225 strides! 28 floors! The monsters with a strength of 30 are terrible! (3.4) Please subscribe

Seeing Lacey circling in front of Lin Feng’s eyes, Lin Feng was not polite, and his eyes swept across her bulging figure.

Lacey combines the beauty of the East and the West, and there is an exotic style on her body, which is still very pleasing to the eye.

After turning a circle, she saw that Lin Feng’s eyes were admiring her figure, but her face was slightly red.


She had never done this in front of a police man.

Even, she has never been alone with a policeman.

This was the first time she was so bold.

After being bold, I found that my actions seemed a little too bold, so I naturally blushed.

But she won’t admit defeat.

She raised her chest: “how is it, are you excited?”

I thought Lin Feng would be defeated.

Whoever thought of it, Lin Feng nodded: “Well, I’ve already recorded it, and then you’ll have to rely on it.

After finishing speaking, Lin Feng opened a video with what Lexie just said: “Lin, if I lose, I will be your little lover too…”

Lexi’s face turned even redder all of a sudden: “Lin…you…hmph, I’m ignoring you. 9

She left angrily.

Seeing that Lexi made her so angry, Lin Feng found it interesting.

Well, he was just teasing Lacey purely.

As a man, it would be a lie to say that she does not appreciate the most perfect woman in an exotic world like Lexi.

However, when Chi returns, Lacey is doomed to lose.

Lin Feng guessed that Chi’s return will definitely be selected in the last year.

Because Chi Xiang wants to show his strength to the big families in the East, in this way, after being able to show the importance of Chi Xiang’s return this time, Chi will be able to gain a better foothold in the East in the future.

Chi is not as annoying as the group of people who immigrated to Yingguo, so there is nothing wrong with such a move.

It’s just that you want to be in the top three..

is not possible.

It is estimated that the fourth is still possible.

do not know.

When Chi returned, Li Shengping found that he had been pushed back again, and he was pushed to fifth. Will his mentality explode again.


Now, there are still three years before the third district.

After the three districts are asked and merged, not only the gold list will be asked and merged, but also the rookie list and the rookie list will be asked and merged. Lin Feng doesn’t pay much attention to these two lists.

However, Lin Feng also gave some support to some potential floating island owners invested by Lindu Company.

In the first two years of entering the floating island world, there were several little girls who admired Lin Feng’s special police officer. Lindu Company made some investments. After the three districts asked and merged, these little girls, in Lin Feng’s opinion, went to occupy The top spots on the rookie list are not a problem at all.

Well, by then, these little girls will be in their fifth year.

Although the rookie list is not worth mentioning in front of the gold list, it is also an easy thing to be able to step on the Westerners on this list.

In addition, the major families are now also deliberately supporting a few younger generations who have just turned 5 years after the merger in the third district.

Of course, this is just idle chess, after all, the rookie list doesn’t decide anything.

It’s just like fighting for face.

The most important thing is the Gold List.

The golden rope is everything.

This year, Lin Feng’s plan is to let Jiang Zhiwei and Leng Qingqiu rise to the next level.

Now, their overall strength on the floating island has been continuously rising.

The number of supernatural beings is also rapidly increasing.

Mengmeng and their efficiency is not generally high.

There are not many facts about the life element elves, and there are not many.

100 life element spirits, together with a small amount of other element spirits, the efficiency of making improved genetic medicine is too high.

Every day, you can ask for a big barrel.

It is N times faster than those made by Western production lines.

Coupled with the support of Lin Feng’s floating island, the steady stream of supernatural fruit, the current improved genetic medicine, Leng Qingqiu and Jiang Zhiwei were simply unable to use up.

Cultivating supernatural powers is not just about pulling individuals to cultivate them.

You must choose someone who is safe and reliable.

Fortunately, there are a lot of people under their command, but the current production of genetic medicines, they really can’t use up.

The top ten families such as Tang Xiang can add up…and they can be satisfied.

Even, Lin Feng began to sell genetic medicines to some reliable gold-listed floating island owners in the Floating Island Master Alliance.

These gold-listed floating island masters are still allowed to check their accounts.

In this way, time flies.

“Haha, finally rushed to the 23rd floor!”

On this day, Li Shengping laughed.

He rushed to the 23rd floor Akatsuki.

23 floors!

You know, more than ten years ago, he was still on the 19th floor.

It is equivalent to say that in ten years, Li Shengping has risen by a full 4 floors.

This speed is already quite fast.

After all, it took him more than eighty years to rise to the 19th floor.

On average, it takes more than four years to rise to the next level, and the difficulty of the first 19 floors is naturally not as high as that of the 20th floor.

Li Shengping was very satisfied.

23 floors, in Li Shengping’s view, it should not be realistic to exceed Lin Feng in terms of the number of floors.

However, it is no problem to catch up with Jiang Zhiwei.

As long as the number of layers catches up with Jiang Zhiwei, then there is no problem in overtaking Jiang Zhiwei this year.

Well, Li Shengping is very confident.

You know, now He Yong has taken out the strength to suckle, and he has climbed to the 21st floor.

He Yong is not like Li Shengping, who has made a deal with the West and has no genetic medicine in his hand. Naturally, it is far less than Li Shengping’s progress.

“It’s not a big problem.”

Li Shengping comforted himself like this.

The 23rd floor this year, the 24th floor next year, and the 25th floor the year after the merger of the three districts.

In the year when the three districts were merged, the gold lists of the three districts were still inquired first, and the next day, the gold lists of the three districts were merged together after the meeting.

In Li Shengping’s self-confidence, the second half of the year came.

With the help of Lin Feng, Jiang Zhiwei successfully rose to the 25th floor, which is on the same floor as deserted boots.

After rising to the 25th floor, the duration of the welcome ceremony on Jiang Zhiwei’s floating island has been extended to a full month and a half!

Although the number of welcome gifts was not as terrifying as Lin Feng’s floating island, if Jiang Zhiwei herself, she would definitely not be able to keep it.

This time.

Jiang Zhiwei knew why Lin Feng had so many military exploits.

This “welcome gift” comes every day, waves of terrifying monsters, and the monsters that come in a month are much more than the usual monsters in a year.

There is not much to blame for this battle!

This is what Lin Feng did deliberately.

(cifid) Jiang Zhiwei’s floating island is much smaller than deserted boots. Through this monster tide, Jiang Zhiwei’s combat achievements can be rapidly increased. If it can break through 10 billion, it can be exchanged for a million square kilometers of dark floating island.

After the “welcome gift” on Jiang Zhiwei’s side, taking advantage of the “welcome gift” on his own floating island came to an end, Lin Feng also let deserted rise to the 26th floor in autumn.

The floating island in the deserted autumn ushered in a wave of “welcome gifts” that lasted for two months


In this way, if deserted boots have another wave of “welcome gifts” next year, her military exploits will be able to reach tens of billions first.

A dark floating island with a million square kilometers is still a great improvement to the floating island.

According to the situation that Lai Xi kept reporting, the floating islands on the Golden List in the West are not as desperate as they are now, and the progress has been very great.

No way, the West is all the resources for the whole gap.

Therefore, Lin Feng wants to make their floating island bigger.

It’s really not possible, Lin Feng can also let them rise continuously in order to attract a larger “welcome gift” to get more military exploits.

Towards the end of the year, Lin Feng floated himself on the island, and the welcome ceremony for ascending to the 27th floor was finally over.

This “welcome ceremony” lasted for more than a year, which was too long.

This wave of “welcome gifts” also contributed a lot of military exploits to Lin Feng, as well as the coordinates of the dark floating island that dropped more than N.

Now that Lin Feng was able to fuse the one million square kilometers of dark floating islands, it was too late. Naturally, Lin Feng gave all the coordinates of these dark floating islands to the two girls, and also gave some to the top ten families.

“Do you want to go up to the 28th floor?

Lin Feng pondered for a while, thinking about whether to go up to the 28th floor this year, or next year.

The monsters on the 28th floor are definitely stronger.

This year, it is 18 years.

This year has passed and there are only two years left.

18 years have passed, and now Lin Feng is 36 years old.

Before you know it, Mengmeng and the others have been born for 18 years.

“Let’s go to the 28th floor first.”

Lin Feng finally made a decision.

In the past year, among the monsters on the 27th floor, there were more monsters that could attack with energy, which directly caused the elemental elves under Lin Feng to improve by leaps and bounds.

The most powerful Lansha and Huo Linger are already level 14.

Other elemental elves are generally level 12.

With such strength, there is no problem in dealing with monsters on the 28th floor.

So, at the end of the year, Lin Feng rose to the 28th floor.

“I’m going, across two floors?”

Maybe Lin Feng has risen too fast recently.

The monster on the 28th floor, the strength… actually came to 30!

Strength 30 monster!


Level 8 abilities can’t be beaten.

An 8th-level ability user may try his best to kill one after a war.

I am afraid that even if a 10th-level ability user exhausts all his strength, he can only kill 20 or 30 of them.

In other words, for the police floating island owner, if you want to go to the 30th floor.

The monster tide on the 30th floor, if the average number of monster tides is 700,000 or 800,000, the floating island owner needs at least 30,000 to 40,000 level 10 ability users to bypass!

Thirty or forty thousand level 10 ability users!

Or there are a million 8th-level ability users, with a trebuchet, maybe they can fight.

One million level 8 ability users, even if there is a genetic medicine, it is not easy to cultivate.

As for the 30,000 to 40,000 level 10 ability users, it is even more impossible to use Western genetic medicine!

Moreover, Lin Feng quickly discovered that these monsters with a strength of 30 have a much higher probability of avoiding the rocks flying from the sky.

A monster with a strength of 30 is really scary.

If it weren’t for the fact that Lin Feng’s elemental elves made great progress last year, the strength of the banshees would also be terrifying, and the number of banshees had exceeded 400,000.

It is estimated that it will take some life energy to destroy these monsters.

Eventually, from morning to night, all the monsters were wiped out.

No way, his “welcome gift” is several times that of the normal 30th floor monster, and the number has exceeded 3 million.

In the next few days, many monsters with a strength of 30 came.

Moreover, several new monsters have been hooked.

For example, space spiders, this kind of spiders are also monsters in space. The hard part about them is that they can crawl in space, and space is much more difficult than wolves!


Fortunately, Lin Feng has space spirits.

Lin Feng felt that with a monster with a strength of 30, I am afraid that in a few decades, other floating island masters may not be able to reach the 30th floor.

After waves of welcome ceremony, finally, the end of the year has come again.

“The gold list is about to be refreshed. 99

On this day, Li Shengping was in a good mood, and he also brought in He Yong, to let He Yong witness the moment when he surpassed Jiang Zhiwei,

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