Chapter 2 Truly an Angel of Suffering (seeking flowers, evaluation!)

Yang Xuan has just used almighty power to seal a person’s voice.

It’s a coincidence.

At this time, two more niggers came to him.

“Hey! Man!”

“I heard that people of the yellow race have money, so hurry up and get your money out!”

“Otherwise, don’t blame me for making a few bloody holes in your pretty face.”

As the two niggers talked, they smiled mockingly.

The talking nigga.

He even held a dagger in his hand, after he finished speaking.

He also wanted to put the dagger on Yang Xuan’s face, trying to threaten Yang Xuan.

But Yang Xuan, at this moment, said two words to the two of them.

“Kneel down!”

Puff! Puff!

The two niggers knelt directly on the ground.

Then, they looked at each other and saw the incredible look in each other’s eyes.

“what’s going on?”

“What did this yellow guy do to us?”

The nigger with the dagger asked his companion.

But his companion naturally didn’t know why this happened.

“Why did we kneel down?”

“Damn it, get up! Get up for me!”

The two niggers struggled hard, trying to stand up.

However, no matter how hard they try.

Just can’t move.


“Sisyph, what are you two doing to get you some money, why are you kneeling down and begging?”

This is the time.

Three more niggers came from a distance.

These people are all in the same group.

Seeing three more niggers came, Yang Xuan really thought he might return to his Blue Star.

Because of his Blue Star, the Western Continent is so chaotic.

“Palm mouth for an hour!”

Faced with three cursing blacks.

Yang Xuan said two more words.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

Then, the three black people stood there all of a sudden, and kept giving themselves big mouths.

The black man kneeling on the ground was still struggling.

However, when he saw his companion, after constantly slapped himself.

He was stunned.

Then, his pupils dilated instantly.

The whole person couldn’t help shouting: “Devil! Devil!”

“Apocalypse is real, and so is the devil!”

No matter how stupid the black man was, he knew at this moment that his kneeling was Yang Xuan’s strength.

“Impossible! This is incredible!”

“The devil has actually come to the world, and he is not afraid of the sun!”

The other black man couldn’t help but mutter.


“Do not!”

“I’m not the devil!”

Yang Xuan shook his head, and then came to the nigger.

“I am god!”

The flat voice came out of Yang Xuan’s mouth.

Next second.

Suddenly, countless holy lights began to converge towards the direction Yang Xuan was.

Countless ways, only the silk thread that Yang Xuan could see, flew to Yang Xuan from all directions.

They finally turned into a spiritual light and submerged in Yang Xuan’s body.

Immediately afterwards.

Countless voices appeared in Yang Xuan’s mind.

“God, I pray for your forgiveness!”

“God, I was wrong! I beg you to forgive me!”

“God, I have never done anything bad in my life, can I enter your heaven?”

“Great God, I am your most devout believer, and I pray for your response.”

“Great God, please guide me the way forward.”


The prayers of hundreds of millions of people appeared in Yang Xuan’s mind after Yang Xuan announced her god name.

At the same time, the power of Yang Xuan’s faith also soared rapidly.

The power of faith goes from zero.

In less than half a minute, it rose to one billion.

It is because of the appearance of the power of these beliefs that countless holy lights converge on Yang Xuan.

Behind him, a pair of huge wings of light appeared in an instant.

This pair of light wings is not ordinary light wings.

It is not the same as the wings of an angel, which symbolizes the level of strength.

The left wing of Yang Xuan.

There are countless sun, moon and stars, which are the sacred wings that represent everything and everything in the world.

Yang Xuan’s right wing.

There are countless gods and holy spirit lights, which represent all beings in the world.

All the materials and creatures in this world are all in Yang Xuan’s wings.

This is the enlightenment that Yang Xuan got by himself.

It is also his model of this myth.

The nigger who knelt down in front of Yang Xuan, after a brief shock, directly lowered his head and bowed to Yang Xuan.

“GAD, please forgive me!”

“I’m guilty!”

The nigga began to repent.

That is true confession, although Yang Xuan did not use any abilities.

However, his existence alone made the nigger influence and became a believer of Yang Xuan.

But Yang Xuan didn’t forgive him, but looked at him coldly, and there was another nigger.

“To absorb the suffering of others, and endure the suffering of others!”

“Promote my name forever!”

“This is not a gift, but a punishment!”

You two will bear the suffering of sentient beings until I free you.

Yang Xuan spoke ordinary words.

But when he was speaking, two holy lights directly penetrated into their bodies.

In this case.

Both niggers directly gained magical powers.

This magical power is a magical power that can transfer pain.

The two of them can transfer the pain of others to themselves.

Although this is a magical power, but obviously……………

It’s a bit too much to “sacrifice yourself.”

After the two niggas heard this, and felt their own abilities.

The face is green. *

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