Chapter 36 Impossible task (5 follow! Seeking flowers, evaluation!)

Under external forces and changes, mankind has completed the first great unification.

The entire Blue Star, although the countries are still in power.

But they are collectively referred to as the Federation.

There is no war anymore. What everyone has to do now is to find what kind of damage the aliens will cause to Blue Star.

Blue Star, how to defend.

They are not Metatron, and they don’t have Yang Xuan’s powerful Level 2 omniscience.

Therefore, they don’t know the calamity that will destroy the world in seven days.

It was the flood that destroyed the world.


at the same time.

Just when the federal states were established.

On the side of the passer-through door, the pot was also exploded.

World chat channel:


The first day of survival trial has passed, and everyone will be rewarded with 100 crossing points.

Now, release the main task.

The main task: all the traversers, a total of nine…

There is a problem with the mission system!


Traveling across the world, serious problems arise.


Through the incident, a serious error occurred.


Repair failed!

The traversal process was severely affected.

Re-plan the crossing task.

Task is being formulated…

A lot of information appeared directly on the public screen of the world chat channel.

For a time.

Fifty-one people in the entire Transmitter World were in an uproar.

As a traverser.

Even in the world of traversers, traversers who have just reached the age standard and crossed for the first time.

Everyone knows that on the second day of the journey, everyone will get the main task.

This main task is the collection of crossing points that will remain unchanged for thousands of years.

Even yesterday there was a huge change in this world.

The thoughts of the traversers are that today’s task will still appear as usual.

They regard the existence of God as the condition of this world.

No one has ever thought that this God will have some kind of connection with the traverser.

After all, it’s not the first time most people have crossed.

However, just now, something that subverted their perceptions appeared.

The main mission, the release failed.

“What’s happening here?”

“Huh? How can I speak?”

“It stands to reason that when the mission is released, won’t everyone mute for an hour?”

“I see, the one who arranged our crossing was disturbed.”

“Do you remember that just yesterday, God spoke on the world chat channel.”

Those who were waiting for the mission, all excitedly talked about what happened yesterday.


Song Sisi asked for help on the world chat channel, and then God banned everyone.

This matter was remembered by many interested people at that time.

When God appeared yesterday.

Many people have already associated these two things together.

It’s just that those who make associations are a little bit unconfident.

After all, the power of God in reality is too powerful.

How could such a powerful existence appear in the chat channel of their traversers.

But now I can’t send out the world mission.

Suddenly, some veteran travellers suddenly thought of something.

“I understand, God is also a translator.”

“Although I don’t know, why he suddenly possessed powerful power and became God.”

“But the other party must be a traverser.”

This time.

The speculation that the traverser is God, suddenly aroused the consent of many people.

They talked about Song Sisi.

Speaking of the situation in the eastern capital of the small island nation.

What I said at the end got excited.

“It’s God!”

“He let the existence that caused us to cross continuously, and there was a problem.”

“He let the mysterious existence that gave us the task, which was disturbed to a certain extent.”

“There is only one truth, and this is the truth!”

In the non-stop chatting, the traversers finally confirmed this matter.

Although they have no evidence that God is a traverser.

But they were convinced of their guess.

And the mysterious existence that allowed them to cross constantly seemed to prove it.

Just when the traversers finished discussing this topic and had an answer that everyone agreed upon.

On the World Chat Channel, all members were banned again.

At this time, the traversers held their breath.

They all have a hunch.

That is, the critical moment is approaching.


World chat channel:


The task is generated.

Publish the main mission: Obliterate God

Task details:

Obliterate God at all costs.

Failure: Stay in this world forever.


1. Everyone gets one hundred thousand crossing points.

2. The person who contributes the most has to pass 100 million points to bestow the Godhead.

3. Other participants will be rewarded with five to ten million crossing points depending on the situation.


The world mission is completed.

This time, the mission was no longer to interfere with the world line.

But to kill Yang Xuan this anomaly.

Such a weird change left all the traversers…

Painful tears.

Obliterate God?

Who is going?

Who can do it?


Thank you for your flowers and comments.

Add more today!

A little later, after 10 o’clock, the sixth one will be served.

The author of Xiaopujie is still a convention, do not finish writing, do not eat dinner. *

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