Chapter 22 The hive was exposed, and the whole network was shocked! (2 more! Guiqiu flowers, evaluation!)


Someone just raised doubts about the real situation of the live broadcast of the small island nation Dongdu.

Immediately afterwards, someone gave an answer.

There are also many foreign students from Yan Country in Dongdu.

They can all prove that the live broadcast on the Internet is real.

However, even if most people believe it.

But many people do not believe it.

Especially those white people from the western continent.

“Fake! This is fake!”

“How could God be a yellow race!”

“These are all scams. Where is the FII? Why don’t you turn off this live broadcast.”

The white people can’t sit still at this time.

Especially those white supremacists.

They have been proclaiming God.

However, who would have thought that God has come now.

Carrying Weili came.

This is a good thing for those believers.

But the point is.

God is a yellow man with black hair, black holes, and yellow skin.

This simply broke the white supremacists.

If God is a yellow race, doesn’t it mean that their racial theory is equivalent to slapping themselves in the face.

In these circumstances, the people of the Yan Country in the Eastern Continent were a little excited.

Because they have a strong sense of nationality.

God is actually a yellow race.

Even if he summoned angels, it was acceptable.

Among the ancient myths and legends of the East.

God also exists.

But this topic of discussion was quickly replaced.

“Huh? I searched on the Internet, and what God holds in his hand is a ‘peace messenger’ made in the United States!”

“Small island country, isn’t it a loyal dogleg of the United States?”

“What’s the matter, is this going to be fattened up in the U.S.?”

“Wait a minute! Look at the status of that ‘peace messenger’!”

“This…this is a ‘peace messenger’ that has been activated and may explode at any time!”

“Oh my God!”

“What are the people in Dongdu doing, why don’t they run?”

“Run? Can you run past its explosion?”

“Now they can only pray!”

“Pray to the great God and save them!”

In the beginning, everyone who watched the live broadcast.

Attention is all on angels and God.

But in a few minutes of chat.

Under the guidance of someone with a heart, they saw the status of the peace messenger.

This caring person is naturally Sino and the members of the umbrella company he controls.

For ordinary people.

Umbrella companies are now, even if they have lost 80% of the power of the supreme artificial intelligence.

But I want to guide the people’s topic.

Still easy.

Whether the messenger of peace is active.

And, which country made the messenger of peace.

For the people, this is simply not understood.

But when an ‘expert’ starts to guide.

Everyone knew this immediately.

Even under the control of Sino.

The image captured by the satellite also happened to see the situation inside the honeycomb base.

Ever since, someone on the Internet began to popularize science for everyone.


“Is this the so-called hive base?”

“I used to hear from a friend who said that there is a mysterious force called the’Special Events Bureau’ and invited him to join the Hive Base.”

“Speaking of the level of science and technology, far surpasses the level of our world.”

“Even, there are some taboo researches that can make people have supernatural powers.”

“Later that friend found me again and said that he was all nonsense, and everything was just conceived by himself trying to write a novel.”

“After that, he disappeared, telling me that he had gone on a trip abroad and he would never find it again.”

“I believed it at the time.”

“It seems that the water inside is very deep.”

When this person said this, he stopped talking.

When other netizens wanted @他, they found that his account no longer exists.

“What’s the situation? Log off an account in seconds?”

“He just said’Hive Base’ and then he was blocked.”

“Damn, what the hell is going on in this world.”

“First, strangers everywhere, now angels and gods descend again!”

“At this moment, I realized that even we are not easy, and I doubt if I am dreaming!”

“Same as above, I also began to doubt.”

“Ask, today is not April Fool’s Day?”

On the Internet, netizens have been arguing.

After gathering a lot of information, everyone subconsciously thought of conspiracy theories.

A mysterious organization that claims to be the ‘Special Incident Response Bureau! ’.

In their hands, they have super artificial intelligence that only exists in novels.

This artificial intelligence controls the network.

That mysterious organization has built super bases and honeycomb bases all over the world.

Go secretly to study things that can’t be said to the outside world.

In everyone’s imagination.

This is an extremely evil organization.

It is a stop that threatens the safety of all mankind.

The umbrella company was not involved at all. *

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