Chapter 16 Everything is still! (Seeking evaluation, flowers!)

“Damn it! Zhi Nao just issued a blew order!”

“My research results are all gone.”

“Fortunately, I had someone take the sample away.”

Even after recovering, Eds opened his mouth to curse.

At the same time, start the operation to activate your own Nano Mecha.

Because his memory still lingers on the news he just got.

Although he is not the highest level of the umbrella, one of the twelve members.

But it is also second only to the existence of twelve members.

So just when this base was about to explode, a set of special nano-portable mechas had appeared directly on his wrist.

Once the base really blew up.

Everyone will die, but he can survive.

This is also a privilege.

But when he activated the Nano Mecha, he found no response.

at the same time.

He finally discovered that there was a perfect boy in front of him.


The moment he saw the boy, he was stunned.

What a perfect boy that is.

The figure of the teenager seems to be the most dazzling existence in this world.

Then, he remembered the light before.

He still vaguely remembered.

Before the base’s brains declared themselves to explode, endless holy light emerged from the void.

The holy light illuminates the entire base of the hive.

Then, the high-energy warning appeared.

“You did it!”

“The base exploded because of you!”

“Who are you?”

At this moment, Dr. Eddes had figured out everything.

He was originally one of the smartest people in the world.

“Tell me, where is the core brain brain of this base!”

“I want its original program!”

Yang Xuan ignored Eds’ shock and directly stated his request.

“Do you want artificial intelligence?”

“Although you are extremely powerful, it does not seem to be omnipotent now!”

“Let me think about it, you want to control the network!”

“Do you want to use the Internet to promote your existence?”

“Holy Light, does this remind me of angels, gods?”

“Could it be that the company’s speculation is true, the angels really exist, but they are aliens.”

“Before the ages, the aliens who have experienced our Blue Star!”

“Haha, but it’s impossible, I won’t tell the position of Zhinao…”


Although Eds shocked Yang Xuan’s perfection, there is also Yang Xuan’s strength.

But the first thought is naturally rejected.

At the same time, he also glanced at the surrounding situation with his peripheral vision.

In the end, he found one thing that made him take a breath.

Because everything around me seems to have fallen into perfect stillness.

The people around, the things around, all stand still.

He even discovered that, in fact, even the surrounding air is still.

And the reason why he didn’t suffocate was because a certain kind of mysterious pale golden light maintained his needs.

“It’s you!”

“Your power is imprisonment? What a powerful ability!”

Edexcel is a savvy scientific researcher and a top scientific researcher.

Such researchers will naturally not believe in God.

Therefore, he thought of this as Yang Xuan’s ability.

Faced with Edsi’s refusal, Yang Xuan was also a little surprised.

“You are very good!”

“Faced with my request, I was able to actively refuse it!”

“Although, I didn’t mix any power in my words just now.”

Yang Xuan’s surprise was that Eddes could resist his own sacred infection.

But it was just a little surprised.

After all, what he showed now was just an ordinary person’s posture.

Although it is accompanied by endless holy light, it is just a sacred posture.

After this period of research.

Yang Xuan has mastered part of the power of God Template.

My own system is very powerful, but unfortunately there is no instruction manual.

All-knowing, all-powerful.

These two abilities are also very powerful, but everything depends on their own exploration.

Ever since.

Yang Xuan has been groping all day.

I have a certain degree of control over my posture.

The body of holy light, this is an ordinary form.

Yang Xuan is usually in this form.

This gesture Yang Xuan itself represents the holy light, which will make people feel warm, majestic, and dazzling light.

In this state, Yang Xuan is comparable to the top abilities so far.

For example, the people of the Celestial Team.

But this is just the normal state of Yang Xuan.

In the body of the holy light, there is also the sacred body.

This sacred body is Yang Xuan’s current state.

This state has reached the various limits that mankind can reach in this world.

Even in this world, there are powerful biological evolutionary routes.

But when they studied the evolution of human beings to the culmination and achieved the culmination.

It is just that level of the sacred body.

But the sacred body is still not Yang Xuan’s limit.

Above the sacred body.

There is also the body of an angel, the attitude of God! *

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