in front of him, which cannot be surpassed.

Even now, he doesn’t dare to think about surpassing Lin Feng, because when he thinks about it, he will feel despair subconsciously.

There is no way not to feel hopeless, Lin Feng is too strong!

His obsession also changed from surpassing Lin Feng to surpassing Jiang Zhiwei.

Well, he wants to keep his last dignity!

The last fig leaf.

He wants to prove that he is not a soft persimmon, once the second in the gold list of the East!

He also has great strength!

Therefore, this evening, Li Shengping’s floating island also became extraordinarily lively.

Anyway, there is no monster tide, and in the remaining three days, nothing can actually be done.

Therefore, Li Shengping is now leisurely eating roasted whole lamb and chatting with He Yong.

With the help of Li Shengping, He Yong has also risen to the 25th floor, which is a very big improvement.

“Lao He, don’t worry, although we seem to be marginalized now, we are actually important.”

Li Shengping told He Yong while eating roast lamb.

He Yong looked at this old man who had known each other for decades.

In Li Shengping’s voice, there was a bit of condescension: “Lao He, three days later, the three districts will ask for a merger, I guess facing the West, it will definitely fall into the disadvantage, but it should not let the West occupy two-thirds. above votes.

No matter what rules the West wants to get at fishing, it must pass with two-thirds of the votes, and if it succeeds, we will have at least a few votes in hand.

He Yong slowly understood what Li Shengping meant.

“Lao Li, in any case, this vote must not go to the Westerners’ proposal. 99

He Yong said quickly.

He was afraid that Li Shengping would come blind.

Li Shengping was very stable before, but since this guy was stimulated by Lin Feng, Li Shengping’s state has been a little unstable in the past ten years.

This is also impossible.

Anyone who explodes every other year will be unstable.

Li Shengping said proudly: “Of course I won’t vote for the West, but if Lin Feng wants our vote, he has to come and beg me! Haha, when I think of Lin Feng begging me in a low voice, I feel very Cool!”

Maybe it was because he thought that scene was cool. Li Shengping had a great appetite this evening and ate a sheep by himself!

“Miss, go to sleep.”

At this time, on the floating island of Chixiang, Lexi was sitting on the top floor of her exclusive castle, leaning on the balcony, staring at the moon in the sky in a daze.

A female assistant who was in charge of taking care of her diet and daily life whispered.

“No, Xiaolan, go to sleep first, don’t worry about me, I’ll be stunned for a while.”

Lacey Road.

The female assistant had to go down.

Lacey looked at the moon in the sky and started dumbfounded.

After I didn’t know how long it was, Lexi opened the Oriental Gold List and saw the names on the top.

Her eyes stayed on Jiang Zhiwei’s name: “This year, it should be able to surpass Jiang Zhiwei, right?”

Lacy thought.

“Hurry up, hurry up, the newly added area must be filled in these three days.

On the floating island of Tang Statue, it was still extremely busy.

After ten o’clock in the evening, when Lin Fengyun was here, the floating island of Tang Statue was still brightly lit, and people came and went.

Hey, Tang Jingxiang took advantage of the last three days when the snow had melted again, so he filled all the blank areas that had been melted in the past few days with plants.

A little more is a little.

For Tang, in the past, it was impossible to imagine that the whole Tang would have such great progress.

Before Tang Jing, it was an extravagant hope to enter the top 50.

But now, it’s already in the top ten.

This year, it is bound to go even further.

Because Lin Feng was in the top ten families in the past two years, he also focused on supporting Tang, and Tang seemed to be the best in the top ten families.

Lin Feng followed Tang Rui, and in front, Tang Rui’s uncle, the island owner of the floating island, was reporting the situation of the entire floating island to Lin Feng in detail.

The girl Tang Yi had already become Lin Feng’s woman, and Lin Feng would visit her floating island from time to time.

Although Tang Rui already had that relationship with Lin Feng, Tang knew the balance very well, and always maintained enough respect when facing Lin Feng.

Lin Feng took Tang Rui and walked around Tang’s main floating island.

With the support of Lin Feng, this floating island is now close to two million square kilometers in area, which is almost the same as Li Shengping’s floating island.

The floating islands of the other nine major families will be slightly less.

Lin Feng pondered for a while, and said to Tang Rui’s uncle, “Tonight, let’s go up to the 26th floor.”

“26 floors? Oh, good!

Tang Rui’s uncle was a little surprised when he heard Lin Feng’s words, but he did not ask any objection.

“There shouldn’t be a wave of monsters coming tomorrow, if there is, let me know.

Lin Feng said.

“Okay, lord. 99

Tang Rui’s uncle said respectfully.

“Let’s go, Xiao Rui.”

Lin 5.3 Feng took Tang Rui away from the floating island and went to Tang Rui’s floating island.

His physical fitness is now terrifyingly strong, and certain needs have become stronger.

I haven’t been to Tang Rui for several days, and Lin Feng decided to spend the night here tonight.

Let Tang ascend to the 26th floor, but also a temporary intention.

It is suitable for the top ten families to rise to the 25th floor. Every time there is a monster wave, Lin Feng also needs to send a banshee to help them solve the boss-level monsters.

On the 26th floor, more people need to be dispatched.

Don’t forget, Leng Qingqiu and Jiang Zhiwei are both on the 28th floor.

After seven days, the “welcome gift” they faced was terrifying, and Lin Feng needed to help them defend at the same time.

Add another Don, and you’re good to go.

Any more and it’s a bit of an adventure.

“Tang was shocked by the 26th floor, Li Shengping… I don’t know if he will be surpassed by Tang this year. 39

When arriving on Tang Rui’s floating island, Lin Feng suddenly thought.

This guy will definitely be surpassed by Chi this year.

If this is another Tang statue, Li Shengping will be squeezed to the top five in rhyme..

I am afraid Li Shengping will really explode in place, right?

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