National Dungeon: I, The Road to Fame of the Shield Hero

197. Leaving Ajin University! Overnight in the wild!

Students are very confused,

"Isn't there anything wrong? What's wrong with this set? 39

"Will there be another runaway copy?

"Impossible! We've almost finished the inland runaway dungeon,

"How can this thing be dispatched so fast, do you think grass can grow everywhere?"

In the voice of everyone's discussion, Zhang Qing opened his mouth,

"I called everyone here today because I wanted to choose a few "Six Nine Seven" teammates for Li Xian, 35

"Li Xian wants to take the team to the front line to fight,

"If everyone wants to sign up, please come forward enthusiastically."

Li Xian panicked for a while, "Won't you give me back what I did last time?"

"But the students who want to participate, your strength must be above rank three!

Li Xian breathed a sigh of relief, but fortunately Zhang Qing knew how to check.

Although many people are still afraid to sign up for fear of the power of monsters, many people have already stood in line in the audience.

After a while, the waiting area was overcrowded.

Li Xian could not push Zhang Qing's "kindness",

I can only pick a few that are not bad in it, and take them with me.

"Teacher, can we go now?

Zhang Qing replied with a smile, "Yes, 35

"Stay safe and come back early.

"And the earphones I gave you earlier,"

"Contact me if you are in danger, I will take it with you and give you timely support."

"it is good!"

After speaking, everyone came to the gate, Li Xian turned around and set off on the journey with six people.

Only the students and Zhang Qing were left looking at them stupidly.

Li Xian took six people along the way, walking into the field,

In the blink of an eye, it was already late, and it was not suitable to travel in the wild at night.

What's more, at this time of year, there might be a monster like a beast popping up out of nowhere and swallowing them in one bite,

So Li Xian chose to take them to a house that seemed to have been unoccupied for a long time,

Going to deal with a night here,

Li Xian complained a little bit about Zhang Qing, if it wasn't for Zhang Qing's delay, they would have already reached the nearest front line.

But it was no use complaining, and he called everyone together,

"Everyone come here,""

"Let's rest here today."

Xiao Xiao said unhappily,

"This place is so broken, how can I live here! I don't want it!

"If you don't live here, could it be that you want to take the sky as your seat and the earth as your seat?"

Li Xian's sentence asked Xiao Xiao,

"This is a place that can shelter from the wind and rain for a few miles.

"If you don't stop, you can just feed the beasts and mosquitoes outside..0"

Little can't do anything, now the broken house is the best choice for now,

"Then... that's fine!"

"This princess is going to deal with it all night.

Li Xian saw that Xiaoxiao had no complaints, and continued to say his own,

"We're taking turns tonight, watch carefully,

"One person for an hour,"

"I start, you decide your own order."

"There's still 3.2 on duty!

With a little grumbling, he said,

"You can also not be on duty, if you are not afraid of being eaten by monsters.

Xiaoxiao has no other excuses to prevaricate,

"That's fine, that's fine! It's worth it! 99

Li Xian went to the wild to pick up some dry branches,

Although it is not very cold at night, the fire can drive away snakes, worms, ants, etc.

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