Chapter 8 Big event: 5 billion people crossed (Kneel for evaluation! Flowers!)

Special incident response bureau.

Conference room.

The ten principals who were temporarily transferred are quickly flipping through the information in front of them.

“Everyone, my name is Evian, now I will do some sorting!”

“This is the situation now!”

“Just now, the satellites of all countries have confirmed one thing.”

“That is, in our world, many people who do not belong to our world have appeared out of thin air!”

“There are already more than one million people under our secret control.”

“The most important thing is that they actually appeared long ago.”

“But all of us are affected by a mysterious force.”

“After our big data analysis, I can determine that the affected time is one hour.”

“We use a special method to ask where they are from.”

“Unfortunately, those people either didn’t say it, or they exploded and died as soon as they were about to say it.”

“It can be seen that mysterious forces have invaded our world.”

The speaker was an oriental woman in formal dress around her.

Her name is Yi Yun, from the Eastern Yan Country.

At only twenty years old, he has already received many degrees.

Yesterday, she was still participating in an extremely important study.

But today.

She was nominated by various countries to become the main person in charge of the Special Incident Response Bureau.

The elites of other countries must obey her arrangements.

In the event of a special event, she can drop the peace messenger directly.

After Yi Yun finished talking about the information, he looked at everyone dignifiedly.

“All of you here are the top elites of various countries, so you should understand how much chaos this means.”

As he said.

Chaos has begun to appear in this world.

Because the population that appeared out of thin air was not five, fifty.

It’s five billion.

The appearance of so many people will cause much trouble to the society.

Even if they were arrested, it was impossible.

The key is.

The place where the opponent appears now is all over the world.

“Director Yi, the current situation is very severe.”

“I suspect they are all aliens!”

“And it’s an alien type creature, and it’s very adaptable to our technological civilization.”

“I got the information just now. The other party can use a mobile phone and surf the Internet.”

“The most frightening thing is that most of them are very strong.”

“Moreover, there are people who have shown special abilities.”

“Even many people began to gather and occupy the village.”

“Nowadays, many villages and towns have been lost.”

“This is simply a natural disaster.”

“It must be suppressed by firepower!”

The era that the whole people pass through.

Once you cross the world of technological civilization, it will cause such huge conflicts and chaos.

If you have traveled to the primitive world, it will actually be a little more harmonious.

But I crossed to a planet surrounded by satellites.

Even for the first hour, no problems will be found.

Then over time.

When the two worlds collide, great sparks will erupt.

After that person finished speaking.

Another picture appeared on the screen in the conference room.

That was the scene of Wang Qiang snatching the mobile phone, snatching a car and leaving the town.

On the way, officials chased him.

All were easily solved by him.

When the vehicle was forced to stop, he easily put dozens of official personnel alone.

And no matter whether you start or die.

Dozens of people were killed and injured as high as 90%.

At the same time he also showed some terrifying individual weapons.

When crossing, you can use the crossing point to bring objects from the local world to those crossing the world.

Wang Qiang is a leader in the previous world.

Naturally got a lot of points.

After Yiyun watched this video, he also made a choice.

“This is a big crisis, but it is also a big opportunity.”

“From now on, in order to collectively refer to those mysterious people as foreigners!”

“The first step, force suppression!”

“The second step is to give benefits and conquer foreigners!”

“The third step is to secretly capture those capable people and collect weapons we haven’t seen before for research.”

“As for those with abilities, as well as those with strong physique, they will be handed over to the umbrella company for research.”

“Execute now!”

As soon as Yiyun gave the order, everyone began to arrange this matter.

For a time.

Official personnel in this world have all been mobilized.

Most of the traversers were caught and imprisoned.

Because most of the traversers are ordinary people.

Fortunately, there is so much food in this world, and the sudden increase of 51 people will not cause famine in this world.

What’s more, the traversers are now carrying nutritional capsules.

It is a concentrated food that can last a day.

It just doesn’t taste.


At dusk.

over time.

Many forums and websites in this world have begun to talk about traversers.

The superpowers headed by the U.S., Yan and Xiong have released some information.

Even the national radio said that as long as the traversers take the initiative to come out, they will be treated well.

Will provide board and lodging.

In order for the traversers to survive, at least 80% of them chose to cooperate actively.

the reason is simple.

They are the most common traversers.

It just gave hope to the best of those who traveled through.

I hope they can complete the task and lead everyone home.

Of course, there are also many people who have the idea of ​​breaking into the inside.


Little Bird Country, Eastern Capital

Umbrella Biotechnology Company, branch honeycomb base.

“Huh? Aliens?”

“This is great.”

“Bring ten people, I want to experiment with Y virus.”

A PhD in biotechnology is holding ten tubes of medicine in excitement.

There was a crazy look in his eyes. *

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