Chapter 136 Swap body

The current General Nanhe and Gurna have discovered them. Where to go for several other demon gods.

They were going to capture a few of them back, knowing that they were Azure Dragon, Suzaku White Tiger and Xuanwu.

If it were ordinary, they would definitely not spend so much time looking for them, but they were four of the demon gods on the list.

If you don’t take the opportunity to catch a few of them.

So obviously when they return to normal, they will do even more appalling things.

So this time they have to catch each other, and only if they do so can they continuously make their subordinates diligently improve.

After seeing this, don’t mention how helpless he was, why? Because at this time I was talking to him in Gurna, and suddenly General Nanhe fell to the ground.

After seeing this scene, Gulna don’t mention how sad he was, and then stepped forward to support him, as expected, when he opened his eyes again.

I also worked very hard. After seeing the scene, the other party spoke. It must be because the other party ate everything in a prank.

Then Shangqing Lingbao Tianzun suddenly appeared in front of them. At this moment, he had taken an emergency from General Nanhe’s body.

“Although I didn’t want to hurt his heart, but if I stay in his body for a long time, it will also cause a lot of harm to him. Therefore, I will immediately separate from his body. At this time, Nanhe The general is entirely his own.

If you have any words, you can discuss it with the two of you without any scruples.

Remember, as long as there is something you don’t understand, you can come to me directly or communicate with me.

I will be by your side soon.

In such a short time, he left from this place, and where did he go?

They must have gone to the lotus pond, and only those guys can be found there.

After that, they didn’t say anything, and walked in the direction of the lotus pond very tacitly.

As for where the lotus pond is, they have heard the Yao people say it.

It’s not far from Yaochi.

So they rushed in that direction non-stop. Although they encountered some people or things along the way, they all passed by in a hurry.

Although they are all wondering, why these guys dare to ignore themselves so much,

However, they found that they did have important things to do, so they left like this.

When they arrived at the lotus pond, they did see 4 sacred beasts waiting there.

And these four sacred beasts are the demon gods Qinglong, Suzaku Baihu and Xuanwu of the demon clan.

Seeing these 383 guys in front of them, they knew that Lord Demon Lord finally did not deceive them.

He’s really here, don’t mention how happy he is after thinking about this. At this moment, a monster beast next to the blue dragon saw General Nanhe and Gurna.

I couldn’t help but froze for a while, and then quickly reacted, and then pulled a few people next to him,

A few of them frowned when they looked back. They didn’t expect that these guys would really be here and there again, since that’s the case.

Then let them fight to the death here.

They couldn’t help but laugh after they got here.

“I didn’t expect your speed to be so fast.”

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