Chapter 137 Secretly shot

“Since the two of you can come alone, it shows that you have enough confidence.

In this case, we will fight to the death, and we don’t want to continue hiding.

I don’t believe that some of us can’t beat the two of you. ”

After speaking, he began to attack both General Nanhe and Gurna.

And at this moment, General Nanhe and Gurna have not reacted yet, why?

Because they saw that Yao was the Virgin and stood there too, could it be that they were in the same way?

After thinking of this, their eyes became very sharp, if that was the case.

Then neither will the two of them, and then I’m also the mother of Yaochi.

In this way, when dealing with the opponent, when the opponent is two to two.

Later, he saw that the other party couldn’t bear the attack of General Nanhe and Gurna at all, so the other two went on together.

After seeing this scene, the two of General Nanhe and Gurna were surprised.

This guy actually dared to do such a thing, it didn’t matter if they bullied the less, even if they bullied the less.

, And definitely won’t be his opponent, he couldn’t help but laugh after thinking of this.

“Even though you are so despicable and shameless, I tell you that you will never succeed. 々.

After seeing this, he couldn’t help but smile.

“If this is the case, then we have nothing to say.”

And that Yao is the Virgin, seeing these demon gods is not the opponent of General Nanhe and Guerna at all.

I couldn’t help but frowned, and when the other party was not paying attention, how could they use hidden weapons like General Nanhe and Guerna? Fortunately, the two of them responded in a timely manner.

I always took him in my heart, for fear that he would do something bad next to him, and he guessed it right. This guy really used them as a hidden weapon.

This is the thing they can’t tolerate the most, so they killed the other party very quickly.

While attacking their four sacred beasts, General Nanhe and Guerna have also been paying attention to the mother of Yaochi next to them.

When the opponent started to deflate them, let alone how angry they were. Originally, they didn’t want to treat him like the other party, but just beware.

I never thought that they really did something to themselves, this is the most unforgivable.

After thinking of this, he was particularly angry, and he just taught them a lesson, and in this way, General Nanhe would fight these monsters alone.

And Guerna said this when he came to the mother of Yaochi.

“々, I and you have no grievances in the past, and those who have had no grudges recently, why did you attack us? Is it because you are getting used to it?”

After hearing this, the other party was stunned for a while, he didn’t expect to be discovered by them.

But, this matter has already been done, and they have nothing to continue to argue, and suddenly laughed and talked about Yu.

“Yeah, since (Good Qian Zhao) is indeed the one who did it, what can you do to me?”

After hearing this, General Nanhe suddenly laughed.

“Sure enough, I dare to dare to be, but even then I won’t let you go.”

After speaking, he took out the Demon Slashing Sword from his arms. When he saw this thing, the mother of Yaochi beside him was uncomfortable.

After seeing this, I received it so that they died together and began to attack Gulna. .

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