Li Xian and several others defeated the teachers of the school with their freshman qualifications,

This thing spread like a frying pan,

For a while, it became a hot topic for the students to enjoy after dinner.

After an afternoon of rest, Li Xian knew it was time to go to Teacher Zhang Qing and talk about going to the front line.

Li Xian called out the little ones,

"When you go to the office to persuade the teacher, remember to act with a wink."


So the group came to the office again,

When Zhang Qing saw their little ancestors coming, he was eager to find a box to get in.

"Are you here to discuss going to the front line again?"

"Yes teacher,

"The original conditions were set by you,

"Now that we have won, you can't deny it!"

Zhang Qing had nothing to do with them,

"Okay, since I've said this, if you don't agree to your demihumans, you will easily be overthrown by you."

"You guys pack up and get ready to go,"

"As for when to leave, you can decide for yourself,

"I can't do it today, take a good rest first,

"Today's battle has suffered a lot from you. I'm afraid that it will be dangerous for you to go out."

"Good teacher!"

Xiaoxiao and Qian Qianqian jumped up and down excitedly,

"Thank you teacher! You are the best teacher!"

After hearing Zhang Qing's promise, Li Xian felt relieved, and it was time to go back and clean up.

The six people left the office and walked back to the downstairs of their dormitory together.

Going downstairs to the dormitory, everyone was about to disband, Li Xian thought about it for a long time, but still told them,

"I want to leave tomorrow.

little complaint,

"I haven't slept enough! 35

Qian Qianqian, of course, supports Li Xian in everything,

"Brother Li Xian decides, I support you. 35

Celia and Ellie have never been picky,

Li Xian says what they do,

As for An Duo, she complained about the same as Xiaoxiao. In her heart, besides sleeping, she was eating.

In the end, the five people still obeyed Li Xian's advice,

Set off the next day.

The time flies by at night, and in a blink of an eye, the next day will come to you,

Li Xian sent Zhang Qing a message early, saying that they were leaving today,

Zhang Qing also came to the gate at the agreed time and waited to see them off.

When Li Xian and the others were ready to say goodbye to Zhang Qing,

··0 Seeking flowers·

Zhang Qing suddenly thought, "No! You can't go like this, I'm still worried.

Li Xian asked incredulously,

"Teacher, why are you willing to let us go?

"Can you pick a few more people in your freshman year?"

Li Xian thought to himself, "Again?"

The last time I took the first-year runaway dungeon,

Li Xian chose a few who were not bad enough to follow him,

But when it came to the real chapter, those few people were as cowardly as mice,

Thinking of this, Li Xian shook his head for a while,

"No, no teacher, we really can! 35

Zhang Qing did not believe Li Xian's words,

"No! If you don't choose five or six people to take with you today, don't go out.

Li Xian felt helpless about Zhang Qing's backtracking,

But for the sake of his plan, he had to follow through.

Zhang Qing knew what Li Xian was worried about,

"Isn't that a month ago? The students are making great progress now,"

"Although your strength is not as good as you, at least you won't run away."

After Zhang Qing noticed that Li Xian had compromised, he quickly gathered all the freshman students as quickly as possible... Next.

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