Chapter 1 Mythology template·God (seeking flowers, evaluation!)

“Damn it! A new crossing is about to begin again!”

“This time I have a short break during the return trip. I have just rested for half a month, so I will continue to travel!”

“I hope the next world will be a lighter world.”

“The last world is actually the original world!”

“With one crossing, the population is reduced by at least one thousandth!”

Yang Xuan turned on his mobile phone.

Looked at the hot news of Thousand Degrees.

As a result, everyone is talking about things that are about to cross.

“I actually crossed, and I came to a very magical world.”

“A world that all people travel through!”

“Everyone in this world, as long as they grow up to sixteen years old, they will cross into Otherworld when the red moon is empty.”

“Every time you cross, you have to get enough crossing points in Otherworld before you can return.”

“Fortunately, the technology in this world is fairly advanced, with nanny robots.”

“Even people over the age of sixteen have passed through and disappeared. The robots can still take care of the children under the age of 16.”

Yang Xuan accepted the memory of his predecessor.

From memory.

He knew the conditions for returning after crossing.

This condition is that all the traversers meet the standard as a whole.


The last time I traversed was the primitive world.

The mission issued by the world is to accumulate 10 million crossing points, and then all of them can return.

This 10 million crossing point.

A single person earns ten million and can return.

If ten million people get a little bit, they can return.

But it is not that simple to get through the point.

It needs to change the process of that world and interfere with everything traversed in the world to be possible.

In the whole world of traversers, there are 5 billion traversers,

In that primitive world.

Everyone stayed for two full years before they gathered 10 million and were able to return.

If you can’t make it back, you will die.

Then it is really dead.

People who have lived to return.

Then, where you crossed before, you will return to where.

Yang Xuan’s predecessor, just after crossing the primitive world, died sadly.

The way to die is to eat poisonous fruit.

But Yang Xuan’s crossing has brought the body of the predecessor back to life.

But this recovery took a full half a month.

Yang Xuan has just awakened for an hour and sorted out the information of this world.

Now, the next crossing is about to begin.

“The time when the red moon descends is twelve o’clock at midnight.”

“It’s 11:55, and there are five minutes left.”

“As soon as I recover, I have to cross again. I feel really a little excited after thinking about it.”

Yang Xuan couldn’t help thinking in his heart.

that’s all.

Five minutes passed in a flash.


outside world.

Above the sky.

The moon turned red in a flash.

As soon as the red moon appeared, it emitted a red light towards the world.

Next second.

All people over the age of sixteen in the world of Travellers disappeared.


in the dark.

After Yang Xuan appeared the red moon, there was a red and then a black in front of his eyes.

But it takes only 2 seconds before and after.

His eyes returned to normal.

“Drip! Dip! Dip!”

“Look at the car, yellow skin!”

“Damn yellow skin, don’t stand in the middle of the road!”

“Yellow skin, are you looking for a fight?”

The sound of the car and the yelling of ‘foreigners’ awakened Yang Xuan.

He looked around and found that he was standing in the middle of the road.

Moreover, it is actually a foreign country.

The strange thing is that even though they are speaking foreign languages, Yang Xuan can understand it.

But Yang Xuan didn’t have time to think about it, he didn’t want to be hit to death as soon as he crossed.

So I hurried to the corner of the street.


“The myth template is successfully bound!”

“Detected that the host has forcibly broken through the boundary, and the myth template is rewarded once.”

“Excuse me, host, is there a lottery draw?”

Just when Yang Xuan came to the corner of the street.

A mysterious voice appeared directly in Yang Xuan’s mind.


“Mythology template?”

“Pump! Ask me what I am doing.”

I found myself carrying the system.

Without saying anything, Yang Xuan let the system hurriedly draw the lottery.

You are a fool if you don’t smoke.


The extraction is successful.

“Congratulations to the host, for getting the myth template God.”

“Generate properties panel!”

Name: Yang Xuan

Mythical status: God, level 1.

Faith power: 0

Talent supernatural powers:

1. All-knowing: Level 1, wherever you can see, all information automatically emerges.

2. Almighty: Level 1, everything in your mind can come true.


After seeing his panel, Yang Xuan took a breath in his heart.

He knows that systematic people are generally ruthless.

But what he didn’t expect was.

My own system not only makes myself a ruthless person.

But let himself become a wolf killer.

Become, God!

“God turns out to be a yellow race!”

“God used to be Yang and Xuan!”

Yang Xuan whispered in a low voice.

Then, he turned his gaze to the white man who cursed himself when he appeared in the middle of the road.

“I said, he will lose the ability to speak for life.”

Yang Xuan just said quietly.

Can be the next second.

The bearded, strong white man in his forties suddenly couldn’t speak.

This is the power of ‘omnipotence’.

Even if it is only the first level, it is enough to deprive a person of voice. *

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