224 Can’t help watching it! It’s fried! Lacey wants to bet! (1.2) Subscribe

“What’s the matter with you today?”

Li Shengping called out alone and asked.

“Ah.. Island Master, it’s okay, is my job not doing enough?”

A subordinate said quickly.

Li Shengping waved his hand and drove the subordinate away.

He continued to turn around on the floating island.

But the more he turned, the more strange the atmosphere became.

For example, when some workers were working, they were fine, but when they saw him, they immediately lowered their heads to prevent Li Shengping from seeing the worker’s expression, as if he was afraid that he would notice the other’s abnormality.

Well, in fact, it was purely because of Li Shengping’s restlessness.

In normal times, if the workers see Li Shengping coming and find out, who would dare to stare at him?

It must have been the first time that he bowed his head and immersed himself in his work.

“It’s weird.”

Li Shengping felt more and more that there was something odd.

Something must have happened.

Li Shengping’s face darkened.

at this juncture.

Can anything happen?

The gold list, following the announcement just now!

Could it be that there is something wrong on the gold list?

These guys don’t know where they came from, so they became more cautious, afraid that Li Shengping would burst into anger and take anger at them when he found out?

Think of this.

Li Shengping had a bad premonition.

“If you say you don’t see it, don’t watch it, it’s just a year’s victory or defeat. 33

Li Shengping hummed lightly.

His genetic medicine has already been mass-produced, and the number of abilities on the floating island is increasing wildly.

Next year, he will be able to exert his strength and rush to the 23rd floor.

The year after that, he could even reach the 24th floor.

In the next year, he is ready to rush to the 25th floor.

Well, one layer per year.

In the last year of the three-district merger, give Lin Feng over!

Yes, his current obsession is to surpass Lin Feng.

In fact, his current floating island is much stronger than before.

However, in Li Shengping’s mind now, as long as it surpasses Lin Feng, the Floating Island is useless no matter how strong it is!

Over Lin Feng, detours are the key.

Otherwise, even after the three districts asked and merged, let him be the second in the gold list after the three districts asked and merged, and Li Shengping also felt that it was boring.

Because Lin Feng is still in front of him.

Thinking of this, Li Shengping carried his hands on his back, and under the protection of several loyal and powerful power users, went to inspect the factory of genetic medicine.

He has to work to share his attention.

This move was indeed effective, making Li Shengping busy for most of the day, and he had already forgotten about the Golden List.

However, as soon as he returned to the castle, Li Shengping felt wrong again.

The atmosphere in the castle, it seems, is a little too oppressive.

Something must be happening!

Could it be that…

No, can’t watch!

Li Shengping told himself.

Resolutely do not let this clear gain or loss affect your mentality.

Li Shengping told himself again.

So, he went to the study again and started to read the book, but after reading it for a few minutes, Li Shengping realized that he couldn’t read it at all!

Right now, he is still in a state of restlessness.

Such a state made Li Shengping very uncomfortable.

“Have you seen this year’s Gold List?”

Li Shengping called a subordinate and said.

The subordinate waved his hand quickly: “Islander, I didn’t watch it, the islander told me not to watch it, I wouldn’t watch it, and I didn’t even let my people watch it for a long time.

Hmph, ghosts believe you.

Your performance is clearly wrong.

Li Shengping called another subordinate and asked, “Where is Jiang Zhiwei this year?

The subordinate also waved his hand: “Island owner, I don’t know, I haven’t paid attention to the gold list.

Another lie.

If you don’t know, why is the atmosphere so wrong today.

Li Shengping called several subordinates in a row, and those subordinates waved their hands and said they didn’t know.

Li Shengping gave up.

At this moment, he felt that he was helpless in a high position, and his subordinates were afraid of him, so they didn’t treat him with sincerity.

Li Shengping sighed.

In his heart, the thought of taking a look at the Golden List became stronger and stronger.

“Would you like to take a look?”

A voice told himself.

“Anyway, it’s just a temporary gain and loss, the worst is to be squeezed out by Jiang Zhiwei, but the king will return in two years, so there’s nothing to watch. 22

Another voice told him.

Li Shengping’s desire to take a look became stronger and stronger.

Although according to the abnormal performance of other people on the floating island today, Li Shengping felt that something happened to the gold list this year, but his heart was itching again if he didn’t take a look.

But Li Shengping was afraid that his mind would explode when he saw it.

“Hmph, a Jiang Zhiwei, if it wasn’t for Lin Feng, she would never surpass me, and she is not Lin Feng herself, so she can’t surpass me this year.”

Li Shengping cheered himself up like this again.

This tangled for most of the day, seeing that the sun was slanting to the west, and the moon was rising.


Li Shengping couldn’t help it.

He, opened the Golden List.

Still can’t resist….look!

But, he is very careful to watch.

Not looking directly ahead.

Instead, he first looked at the ranking changes at the back, and then covered it with his hands.

Thus, to the fifth place.

“Lao He is still fifth.

He saw that He Yong was in fifth place.

Then, his hand moved forward.

Perhaps because he was too nervous, his hands were already shaking.

“It must be Jiang Zhiwei!

Li Shengping cheered.

Then, he saw that there was something wrong with the strokes.

The unpleasant feeling in my heart is getting stronger and stronger.

This strong sense of insecurity made Li Shengping feel that he should not watch it again.

But he couldn’t help it.


He saw the fourth…

his name.

Hook now on 4th place!

He… Fourth!

“How can it be!”

Li Shengping stood up at once.

Although, before this, he has told himself countless times that this is only a staged achievement.

take a look.

Just take a look.

In case of being overtaken, there is nothing at all, and it will be overtaken next year.


As soon as he saw that he was squeezed to the fourth place, Li Shengping completely forgot everything before.

no way.

Self-soothing before is one thing.

After seeing it, it’s another matter.

His eyes were on the 3rd place.

I saw it immediately.

In the third place, it is Jiang Zhiwei!

No. 2 and No. 1, there is still no change.

Still Lonely Autumn and Lin Feng!

Li Shengping really jumped up this time!

“Damn it!”

Jiang Zhiwei really surpassed him!

No wonder.

No wonder the atmosphere on the floating island is not right today!

At this moment, Li Shengping’s mentality exploded again!

Even if Lin Feng surpassed him.

Over the years, although still unconvinced, he still has the obsession to surpass Lin Feng.

However, Li Shengping has actually admitted Lin Feng’s evildoer.

He wasn’t so uncomfortable, instead, he turned his grief and anger into strength, and wanted to overtake Lin Feng back.

But what.


Jiang Zhiwei, who was supported by Lin Feng, also surpassed him!

You know, if there is no Lin Feng, under normal circumstances, Jiang Zhiwei will not be able to surpass Li Shengping even after a hundred years!


How old is this can.

Li Shengping didn’t look down on him before, and Jiang Zhiwei, who felt no threat to her, overtook him!

This is more uncomfortable than Lin Feng surpassing him!

At this time, Li Shengping had a feeling of exploding in place.

At the same time, he also hates himself, why can’t he control himself, why should he watch it?

Look at your sister!


At this moment, Li Shengping, who has lived for more than one hundred years, despite his appearance, seems to be very mature, and he shouted like a middle school boy!

“Lin Feng, Jiang Zhiwei, I will not surpass you, I will not be a human being!

Li Shengping shouted.

He’s going to counterattack.

He wants to overtake Jiang Zhiwei this year!

New Year’s Eve.

The new year has come.

Asking from the three districts and getting closer.

“Lin, we’ve already moved more than half of it, and if nothing else happens, we can go back to the East next year, at most the year after. 33

Today, Lacey is here.

Lin Feng nodded: “Okay.

Lexi looked at Lin Feng and asked curiously, “Lin, Jiang…is she your woman?

She was referring to Jiang Zhiwei.

Lin Feng nodded.

Lacey showed surprise: “I heard that Leng is also your woman. Can they accept it?”

Lin Feng said “um” and didn’t say much.

Laixie stared at Lin Feng and looked at it, then said, “I didn’t know why they could accept such excellent women… However, after seeing you, I suddenly felt that there was nothing wrong with them. 33

Lin Feng said lightly, “Is this praising me for being attractive?”

Lei Xi smiled: “Of course, Lin, you are indeed charming and powerful, Jiang Zhiwei surpassed Li Shengping with your help, right?

Lin Feng said “um”.

Lai Xi gave a thumbs up: “Sure enough, it’s the magic forest, um, now some people in the West call you that, you have entered the field of vision of many people in the West, even some ordinary Westerners regard you as three. What’s the biggest threat after the district’s merger?”

After she finished speaking, she showed a slight smile: “Lin, why don’t we make a bet?”

“Bet what?”

Lin Feng asked.

Lacey said: “How many places can we bet on the Eastern Gold List after our return?”

Lin Feng looked at her: “How many names do you think it should be?”

Lexie raised three fingers: “The first three, definitely no problem.

Chi Jing’s current Gold List Floating Island ranks fifth in the Western Gold List.

She is not as blindly confident as the previous group of people, a floating island that ranks 15th in the Western Gold List, and can enter the top 5 in order to return to the East.

She means, the top 3.

“more specific.

Lin Feng said.

“Then number three, it’s not a problem to squeeze your little lover down.

Lacey Road.

She was talking about Jiang Zhiwei.

“What if you can’t squeeze in?

Lin Feng asked lightly.

Lacey’s face was full of confidence: “It’s impossible to squeeze out, Lin, you don’t know how powerful our floating island is now, my grandfather has piled up all the resources, and also used a trick to deceive a lot from the Western Mutual Aid Association. resource.

In the past two years, our floating islands have also undergone earth-shaking changes, with an area of ​​nearly two million square kilometers. 3)

Lacey looked very confident.

“Then I bet you can’t squeeze Jiang Zhiwei, how?

Lin Feng said.

Seeing Lin Feng’s indifferent look, Lexi refused to accept the air gap: “Lin, it’s impossible!

Lin Feng looked at him lightly.

Lexi was even more dissatisfied with the air gap: “Hmph, Lin, then I’ll bet with you, if you lose, you have to promise me one thing.

Lin Feng: “Okay, did you lose?”

Lacey: “I can’t lose.

Lin Feng looked at her with a smile without saying a word.

Lacey was stimulated: “Lin, if I lose, I’ll be your little lover, right? Hmph, you can’t win anyway, so you can think about this matter, hee hee. !”

This blond, blue-eyed woman with an amazing figure showed her playful side at this time. It seemed that she wanted to stimulate Lin Feng. She even came around and showed her beautiful figure to the fullest.

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