Chapter 93 Magical power palm in the demon kingdom (please subscribe!)

The upper demon of the Tianhu clan, the great elder of the Tianhu clan.

Tianhu Yinxuan, at this moment, there is really no choice.

When Yang Xuan shot, he shouted every time that the purpose of his trip was to join the Celestial Fox clan.

So if at this critical moment, as the upper demon lord of the Tianhu clan, came to Yinxuan here, he would have to take action no matter what.

Unless they are completely shameless, they will face no other race in the future, and they will form an alliance with the Tianhu family.

Because once you do such a desperate thing, even the other party also shows that he has hidden power, if he doesn’t do anything.

Then who would dare to help the Tianhu clan in the future?

What’s more, Yang Xuan’s performance is the forward of the Tianhu clan.

Therefore, the Yinxuan of the Tianhu clan can do it without making a move.

“This damn golden eagle, is he really stupid? Or is he really stupid?”

“So exposing our Celestial Fox clan, I can’t even make a sneak attack!”

“If he is not so direct, maybe I still had a chance to sneak attack just now!”

“What a stupid golden eagle!”

“What kind of golden eagle is this? It’s just a silly eagle!”

The upper demon of the Tianhu clan Yinxuan, also abandoned his previous human form at this moment, and completely revealed his true form of the Tianhu.

After the previous changes, he became a human experiment.

He didn’t find any special benefits, and now he had to face up to so many demon masters of the Sirius clan.

Of course, he had to regain the status of becoming a Celestial Fox clan.

With the appearance of the huge real body of Tianhu, Yinxuan’s nine tails entangled directly towards the Tianlang Xiaoyue of the Tianhu clan.

“Yinxuan! I and you are endlessly dying!

“Do you want to see the real cracking of the heavens and the earth, and the blood of the demon, then I will make you perfect!”

Sirius Xiaoyue let out a huge roar.

Above this Yaozu origin world.

The high-ranking demon veteran would not easily make a move.

But at this moment, Sirius Xiaoyue no longer cares.

350 demon power is all over the body, and the magical powers of life are directly used.

A strong momentum rose to the sky.

Almost all the demon races around knew that there were two powerful high-ranking demon veterans fighting here.

As for Yang Xuan, Sirius Xiaoyue did not pay so much attention.

Because in its view, Yang Xuan’s power lies in range attacks.

With just a finger from the ancient monster like that, even if Yang Xuan played ten times, he couldn’t hurt him.

That kind of attack is a more powerful range attack, which is very effective for clearing the field.

But dealing with Yaozun, you can see from their current state.

The triple addition of Yang Xuan just now caused the lower demon venerables to suffer a little injury.

And in just an instant, they all recovered.

But those Sirius who were not the monster race were miserable, they were all obliterated by Yang Xuan.

So Sirius Xiaoyue didn’t care about Yang Xuan very much.

It directly confronted Tianhu Yinxuan.

But at this time, a smile appeared on the corner of the golden eagle’s mouth.

“Two high-ranking demon veterans, I can’t think that I still have such a good opportunity!”

After thinking of this in his heart, Yang Xuan directly launched an attack.

Supernatural power-the country of the demon in the palm of the hand.

In fact, this is the kingdom of God in the palm of the hand.

It just took advantage of the golden eagle’s breath to cover up the essence of this blow.

With Yang Xuan’s raising his hand, it came out.

An extremely sacred breath instantly covered the entire area of ​​Sirius Island.

The current Sirius Island has not completely sunk yet.

From this, Yang Xuan’s coverage of this blow is also extremely wide.

The main purpose of his doing this was actually to prevent the demon lord of the Sirius clan from escaping.

What made Yang Xuan more gratified was that none of them wanted to escape.

Even when I was enveloped, I didn’t care at all.

“Stupid Sirius!

Yang Xuan gave a secret in his heart, and he decided to teach Sirius a lesson.

These Sirius, it seems that because they are in the original world of the monster race, they are born the protagonist of this world, so they have not fought any high-end battles at all.

Obviously fell into his own domain, but didn’t want to escape.

In Yang Xuan’s opinion, this is really stupid.

In other words, no one has ever fought like this in the original world of the monster race.

What’s more, now Yang Xuan has spread the kingdom of God so much that even though the sacred breath is all over this area.

But let alone Xiaoyue of the Sirius family, there is no threat at all.

Even for the other lower-level demon veterans, Yang Xuan’s attack didn’t pose much threat.

Ever since, the breath of the kingdom of God began to invade this area non-stop.

Yang Xuan’s God personality also began to descend in this world little by little.

“Golden Eagle, die!”

“Golden Eagle, today is your end!”

It was at this time that, except for the Sky Wolf Xiaoyue, the other demon clan gods had already started to attack Yang Xuan.

Under many attacks, even Yang Xuan had to start to dodge.

His dodge is also simple, that is, he constantly shuttles through the space, wandering in this area.

This situation caused the corners of Tianhu Yinxuan’s mouth to twitch.

“Golden Eagle, you quickly constrain your attack. Your attack just now is obviously so terrifying, why do you have to spread this terrifying energy to such a large area.”

“Don’t you know that such a wide range of attacks can’t cause any harm to them at all?”

Nine-tailed Tianhu Yinxuan couldn’t help but yelled to Yang Xuan.

Although Yinxuan and Xiaoyue are playing with each other now.

But Yin Xuan himself knew very well that Sirius Xiaoyue’s combat effectiveness was stronger than him.

If it continues to drag on like this.

After a while at most, Sirius Xiaoyue would suppress him, and even seize the flaw to directly attack Yang Xuan.

This is not the situation Yinxuan wants to see.

But facing Yin Xuan’s request, Yang Xuan did not respond at all.

His performance seemed to be like being beaten without a chance to fight back.

It seems that in the next second, he will die.

However, whenever Yang Xuan was about to die, he cleverly avoided the fatal death blow.

In this way, this chaotic battle at the Tianzun level became a tug of war.

“Golden Eagle, weren’t you crazy just now?”

“Golden Eagle, do you know how to escape?

“Damn golden eagle, that’s it for you!”

(dbad) “Golden eagle, don’t know how to run if you have the ability, come and fight with me!”

“Golden Eagle, return my brother to me!’

The demon lords of the Sirius clan, except Sirius Xiaoyue, are chasing Yang Xuan to kill at this moment.

But what they didn’t know was that Yang Xuan held the Kingdom of God, and his analysis of this world became perfect as a result.

“One minute!”

“Give me one minute, the person of God will come completely!”

“Everything in this case will be dominated by me!”

“If it is said that the four-level omniscient and almighty God descends into this world, facing the upper demon, no one can do anything about it.”

“Then once the kingdom of God comes, and you are in my kingdom, you will have the personal blessings of the kingdom of God!

“Even the powerful high-ranking demon sovereign can’t escape the result of being refined by me in the end.

“The difference is just a matter of time.

Yang Xuan secretly calculated the time in his heart.

This is already an excellent opportunity.

Originally, he planned to use other methods in the future to let the high-ranking demon-sovereign Yinxuan of the Nine Tails clan deceive him into his kingdom of God.

That is, when the other party is required to attend their own wedding, the venue will be held in their own kingdom of God.

But now it seems that it is not necessary.

50 seconds, 40 seconds, 30 seconds

Over time, an illusory body has appeared here.

at the same time.

The sacred breath in this area has also increased tens of thousands of times in this short period of time.

The mighty power of the kingdom of God began to render this space non-stop.

Of course, the repulsion of the Yaozu’s original world is also appearing little by little.

If it weren’t for Yaozu’s original world, the repulsive force was extremely strong.

In fact, Yang Xuan will never take more than half a second from launching this blow to the complete completion of the kingdom of God.

This is the strength of his God personality.

However, because of the nature of Yaozu’s original world, it has surpassed the great world.

So the time required is nearly two minutes.

In these two minutes, it is logically difficult to complete.

At the beginning, Yang Xuan didn’t think that his plan would be successful.

Because the other party is very likely to perceive that he will choose to escape after constructing one’s space.

You know, to build such a kingdom of God, even if it covers the entire Sirius Island.

But as long as those monsters want to leave, it takes a few seconds at most, they can leave.

Of course, that was the beginning.

With the passage of time to the present, if they want to leave, it is no longer so simple.

This effect is like boiling a frog in warm water.

Now Yang Xuan has taken the lead in sealing all the spaces in the area of ​​the Kingdom of God.

In other words, except for him, the Heavenly Wolf Xiaoyue wrapped in the kingdom of God can’t break the space anymore.

The space here was reinforced by him.

But Tianhu Yinxuan can break the space.

Because Yang Xuan gave Tianhu Yinxuan the authority of the relevant parties.

Even when Tianhu Yinxuan was about half a minute after Yang Xuan’s divine kingdom completely descended, he found that his strength had become much stronger.

Before, Sirius was suppressing him, but now she has suppressed Sirius Xiaoyue.

This strange discovery gave her a hint of understanding in her heart.

“It’s the magical power of the Golden Eagle, the demon kingdom in the palm!”

“This supernatural power is a supernatural power that takes time to release its power.”

“With the passage of time, the enemy will be gradually weakened!!

“That kind of feeling, it’s as if the enemy has come to my exclusive domain, come to my turf, this gives me a great advantage.”

“The most important thing is that Sirius can’t break through the constraints of space at this moment.”

“The surrounding space is extremely sticky to him, and his speed was instantly weakened by at least three times in just 0.** seconds.”

Tianhu Yinxuan’s insight is also very strong

Yang Xuan’s imprisonment on Sirius Xiaoyue had only just started, and she had already noticed this.

It’s not just that she noticed it.

Sirius Xiaoyue was also aware of this moment.

“Damn! This place is not right.

“Preparing to break through, the area where we are located is controlled by the golden eagle using some kind of magical power.”

“Fighting here will be extremely detrimental to us.


“Leave now!”

Sirius Xiaoyue yelled at the other clan. .

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