Chapter 9 y virus experiment (3 more! Guiqiu evaluation! Flowers!)

Umbrella Biotechnology Company is the largest biotechnology company in the world.


When most people see the company’s name, they will read it as a biotechnology company.

But in fact.

He is a biological and technology company.

That’s right!

This is a company that develops biology and technology.

Moreover, they have achieved considerable success.

In terms of technological level, umbrella companies have surpassed the world average for at least 30 years.

If it is biology, then this is a hundred years.

This is a powerful umbrella company.

However, ordinary people in this world don’t know this matter.

The eastern capital of Little Bird Country.

It is the most convenient experimental site for umbrella companies.

Because this country has been conquered by the umbrella.

But use humans for experiments.

Umbrella companies still have some scruples.

But if you experiment with aliens.

That is to say, those who pass through, they just don’t have the slightest worry.

Ever since, a Y virus experiment on the direction of human evolution.

It’s here to unfold.

“The instrument is ready!”

“Start experimenting!”

“Inject Y virus, research object, ten people!”

“Warning, Subject 1 is dead!”

“Death No. 3!”

“Death on 5, 6, 8, and 10.”

Ten medicines correspond to ten people.

The umbrella company doesn’t care what the names of the ten people are.

He just numbered those people.

At the end of the experiment, six people died.

The ten people who survived are No. 2, No. 4, No. 7, and No. 9.

Among them, No. 2 has a high fever.

No. 7 fell into a coma.

Number 9 went crazy.

But No. 4, there is no change at all.

No. 4 is a thin little girl.

The age seems to be just 16 or 7 years old.

When Dr. Biology saw it, his face suddenly showed ecstasy.

He let his hand go down to check the situation on the 4th.

Perform all-round physical examinations for No. 4.


The moment the door of the laboratory opened.

No. 4’s eyes suddenly glowed with scarlet light.

She broke free in an instant.

He came directly to the doctor’s hand, then opened his mouth and bit down on his neck.

Although the subordinate is wearing protective clothing.

However, No. 4’s teeth were so sharp that they immediately pierced through the protective clothing.

“not good!”

“The opponent has evolved successfully and gained a powerful force.”

“However, this subject is out of control.”

“Stop the laboratory immediately!”

When the doctor saw this, he was shocked.

But as a qualified villain, even if it’s just a small boss.

He still has an IQ.

Therefore, even if the incident happened suddenly, the emergency button was pressed in an instant.


The door of the laboratory where No. 4 was located, only took less than a second before it was closed.

However, the doctor’s expression was not relaxed, and there was no surprise.

Because he saw an incredible scene through surveillance.

That was the moment the girl closed the door.


The girl turned into a black shadow and changed her physical form unexpectedly.

Then, when the door was about to close, he rushed out of the gap.

“Do not!”

“Damn it!”

“Close the entire hive!”

“She actually got the ability to change form!”

“Be sure to catch her.”

“I want to live! Live!”

Doctor Biology roared loudly.

This base, he is the person with the most authority.


What the Doctor of Biology doesn’t know is.

The sixteen-year-old girl has already started asking for help.


World chat channel:

“Who can help me!”

“I was caught by a biological research company in this world.”

“I was also injected with a strange medicine.”

“This potion gives me some abilities.”

“But they blocked all exits. I don’t know how to leave.”

“And they also have super-strong flamethrowing guns, which are enough to cause huge damage to me!”

A cry for help called “Huayun” appeared directly on the chat channel of the whole world.

Huayun is number 4.

She is Huayun on the chat channel.

But his real name is Song Sisi.

She has just been 16 years old, and this is the first time she has followed everyone in a nationwide journey.

Although because the world chat channel is a chat channel covering 5 billion people.

Even if many people do not speak.

But her words were quickly overwhelmed.

But there are also many people who have discovered her situation.

“Huh? Inject medicine? Gain power?”

“Where is the location?”

“Report a position!”

Although Song Sisi’s news was quickly wiped out.

There are still many people who reply to her.

“I don’t believe it, this may be a trap!”

“Everyone, the natives of this world have already begun to arrest us.”

“The location of this Huayun is extremely dangerous. It may be a trap!”

“Yes! This is the most dangerous world we have experienced.”

“The world we experienced before was very backward and primitive, and food was a problem, but at least there was no means of mass destruction.”

“The primitive world is not the most dangerous world for us now.”

“But this kind of technological world is the most difficult.”

“Because people in this world will definitely do something excessive to us.”

“This is inevitable, so the defensive heart is indispensable!”

On the world chat channel, some people began to doubt Song Sisi’s news. *

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