Chapter 120 Flying Demon Emperor

General Nanhe slowly revealed his figure, and the Demon Emperor on the opposite side said to General Nanhe.

“Your Excellency is the highest commander of the human race, right?”

“Where are you from?”

“Why haven’t I heard of you before?”

General Nanhe smiled slightly and said to the demon emperor.

“I think you have double wings on your back. You must be good at flying in the air?”

The demon emperor on the opposite side was taken aback. He didn’t understand the questions and answers of General Nanhe. When they reached their rank, they would generally respect their opponents.

But General Nanhe obviously didn’t take him as the demon emperor in his heart, and the demon emperor was furious and yelled.

“You inexorable human race! I respect you and talk to you! What kind of consciousness is this?”

Roar roar…

The Demon Emperor began to release his skills, and wind blades shot towards General Nanhe.

General Nanhe rises, his energy shield, this is the first time that General Nanhe has played against the Yaozu of the Demon Emperor level. He wants to see how much his shield can defend.

The wind blades all over the sky hit the protective cover, crackling, as if it were raining.

General Nanhe released a total of nine layers of protective shields. At the time of Yizhuxiang, the first protective shield finally shattered.

The demon emperor on the opposite side was already in horror. He didn’t expect that the human race on the opposite side was such a terrible “Three Seven Zero”. It only took a stick of incense to smash the first layer by just releasing the protective shield.

In this way, I am afraid that I am not the opponent of this human race.

General Nanhe laughed and said.

“Listen well, I am General Nanhe of the Human Race.”

When I heard which general said this, I couldn’t help being very surprised!

“What, you are just a general?”

This made the demon emperor on the opposite side even more timid. If a general is so powerful, the people above him will be even more terrifying.

I really don’t know where these human races came from, why haven’t they heard of it before?

General Nanhe already knew that his protective shield was still super powerful.

So General Nanhe also began to attack, and purple thunder and lightning slew towards the demon emperor.

At this time, the demon emperor also released his protective shield, but unfortunately his protective shield broke two layers in an instant.

Looking at the strength of the two in this way, they immediately showed it.

The demon emperor began to intensify, attacking General Nanhe, and constantly replenishing the energy of his protective shield.

Although it seems that the battle is very simple at this time, in fact, there are murderous intents hidden everywhere, and if one is not good, there will be a disaster.

Finally the Demon Emperor flew up, like Li Xuan’s sword, its speed was very fast.


General Nanhe used super lightning to attack any demon emperor, but he avoided it.

At this time General Nanhe also started to fly, rushing into the sky, and fighting him.

The advantage of the demon emperor is that he is very fast, many attacks are easily avoided by him, and General Nanhe wins with a strong defensive force.

After the two fought for a long time, the consumption of General Nanhe was much smaller than that of the demon emperor.

The Demon Emperor saw that if he was consumed like this, his own defeat would be a matter of time, and the Demon Emperor was secretly thinking about the battle situation in his heart.

General Nanhe here is more confident as he fights.

Jingle bells jingle bells

The speed of this demon emperor is too fast. If it were replaced by a normal demon emperor, it would have been defeated by General Nanhe.

This demon emperor is very good at flying, so he himself is called the flying demon emperor.

A demon emperor is equivalent to a king of a country. The Demon Emperor was like the ministers under this king, and the Demon God had unified management over the Demon Emperor.

Compared with other demon emperors, although his combat effectiveness is not very strong, its flying speed is very fast, so it is very dominant, so it can become the demon emperor here.

Among these demon emperors, the flying demon emperor also belongs to the middle level. It mainly wins by speed, but if it encounters an astonishing defense power, then its shortcomings will be revealed.

The General Nanhe he met today was the one with super defensive power.

Flying Demon Emperor, no matter from which direction, the wind blade released to General Nanhe will be blocked by the protective cover.

It can be said that Feitian Demon Emperor has no advantage at all in fighting with General Nanhe.

After fierce fighting, Feitian Demon Emperor’s physical strength began to decline continuously.

The Flying Demon Emperor, seeing his current situation, wanted to save his life, he had to start planning to escape.

Finally the Flying Demon Emperor was ready to escape. At this level like theirs, even if he couldn’t escape for his life, it was still possible, because his speed was so fast that most people couldn’t catch up with him.

General Nanhe also felt that the Flying Demon Emperor was about to flee, so he seized the time to violently attack the Demon Emperor, and wanted to eliminate him as soon as possible.

Finally, a thunder and lightning broke through the Feitian Demon Emperor’s defense and hit him on the head.

The Flying Demon Emperor hurriedly hid sideways. Although he had escaped the fatal blow, his beard and eyebrows were all erected and his face was dark.

The Feitian Demon Emperor released countless wind knives in one breath and slammed towards General Nanhe. Taking this opportunity, he turned around and wanted to run.

General Nanhe saw the situation in front of him, so he immediately released a powerful thunder and lightning, chasing the Flying Demon Emperor.

The Flying Demon Emperor constantly changed his body shape in the air, and all the attacks were quickly avoided by him.

Just listen to Feitian Demon Emperor talking to General Nanhe while escaping.

“My Flying Demon Emperor will be back sooner or later, and I will definitely seek revenge from you!”

“Nanhe, wait! I won’t let you go crazy.

After speaking, he disappeared, leaving only the words he said, floating in the air.

General Nanhe laughed, and he was right by Shangqing Lingbao Tianzun.

This demon emperor can escape so fast! His speed is really difficult for General Nanhe to catch up with him!

Although the Demon Emperor was not killed, General Nanhe was also very satisfied with the results of today’s battle.

At least in the recent period, there is no need to fear that the territories of the human race will be broken by the monsters. After all, the decisive battle between high-end combat power is an important factor in victory or defeat.

General Nanhe flew back to the city. Li Haonan and others were cleaning the battlefield, collecting the demon pill, and then refining the pill. The city is now in ruins at first glance.

However, people’s building power is very strong, and it won’t take long for the city to regenerate its vitality.

The leader of the strongman tribe saw that General Nanhe was back, and immediately flew to General Nanhe and said to him.

“General, you are back! Now that we have a second city, more human races will come to us in the future.”

“Our future can be said to be bright!”

After talking and laughing, she was so happy.

General Nanhe looked at the leader of the strongman tribe, then looked around and nodded with a smile, and said.

“Our human race will surely rise, dominate this vast land, and create a glorious history of human race!”

“But we also need to redouble our efforts to cultivate ourselves and improve our abilities.”

At present, the high-end combat power under General Nanhe is the multitude of traversers, as well as the maimed human races.

Because this group of human races was the human race that General Nanhe came to this land and took them to practice Taoism for the first time, and they were also the first human race to start fighting against the monster race.

These maimed human leaders can all be cultivated into high-end combat power.They are all very good in themselves, but they lack the cultivation method…

If they are given enough time, then they will definitely grow up and become the mainstay. So General Nanhe said to the leader of the strongman tribe.

“The leaders of the human tribe who will come back to you will be dispatched under you, and train them to become real masters.”

“In the future, when we fight the demon clan, they will all be high-end combat power.”

“Okay, General, I will not let you down. There are many human tribe leaders who have come to take refuge these days, and they are all very good. I will definitely train them.

Seeing the confidence of the leader of the strongman tribe, General Nanhe was also very pleased.

General Nanhe asked Gulner to call again.

Soon, Gurna rushed over.

General Nanhe said to Gurna.

“Now our team is constantly expanding, the local human race, I handed over to the leader of the strongman tribe to manage.”

“The traversers we brought, you have to urge them, don’t let the leader of the local human race surpass it! That can make people laugh at it!”

“The main idea is that we are traversers. We originally have high abilities and strengths. When we come here, we are called to look down upon the human race here!”

“The human race here has been bullied by the monster race for too long and can have a chance to rise, so their strength and potential are very powerful!”

“As the leader of our traversers, you must manage us traversers!

“Remind us that these traversers should also continue to practice and improve.

Gurna said with a smile when he heard General Nanhe say this.

“General, rest assured! The traversers we have brought are very good, very capable, and practice very fast. As long as there are enough demon pill to refine the pill, their speed of improvement is unimaginable.”

General Nanhe nodded and said.

“That’s it! That’s still very good”

“You can let them form a demon hunting squad, lead a human squad, attack some small tribes of the demon race, obtain demon pill to refine the pill, improve their skills, and at the same time experience yourself.”

“Today’s battle, I estimate that in the future, there will be no such large-scale battle.

“The demon emperor was afraid of being beaten by us. He will move to rescue the soldiers 0.3, but that will take time.

“They will not attack us in a short time, but small-scale wars should happen frequently. This is also the best way to obtain demon pill.”

Gulna said.

“General, I understand, I will definitely do this thing well.”

Gurna turned and left General Nanhe and returned to their tribe.

From now on Human Race, everything is proceeding in an orderly manner.

As General Nanhe predicted, the Flying Demon Emperor did not launch a large-scale offensive, but small-scale conflicts did continue to occur.

Humans and monsters have their own casualties, but in general, the monsters have more casualties, and the humans basically didn’t have many casualties at the beginning.

Unexpectedly, Yaozu learned to be clever later, using the three-three attack system just like the humans learned.

It is a pity that they did not get the essence of it, but it still has a certain effect.

As a result, humans also began to suffer casualties. This also belongs to the elimination system, leaving behind the elites among the elites, and the two territories of the humans are constantly expanding.

More and more human tribes have rushed here, causing the rapid growth of human power.

During this period, the leader of the strongman tribe led the new leaders of other tribes to form a demon hunting team.

Improve your abilities through actual combat and obtain demon pill.

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