Chapter 37 I don’t approve of your task (6 more! Seeking flowers and evaluation!)

In the kingdom of God.


“Ha ha!”


After Yang Xuan saw this task, he laughed.

Obliterate yourself.

This mysterious existence that caused everyone to cross, is it a bit floating?

“The other party seems to be the same as me, a certain kind of omniscience and almighty existence.”

“So, the other party has control of the Transmitter World.”

“I use Metatron’s ability to perform deductions and calculations.”

“It is certain that the traverser is a world where the sky is round.”

“Although that world can send people in the world to other worlds.”

“This is definitely a super powerful force!”

“It’s something I can’t do even now.”

“It’s just that you didn’t personally obliterate me, but you posted the mission.”

“This reveals one thing.”

“That is, at least in this world, you absolutely dare not see me.”

“I will call you the god of transcendence for the time being!”

“In this world, even if you are actually here, you are not my opponent.”

Yang Xuan was talking to the world chat channel.

He seemed to be talking to himself.

However, he knew.

The other party can hear your own words.

Or Yang Xuan deliberately let him hear, because he put his thoughts into the world chat channel.

It’s just that ordinary people can’t see that passage.

Yang Xuan is also very sure.

This behind-the-scenes existence that causes the entire world to constantly travel through must also be a creature.

There is a 90% chance of being alone.

A person who got a treasure by accident.

He directly directed the matter of crossing.

Let all human beings in the world of Travellers work for him.

But what he didn’t expect was that Yang Xuan was such an alien.

“However, although this task has no effect on me.”

“But if I can’t return to that world, I won’t be able to fight this god of transcendence.”

“Well, let me think about it!”

Yang Xuan sat on an incomparably noble god seat and lightly grabbed the void.


Divine light flashed.


A book containing countless truths appeared on Yang Xuan.


Launch the main mission: Survival

Task details:

Survive, every day you survive in this world, you will get 100 crossing points.

After surviving for more than thirty days, they can return.

Yang Xuan actually wrote a new task in his book of truth.

After this task was written.

All the words above were turned into golden light and flew out directly from the book.

at the same time.

Yang Xuan’s power of faith also directly consumed 10 billion.

Under the blessing of the power of ten billion beliefs.

The golden light transformed by words is like golden sand.

One by one, he merged into Yang Xuan’s illusory world chat channel.

Afterwards, there was a violent vibration in the chat channels of the whole world.

The previous task of obliterating Yang Xuan is being replaced little by little.

Yang Xuan calculated the time.

About ten minutes later.

The old tasks will disappear.

The new tasks he wrote for the travellers will appear.

At that time, it should be possible to harvest a wave of faith.


World chat channel:

“Damn it! How do you do this task?”

“It’s over! Those of us who are passing through, it’s over.”

“Can’t go back, my poor child, I will never see my child again.”

“Kill God? The mysterious existence of the release mission, is your brain broken?”

“That God, I am afraid that he can erase this planet at will.”

“Even if he stands still and lets all of us attack him, we are afraid it will be difficult for us to kill each other.”

“Damn it!”

“This damn world, this damn crossing!”

Countless curses and screams.

Appeared on the world chat channel.

Not only here, but even the squad’s channel, at this moment, it is fried.

For example, the chat channel of the Tenjin team.


Celestial Team:

Dark night:

“Unexpectedly, God is a traverser!”

“Moreover, this traverser is so powerful that the traversing god dare not let him return to our world.”

The man named Goddess of the Night had finished speaking.

The speed that had been arrested at the secret base also came out to speak.

In the beginning, the night let the speed persist all night.

The place where Extreme Speed ​​is located is actually a secret research base of the Umbrella Company.


After the umbrella company became owned by Yang Xuan, he was caught without any suspense.

Now that he has been locked up, all his abilities have been blocked.

After the night knew about this, he tried to save him.

In the end, he was seriously injured and escaped.

“Boss, are we going through the journey?”

“And how do you make sure that the mysterious existence that allows people in our world to constantly travel across the heavens and all realms is a god?”

Jisu had nothing to do now, so he was the first to reply to the night.

“It’s very simple, because I received a private message.”*

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