Chapter 94 My kingdom of God, I call the shots! (Subscribe!)

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This is the idea of ​​Sirius Xiaoyue.

As a high-ranking deity, as the top level of the Yaozu origin world.

At this moment, there was a sense of danger in Sirius Xiaoyue’s heart!

This is the first time ever since Sirius Xiaoyue became the upper demon venerable-life and death crisis.

Before today.

In the past, even when faced with the threat of the three high-ranking demon veterans, he had never felt a life-and-death crisis.

Because after reaching the upper demon, it is actually very difficult to be killed.

Don’t say it is a high-level demon-sovereign, even if it becomes a lower-level demon-sovereign.

As long as you want to escape after encountering danger.

Unless facing a very few existence among the high-ranking monsters, there will be no life-threatening.

Among all the high-ranking monsters, there are two most special existences.

Those two are capable of killing other high-ranking demon singularly.

But those two don’t like fighting. They eat and sleep on weekdays.

Therefore it is not a danger to Tebi.

Therefore, the original world of the Yaozu is not very chaotic yet.

But at this moment, Sirius Xiaoyue discovered that the world has changed!

“Damn, the space has become sticky, and my speed is at least ten times limited!”

“Me too!”

“Brother, my speed is limited a hundred times!”

“Big brother, it’s already difficult for me to move!”

“It seems that in this area, there are countless shackles that we can’t see, binding my body!”

Just when Sirius Xiaoyue made the decision to evacuate.

Other demon lords of the Sirius clan also gave feedback.

The feedback is that it is too late!

That’s right, everything is too late!

“Brother, you go!”

“Big Brother, after leaving, kill the Celestial Fox and the Golden Eagles to avenge us!!

“Brother, we will create a chance for you to leave together!”

“Seize this opportunity and get out of here!

The other monsters of the Sirius clan knew that they were over at this moment.

It doesn’t matter whether it is the middle-ranked demon-sovereign or the lower-ranked demon-sovereign.

At this moment, I realized that I had no chance.

Therefore, these Demon Venerables intend to sacrifice themselves and give their only upper-level Demon Venerable, that is, Sirius Xiaoyue a chance to escape.

“Do not!”

“We are all demons!”

“As long as we support it, at least the White Tigers will come to save us!”

“More than that, there are now many demon veterans watching the situation here.

“They will never stand idly by, they will definitely take action!!

“Don’t blew up! Don’t blew up!”

Sirius Xiaoyue immediately noticed what his kin was about to do.

Ever since.

He began to growl frantically.

Because these are the foundations of the Sirius clan, if they die, in fact, Sirius Xiaoyue will restore the glory of the Sirius clan in the future.

As for going to Qingqiu Mountain, it is actually very difficult to just kill the cubs of the Tianhu clan in the future.

Because the golden eagle is too strong.

So strong that the current Sirius Xiaoyue has no self-confidence, and will be able to compete with the Golden Eagle and the Heavenly Fox in the future.

Only they have dragged on this time and survived this catastrophe, even if half of the dead and wounded, as long as it is not for him, they will all die.

Then, at least the inheritance of the Sirius family can be maintained in the future.

But once only Sirius Xiaoyue is left, I’m afraid its only choice is to escape from this world.

By the time.

The Sirius clan is no different from annihilation.

“What are you looking at, please help me quickly!”

“Baihu, Xuangui, if you continue to watch the battle, you will definitely end up like me in the future.

“The magical powers of this golden eagle are too terrifying, let it continue to grow, and the final outcome is that the entire monster origin world will be itss.”

Sirius Xiaoyue roared loudly.

Although he was sealed by Yang Xuan in the surrounding space, he could not leave the scope of the kingdom of God in a short time.

However, the sound can still be transmitted.

And he believed that the high-ranking demon veterans of the White Tiger and Xuangui clan watching the battle in secret would definitely be able to hear his voice.

But unfortunately.

His cry for help was not supported.

Because Yaozu has always respected strength, Yang Xuan’s methods have caused Sirius Xiaoyue to fall into absolute passiveness.

But whether it was the white tiger clan or the upper demon venerable of the mysterious turtle clan, he could see that the real reason for the immediate result was that Sirius Xiaoyue underestimated the enemy.

If Sirius Xiaoyue hadn’t entangled with Tianhu Yinxuan at the beginning.

Then leaving the area controlled by Yang Xuan directly will not make things the way they are now.


Although Yang Xuan’s supernatural powers were terrifying, the flaws were too big for the other high-ranking monsters.

The accumulating time, nearly two minutes, has only reached this level.

Moreover, you must know that if Sirius Xiaoyue leaves directly now, there is still a chance.

But it does not leave, and hopes that others will help him to kill Yang Xuan.

This situation, if it is in the human world.

In fact, it is very likely that someone will attack Yang Xuan, Sirius Xiaoyue, and Tianhu Yinxuan at the same time, seeking to maximize their profits.

But this is not necessarily the case on the Yaozu side.

“Damn it!

“Are you serious about it?”

After Sirius Xiaoyue delayed another ten seconds, her mood had become extremely heavy.

Because at this moment, he found that his speed was restricted again.


His speed was at least a hundred times higher than before.

The other demon lords of the Sirius clan were basically set in place at this moment.

It seemed extremely difficult for the middle-rank and lower-ranked demon veterans to move together at this time.

“Brother, we can’t do it anymore, we can’t move.

“Blow up together and create a chance for Big Brother!”

“That’s right! With so many demon venerations of us blew up, maybe we can directly pull the golden eagle to die together!”

“Brother, I will rely on you in the future.

“Avenge us!”

The demon lords of the Sirius clan mustered up the courage at this moment and prepared to explode.

After reaching the level of Demon Venerable, there is rarely so much damage.

Throughout the hundreds of millions of years in the origin world of the demon clan, there has not been so many demon venerations fighting together, and then so many demon venerations falling together.

Although those demon nobles have not fallen yet.

But no matter whether they blew themselves up in the end, or they were completely dragged into the kingdom of God by Yang Xuan.

In short.

All the monsters who watched the battle remotely, or the monsters who are now trapped in the kingdom of God.

They all knew one thing clearly.

That is, except for the upper demon lord, Sirius Xiaoyue, the other demon lords are already mortal.

“Blast me!


“Huh? Why am I still here?”

“Why didn’t I blew myself!

“No, I can’t perceive my demon power!”

“This place is not only sealing the space, but also sealing the demon power!”

“We were sealed, and even the chance of self-destruction was lost!”

With the demon lords of the Sirius clan, they were ready and started choosing the time to blew themselves up.

They finally discovered something sadly.

That is the moment, they can’t even blew themselves up.

…Seeking flowers 0…

That feeling, it seems that the world has abandoned them.

“No! Big brother, run!

“This is not only a space blockade, but even monster power can be blocked!”

“This place is so weird!”

“He calls this place the Demon Country in the Palm, but what he meant is that he is the master here, and we are in his country, so everything must be controlled by him.”

At this moment, the upper demon lords, many people remembered what Yang Xuan said before.

Ever since.

They soon had a guess, a very rare guess that was close to the facts.


“Although you found it a little late, you can at least understand it deadly.

“This is my country!

“In my country, naturally everything is up to me.”

“Without my permission, you can’t even commit suicide!”

Yang Xuan’s voice appeared directly in their minds.

Immediately afterwards, except for Sirius Xiaoyue, all the bodies of the demon veterans of the Sirius clan began to become illusory.

They were buried at the core of the kingdom of God by Yang Xuan.

Once the bodies of these Sirius completely disappear, it also means that they will be completely sealed.

The current situation is.

If there are external forces to help, those demon lords of the Sirius clan still have a little hope of survival.

But unfortunately, there is no demon from any other race today.

“Brother, we are done!

“Big brother, go, if you don’t go, there will be no chance!”

The demon lords of the Sirius clan exhausted their last efforts and sent a message to Sirius Xiaoyue.

However, because he didn’t want to give up his clan Sirius Xiaoyue before, at this moment, he found sadly that he had no chance to escape.

Because at this moment, his overall speed has been weakened ten thousand times.

Every time he moves, it is extremely difficult.

What’s more, there is still interference from this external force.

The Yinxuan of the Tianhu clan, although the overall combat effectiveness at the beginning, was definitely not as good as him.

But at this moment.

Tianhu Yinxuan has completely suppressed him.

Sirius Xiaoyue was weakened, and Tianhu Yinxuan was strengthened.

Just like that, after half a minute of time passed.

A terrible pressure came completely.

at the same time.

If you look at the original location of Sirius Island from the outside.

Then, it can be clearly seen that a tall figure has appeared here.

This tall figure has a pair of terrible wings behind it.

One of them represents all tangible things.

One represents all intangible things.

With the arrival of this illusory figure, the kingdom of God has also come to completion.

At this moment.

The previous Sirius Island was completely controlled by Yang Xuan.

Although Sirius Island is broken now, as long as Yang Xuan thinks, he only needs a thought and Sirius Island will be reshaped in an instant.

But Yang Xuan did not do that.

Because he wants to completely seal and refine these Tianzuns.

And the illusory figure that emerged was naturally Yang Xuan’s god gesture.

“The Kingdom of God on Earth!”

“Seal of the Gods!”

After the Kingdom of God completely descended on the ground.

Yang Xuan also finally started to push his own strength with all his strength.

Immediately afterwards, the phantom of God’s posture also took action.

I saw that his huge wings swayed slightly, and at the same time, his right hand stretched out to lightly grasp the void.

Immediately afterwards.

Before that, the kingdom of God, which had enveloped the entire range of Sirius Island, began to slowly shrink and gather. three.

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