Chapter 40 Me, God! Join the chat group (3 more!)


“I will send an application now!”

This is not the first time He Xiaoyu, the goddess of the night, has invited Yang Xuan.

When Yang Xuan spoke on the chat channel for the first time.

She tried to invite Yang Xuan.

But at that time, she even released the invitation.

But now.

When she opened her team authority again and started to invite Yang Xuan.

The invitation message can be sent out.

“Sure enough! This great existence has great authority on the chat channel.”

He Xiaoyu couldn’t help thinking in her heart.


These thoughts of her can also be heard by Yang Xuan.

It just doesn’t matter to Yang Xuan.


The Celestial Team invites you to join.

agree or not.

A message appeared in Yang Xuan’s mind.


Yang Xuan didn’t even think about it, so he chose to agree.

Then in the virtual dialog box in front of him, a choice appeared.

Squad channel.

It’s him.

After Yang Xuan saw it, his heart moved and he entered the team channel directly.

His hand scratched empty.

The book of truth reappeared in his hands.


Side task: pray.

Introduction: All members of the Celestial Team will recite the honorable name of God and pray every day.

Time limit: 10 days.

Completion: Reward 1 point for crossing points every day.

Failure: obliterate.

It’s like tampering with the main task of the World Channel.

Yang Xuan directly used the power of the Book of Truth to tamper with the side mission of the Celestial Team.


The tampering this time cost Yang Xuan even higher.

Although it is a side task.

But tampering with this task cost Yang Xuan 50 billion faith points.

“It seems that the mysterious god of traversal, in order to issue this task, put in a strong force.”

Yang Xuan can also be regarded as a discovery.

This god of transcendence is very fancy to the Celestial Team.

It can be a pity.

The captain of the Celestial Team chose to betray him.

“Task tampering!”

The book of truth is once again as before, the words are turned into golden light and separated from the book.

Then, he didn’t enter the chat channel of the team.


Celestial team, chat channel.

With Yang Xuan’s tampering.

The task description that has been hanging at the top of the chat channel.

Suddenly, the writing began to become blurred.

The dialog box of the entire chat channel also began to tremble violently.

For a time.

The people of the Celestial Squad were all shocked.

“Huh? What happened?”

“The dialog is changing.”

“Wait a minute, why our task panel is starting to blur.”

“Isn’t the mission deadline ten days?”

“Aren’t we going to kill us now?”

The members of the Celestial Team, although they are all people who have experienced strong winds and waves.

But everyone, no one wants to die so unexplainably.


In everyone’s anxious wait.

The goddess of the night spoke.

“Don’t panic, it’s a good thing.”

“Captain, what did you do?”

“The task text completely disappeared, and I even vaguely felt a moment of relaxation in my body and mind.”

“Binding! It’s binding!”

“The bondage of blessing on us has disappeared.”

“The God of Traversal will never do this.”

“So, those who have the ability to do this will directly wipe out the existence of the task for us.”

“Personally, there is only one person I can think of.”

“No, it’s not a man, it’s a god, it’s a great being!”

When the chat channel in the team said this.

All members of the Celestial Team.

They immediately opened their team member list.

The first thing they look at is the bottom.

The last one to join is Wang Qiang, the god of mad fighting.

At this point, there is no change.


When a few people saw this place, they were a little puzzled.

But when they look up.

Everyone is in a static state.

Because it is at the top of the team.

Beyond the line above the captain, a new member appeared.

This is the time.

The team chat channel, the system automatically sent a message.


Congratulations to the new member “God” for joining the chat group.

“It’s God!”

“Sure enough, I knew it, I knew it!”

“The captain went to God and got the other side’s approval.”

“Then we are now two or five boys?”

“Huh! I am willing to join God’s camp!”

After a short silence, cheers were ushered in.

For the goddess of the night to rebel against the god of transcendence, he still led this team to rebel.

When he rebelled, he didn’t discuss it with anyone.

They don’t mind this.

Those who can exist in the Celestial Team are all top talents.

They naturally understand.

When the god of crossing gave them a task.

It means that the god of crossing is not an opponent of God now.

At least at this stage, God is definitely a stronger existence.

As for the inability to return to the world of traversers.

The five of them don’t care.

The strong move forward alone. *

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