Chapter 23 The spread of ghouls, the crisis in the eastern capital (3 more!)

In everyone’s imagination.

Special incident response bureau, they are powerful and extremely high-tech.

But it is not used to serve the people.

This seems somewhat guided.

But in fact, this is also true.

It’s just that they really didn’t do things in Dongdu.

But who allowed them to accept the power of 80% of the umbrella.

Even the samples sent away before are now received by the Special Event Response Bureau.


To say that Dongdu’s things were done by them, and it is not a complete arrogance.

To blame, I can only blame them for taking over, it’s not the right time.

Sinoe even seized the opportunity to announce the video of Song Sisi being experimented.

And, the staff of the Special Event Response Bureau received the video of the experimental sample.

This caused the anger of the people.

But it is also this time.

Everyone suddenly realized that they couldn’t make comments on the Internet.

Someone turned on the national muting mode.

“Don’t believe the rumors!”

“The person who logged out just now is just a whimsical person.”

“Foreign people are real, and angels are actually alien creatures.”

“They didn’t come with kindness.”

“As for the hidden power of our planet, it was established for the outside world.”

“We can’t do a taboo experiment. Our purpose is to prevent and control, to protect…”

Then, an announcement came out.

This is naturally a means of dealing with special events.

It’s just that their words haven’t been completely finished yet.

It was discovered that during the live broadcast, a large number of ghouls rushed out of the ground.

At this moment, the explanation of the special event response bureau became extremely pale.


There is no sense of silver three hundred taels here.

The special event response situation faced the worldwide network blockade and was also unlocked at this time.

For a time.

The official silence.

The people are angry.

“Do you think we are fools?”

“Special incident response bureau, you don’t need to be so awesome, right?”

“It said that there are no taboo experiments, but someone has released the video.”

“Damn! They are so damned!”

“What about the nations? Why are such departments allowed to exist?”

“That little girl seems to have just grown up, right? She was actually used as an experiment!”

People on the Internet began to express sympathy for Song Sisi and the other nine dead.

Even when the ghouls in the ground rushed up and started to spread around.

None of them felt that this was a terrible thing.

Just subconsciously think that these are retribution.


Special incident response bureau, headquarters.

“Damn it!”

An old man about fifty years old hit the table with one punch.

Because he is from a small island country.

In the entire small island country, there are a total of 2 people who are eligible to come here.

“The umbrella company deceives too much!”

“Obviously they did it, and now it’s on us.”

“Moreover, that terrifying mutant creature has spread all over the east.”

“East is over.”

“There will be a doomsday scene that will only appear in the movie.”

The old man from the small island country said that his eyes were already red when he said this.

Because his children are all in the eastern capital.

This time the disaster is destined to affect his family.

“Ampeiyu, don’t think about these.”

“I know you worry about your family, but to be honest, your son will die if he dies.”

“After all, he is not as cute as a ghoul in my opinion.”

Yi Yun’s icy voice appeared in the ears of the old man in the small island country.

Then, a person’s resume appeared.

That’s the introduction of An Peiyu’s son.

The kindergarten began to bully classmates.

Bullying is funny when he grows up.

After adulthood, she harmed countless women from small island nations.

Such a person did not receive any punishment under the wings of An Peiyu.

Because Ampei Yu is very important to small island nations.

A strong scientific researcher is enough to make the senior officials of the small island nation turn a blind eye to his son’s affairs.

Even at some point, some help will be provided.

Therefore, Yiyun has no good impressions of small island countries.

“But no matter what, he is also my son.”

An Peiyu said sadly.

But after he finished speaking, Yi Yun smiled.

“Then I will give you a chance, you return to your own country, to find a way to get the ghoul.”

“This is a very important research sample.”

“Living and dead, we will all!”

“Although this task is risky, I give you the right to use public equipment for private use. You can use this opportunity to save your child.”

Once Yi Yun finished speaking, he tapped a touch computer next to him.

Then, in the shocked eyes of An Peiyu, the task was issued.


There is also a squad of one hundred people composed entirely of small island people, ready to go.

The equipment on them is the most sophisticated equipment.

“This…I’m old, some are not suitable, you see…”

“Can you change someone?”

Ampeiyu panicked. *

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