Chapter 17 Sacred brand, thought control (Kneel for evaluation! Flowers!)

Above the sacred gesture.

Yang Xuan also has the body of an angel, that is, the posture of an angel.

The powerful angel body is a terrifying posture that surpasses the limits of all humans in this world.

That is a level that cannot be touched no matter how hard human beings work.

An angel of suffering, although it is called an angel.

But their realm is the primary holy light realm.

And the real angel body, that is the existence that can destroy the stars in one blow.

That’s right!

This world is not the world of Tianyuan.

This is a world with cosmic stars.

After Yang Xuan became God, he knew this.

He even understood that Blue Star is definitely not the only planet of life in this world.

That’s why he must vigorously develop his faith.

A planet has tens of billions of people.

But what about a galaxy.

A universe.

Since Yang Xuan got the God template, he naturally wanted to gather a higher posture.

He wants to reap trillions of faiths.

Because only then can he get his ultimate form.

God gesture!

That is a true gesture of God.

This is the omniscience and omnipotent attitude of the full level as Yang Xuan expected.

In fact, Yang Xuan can also open up the posture of God now.

However, that requires a huge amount of power of faith.

Therefore, Yang Xuan does not open up his attitude of God in normal times.

Normally, he uses the holy light posture.

Because of the light posture, there is no burden to him.

“Is Edsi!”

“No, don’t say, you are the best among mankind.”

“But unfortunately, you are just a mortal!”


“I say!”

“Obey all my orders!”

Words full of endless majesty descended like an oracle.

Yang Xuan finished saying this sentence.

In front of him, a huge mysterious golden rune appeared unexpectedly.

The rune is directly transformed into a brand.

Rushed into the mind of Dr. Eddes.

Next second.

Divine power invades, control the mind and control the soul!

Faith anchored!

Under Yang Xuan’s powerful divine words.

Eds, who had just rejected Yang Xuan, didn’t even have a chance to reflect this time, so he was directly controlled.

His eyes are where his pupils are.

It’s like the top of the umbrella company, Sinoe, one of the twelve members.

It became pale golden in a flash.

That is the mark of being branded.

Holy brand.

“My lord!”

“Your will is everything!”

“The brains of the Hive Base in the East Capital of the Small Island are not actually here.”

“The intellectual brain core in the hive base is just a false core!”

“The real core is under a museum in the eastern capital of the small island nation.”

When Dr. Eds said here, he also took out a tablet computer.

Seeing him operating quickly, he quickly marked a position for Yang Xuan.

“I see!”

“I see!”

Yang Xuan nodded.

However, he has not released the shackles here.

Because below the base, a ‘peace messenger’ is about to explode.

To Yang Xuan now, the messenger of peace is not a threat.

However, there is still Yang Xuan’s favorite here.

Song Sisi, the favored one.

Yang Xuan did not intend to give up.

Therefore, he will deal with the messenger of peace.

“Song Sisi, this person is handed over to you.”

Knowing where what he wanted, Eddes had lost value to Yang Xuan.

Seeing his casual move, a black light appeared beside him.

That is Song Sisi.

“Thank you, my lord!”

After Song Sisi saw Yang Xuan, he immediately fell to the ground on one knee.

The body was trembling with excitement.

Today’s Song Sisi, after experiencing just a change.

The form has undergone tremendous changes.

She is now black hair and blood pupils.

The skin is very smooth, white and tender.

Most importantly, she has become a transcendent.

Moreover, she still accepted Yang Xuan’s gift.

Although the figure did not reach the perfect level of Yang Xuan.

But the whole person, whether it is appearance or temperament, is far superior to any star in this world.

And she is not a sacred angel of asceticism.

So as long as she wants to, she can easily conquer any opposite sex.

Even people who are also women, it is estimated that most of them cannot refuse Song Sisi in this posture.

But Song Sisi naturally didn’t dare to show off in front of Yang Xuan.

She just let her best image be seen by Yang Xuan.

“Thank you for the gift of my lord!”

“Subordinates hope to always follow my lord!”

Song Sisi expressed his sincere gratitude to Yang Xuan.

Because Yang Xuan gave her enemy to her.


When Song Sisi saw Yang Xuan.

She found that her mentality had changed again.

Before Song Sisi, his heart was full of anger and revenge.

But now that the enemy is in front of her, the thing she most hopes to do so far is no longer revenge.

Revenge can only be ranked second in her heart.

What Song Sisi wants to do most now is to dedicate everything he has to Yang Xuan. *

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