Chapter 41 The god of transcendence who dare not show his head (4 more!)


“I let go of my authority and actively joined the team chat group.”

“But the mysterious god of transcendence did not choose to confront me.”

“This is too cautious.”

“In other words, it’s timid.”

“Is he different from what I expected, not a big guy behind the scenes, but a lucky guy who accidentally awakened Gold Finger?”

For a time.

There has been a little change in Yang Xuan’s view of the God of Traversal.


Squad chat channel.

“Appeared, a new mission has appeared!”


“Is it that simple?”

“Recite the honorable name of God and pray to God!”

“Although the rewards are very small, there is no danger at all.”

After Yang Xuan joined the chat group.


Above the team chat channel, the disappeared character panel reappeared.

This time the task appeared.

It is the task that Yang Xuan just set.

Although the task of tampering with the squad, it consumes more power of faith.

But because this task is only for the squad.

Therefore, the change is very fast.

Unlike the main task, it has not been changed successfully.

So the world chat channel hasn’t boiled yet.

But Yang Xuan also knows.

After three minutes, the task of the world chat channel was also changed.

His followers are still going up.

at the same time.

The god of transcendence must make another move to establish his dominance.


Five billion travellers will eventually become Yang Xuan’s people.

Yang Xuan is certain.

The other party will definitely put an end to such things.

Therefore, since the god of transcendence did not appear when the team’s mission was changed.

Then when the main task of the world is changed, the chance of appearing will be very high.

Unless, he chooses to abandon all those who pass through.

Even cut the connection between the two worlds.

But then, the human beings who work for him will be less pitiful.

“Huh? I thought of something!”

“Obviously I don’t know how to pray at all, but now, a paragraph has automatically appeared in my mind.”

“And a ceremony.”

Extreme speed is the first one who intends to test prayer.

He was thinking about studying how to pray.

But his thoughts of praying have just come out.

The method automatically appeared in his mind.

“Me too!”

The person with the title of nature also confirmed this.

“I see!”

“God used the mighty force we couldn’t understand to directly formulate a new rule.”

“Once we want to pray, the rituals and chanting sentences will automatically appear in our minds.”

“What a mighty force this is!”

“The God of Transcendence is a dog who only knows to stand behind the scenes and let us be born and die for him. Compared with God, it is nothing but a cloud of mud.”

Members of the Celestial Team.

He slapped Yang Xuan’s flattery unscrupulously.

Seeing this, the goddess of the night couldn’t help but sigh secretly in her heart.

It was the first time she knew that her team members were not only powerful but also eloquent.


They obviously seldom speak.

Compliments were never said once.

“Everyone, I was released.”

“The umbrella company released me, and I was received by a supervisor.”

“He said I became the top of the umbrella company!”

Just at this time.

Suddenly, there was a good news.

He is no longer a prisoner.

Then, other people were also ordered by the umbrella company Zhao’an.

It was at this time that they discovered a terrible thing.

That is.

Your every move.

In fact, they are all under the surveillance of umbrella companies.

If it weren’t for the goddess of the night, she took the lead and went to God.

I am afraid that when the action against God is first revealed, it will be destroyed.

“Praise you, the supreme God!”

“God, we will be your most loyal believers.”

The members of the Celestial Squad had all changed from shallow believers to senior believers at this moment.


God’s country.

Yang Xuan also had no plans to chat with the people of the Celestial Team.

He waited for a while.

After not waiting for the God of Traversing to make trouble for himself, he waved to the Goddess of Dark Night.

“Get out!”

“Take a good rest in this world.”

“Throwers, shouldn’t be so tired.”

“You have the attributes of night, and you have a touch of divine power.”

“I look forward to that one day you can become a true goddess.”

“At that time, you will have a place by my side.”

“A position from God.”

As soon as Yang Xuan finished speaking, the spatial grafting of the kingdom of God disappeared in an instant.

As soon as the goddess of the night wanted to salute, she suddenly realized that she was just bowing her head and everything was back to normal.


“Praise you!”

After everything returned to normal, the goddess of the night prayed and thanked Yang Xuan first.

Then he stood up.

After this matter.

She confirmed that today’s choice will be the most important and perfect choice in her life.


World chat channel.

Three minutes later.


In the shocked eyes of the five billion traversers.

Suddenly, the chat channel’s window trembled violently.

All the traversers.

At this moment, they also paid attention to this matter. *

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